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Everything posted by madmike0121

  1. ok hello everyone, i dont know if this is the right topic for this forum but im starting to pull my hair out looking for a good solution.... i have a 1990 toyota celica gt does anybody know of a good high output alternator for this car? i would be happy with a 150 amp or higher my budject is 350 ive looked at ohio,mechaman,irragi,denso,powermaster and couldnt find anything those are the brands most people reccomend. i dont want to buy a brand i have no knowledge of and be a piece of crap. powerbastard has import universal one but ive heard bad reviews any body have a solid solution or idea? greatly appreciated..
  2. madmike0121

    fi btl n3 surround ripping

    ok i have two fi btl n3 12inch subs fully loaded dual ones on a aq20 amp i have had the subs for a couple of months now and the surround is starting to tear almost all the way around... i was thinking about buying recones for them but i was wondering if fi sells a heavy duty version surround for my needs. so my question is there a heavy duty surround option for the n3,,, ??
  3. madmike0121

    fi btl n3 surround ripping

    ok here is a video of the tearing of the fi btl n3 http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/7038/file18849f.mp4 (click on link video will play) oh'' the subsonic filter was about 35-40 hard to see what actuall adjustment on a aq 20 amplifier is im guessisng between there when i looked today..
  4. madmike0121

    fi btl n3 surround ripping

  5. madmike0121

    fi btl n3 surround ripping

    the box is about 6.2 cubic feet for the both had it meter and subs peak at 37 hertz and 41 hertz the box intention was 39 hertz but thats where the meter said it peaked at. i dont know what ssf is enless you spell it out not good with abreviations ... i have the subs where i want them at they sound good and dont really distort ... enless i turn it up too loud and they start to pop,, my guess to much power
  6. madmike0121

    high output alternator help!!!!1 toyota

    i will call them working at the moment' thanks everyione
  7. madmike0121

    comment on fi btl n3

    ok i got my fi btl n3 in finally got the box built for them and hooked them in my car ... and to my surprise they play music just fine.... the box for two twelves is 7,2 cubic feet after displacement 6.8 and tuned to 38 hertz and sounds damn good and not even broken in yet so everyone who said they would sound like sh$t U WERE Wrong thanks , please no negative comments i posted this for other people considering to buy these who have worries like i did that it wouldnt play music and to answer another question i have the 7 spiders on it so 5 probally be alot more musical thats my two cence..
  8. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    ok i just got my fi btl n3 today been waiting a month for them they look like something from outer space i was inspecting them and i see some metal shavings around the magnets dont look 100 percent centered and the glue that was applied some parts are black then turn white is this normal quality control?
  9. madmike0121

    comment on fi btl n3 ?????

    ok so i got two fi btl n3 12s i went it had it metered on music did 149.3 on music on kick panel and 148.6 on windshield on music they said subs peaks in my box around 33 to 37 hertz which they said is good for low bass is that pretty loud score for that low of hertz? i also have a sunroof that leaks air and roof that shakes like crazy some people say it can hurt the dbs to dynamat or gain so what do u all think
  10. madmike0121

    comment on fi btl n3

    yes the btl n3 has tons of force and of course im putting a ton of wattage to it probally 6000 to 8000 dont know yet havent clamped it yet i have to work alot at first i thought the speakers were bottoming out when the lows hit which it plays lows fine in my car after i did some looking around it was my car that was bottoming out panels rear deck trunk roof everything. so if u plan on playing dailly make sure have lots of wattage, and a ton dynamat or something to keep the vibrations down... or ull think that ur subs are going to explode in my case the car making all the racket it will be a while a while ill post a video for u guys been busy at work so dont get much time to play with it im sure the n2 would be great and easier for daily applications ------------ enless ur a decible freak like me and play daily and in comps yes there is a little give a take but id take the n3 all day long thanks
  11. madmike0121

    comment on fi btl n3

    i asked people if the n3 was spl only or could play music daily and compete in competitions over 90 percent of the responses said it was spl sub only and would sound like crap as a daily driver sub they sound just fine..
  12. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    ill post pics of intstall when done ran the batterys wire and amp waiting to build box and put subs in call it a day wire dont look terible just short on cash
  13. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    aq 20
  14. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    im hoping to hit 150 or above thats my goal 10,000 watt amp 4 batterys and these subs
  15. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    12 inch subs x 2
  16. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    well i had my girl friend post pics so should be up ?
  17. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  18. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    nobody else owns a n3 btl>?
  19. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    just to be clear u want pictures of the shavings because my phone doesnt take that good of quality or just picture of subs?
  20. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    does anybody else own a fi btl n3 or am i the first ?> i would think not if so what ya think about them?
  21. madmike0121

    quality of my fi btl n3

    i not very familiar with this website works all i have is a phone camera and i dont think i have the capability to send it online
  22. madmike0121

    fi n3 tunning?

    yes clears that up thanks
  23. madmike0121

    fi n3 tunning?

    how many hertz should i tune fi n3 12 subs box to the fs around 50 i was thinking around 46 hertz any suggestions cubit feet? oh and its going to be in a back seat of a toyota celica gt 90 not a hatchback so limited on space fi doest say frequency and the fi 's cubic recomendation seems low for the n3s?
  24. madmike0121

    fi n3 tunning?

    [4 kinectic 2400s two runs o guage working on ho altenator
  25. madmike0121

    fi n3 tunning?

    ok so hers what i was thinking build the box to 46 hertz so that when the subs break in the fs lowers set my cut off frequency at around 45 hertz i wouldnt think that setup would involve lots of recones i know the n3 S P L lets so how they do i wish somebody else owns the n3s so i could get some suggestions