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Everything posted by pro-rabbit

  1. pro-rabbit


    Thanks guys. We are back in the office right now and back at it. Everyone should have phone calls and/or emails by the end of today/tonight with quote pricing and/or order updates
  2. pro-rabbit

    request with custom specs

    Shoot me an email at [email protected] and/or fill out the form at http://dc-creations.com/enclosures.php and we can get you a quote for various options and get everything worked out for you. If you already submited a request we will be going through them today (all day/night) to get caught back up on our requests and orders.
  3. pro-rabbit

    Contact info

    Sorry guys. I had an emergency with family and friends that required my immediate attention out of state, as well as most of our employees. (Family business) I will get updates on all designs and enclosure orders to everyone tonight or tomorrow. I do apologize for this delay, however, it was truly unavoidable and as with all tragedies it may take some time for us to get back to the swing of things as we were prior to this situation. Thank you all for being pateint and understanding through these times.
  4. pro-rabbit

    Doubting my box for newly purchased Icon

    I agree, the enclosure is rather small for what you purchased. Shouldn't be to hard to get a new enclosure designed, but the other issue may be the limited height.
  5. pro-rabbit

    router bit help

    We use craftsman and porter plunge routers. However, with the amount of use/abuse we put them through we get about 1 year out of them. Of course I'm sure we build just a tad bit more then most do lol. I like try and get ones with adjustable speed as that helps a lot with some of the work you may be doing. A router table is a nice purchase to.
  6. If the dust cap is rattling then it is a glue failure not a heat build up issue. Are you actually getting output from the subs at all?
  7. first, I want to ensure everyone knows... We were DC first Anyway, I am willing to bet there are other issues here then the subs. Sounds like some wiring or setting issues. The DD1 is pretty much junk for a daily setup for tuning.
  8. pro-rabbit

    build or buy subwoofer enclosure

    As mentioned if you have the skills to build yourself it does save a bit of money. If you use a "pre designed" enclosure from SSA's site or if you have a custom design made up. The other option of course is to purchase one. You can purchase one of the Khaotic enclosures from SSA, which is a great choice, or if you want something a bit more custom we can always build you something if you like.
  9. pro-rabbit

    router bit help

    Purchase a round over set from lowes. Should have everything you need. For 3/4" wood use a 3/8" round over to get the half circle look. You will likely want to sand it just a bit as well just to make sure it is nice and smooth. For the 90 degree bends and on the port opening we use the 3/8" or a 3/4" depending on the design and look wanted.
  10. Start saving for a router, by far the most powerful tool (IMO) I concur. A good router and a good set of bits will make even some of the more "difficult" work become much much easier.
  11. pro-rabbit

    soundqubed (audioque)

    Pretty sure Buwalda's competition G35 is using a half-dozen JL Audio HD750/1 to power the entire system Knowing how to use a product correctly and how to go around it's short comings does not make it an SQ product though. It goes back to the sub stage as a whole.... nothing about the product it self is really all that much SQ..more about how it is used and setup.
  12. pro-rabbit

    soundqubed (audioque)

    I have a massive "OS" collection(90's amps mainly), but I can tell you that they have lost nearly 30-40% value over the past 5 or so years simply do to the growing "cheap" market of product. It is sad to see this happen, but it is more based on our way of living and mind set here in the states.
  13. pro-rabbit

    Where is my sub

    I have always wondered why they have not out sourced their recone process. Not meaning their parts, just out source the labor portion.
  14. pro-rabbit

    soundqubed (audioque)

    I just view audio different I guess. On the sub side, what benefit does he really get from paying more for an amplifier with the same or similar power and features? It's not like if you buy an AQ today it will be absolutely nothing in the future. Take the 3500 for example. They have been around for a few years and the used price is the same now as it was when then were first released and will likely stay the same. The 1200, 750, or even 2200 are no exception. Since when new models come out and the price goes up on those, the old models pretty much stay the same on the used market. So actually now that I am thinking about it, Audio may be better to invest in the cars. (baring older rare cars of course) Simply because the new and used pricing is a known value with little alteration over the years. However, after about 6-7 years, for amplifiers, the value may drop a bit more because of dated technology or lack of drive for that exact product do to newer models. However, this applies to anything we can "purchase".
  15. pro-rabbit

    soundqubed (audioque)

    With this idea, you shouldn't be purchase audio in all honesty. Just about 99% of all brands out right now will have such a loss in value in a 10 year time that it wouldn't be worth purchasing if that is your end goal. Perhaps a car our a house would be a better purchase from that mind set.
  16. pro-rabbit

    soundqubed (audioque)

    In reality they are not SQ quality no(no mono amp is). However, when compared to any other amp that is currently Korean built (Sundown, Crecendo, DC, and many others) they are all very very similar in output power and SQ. As for the clipping comment, that is 100% user error with improper settings. (or about anything else he listed that he was doing/trying lol) If you are purchasing a mono amp and worried about SQ then rethinking your purchase would be my main idea. If you are purchasing it to use daily for a sub stage then you are just fine. With all that said, I judged an SQ car over the weekend...it had AQ amps (I didn't know till after I judged it). I have to say, it was not just very impressive it was astonishing and scored amazingly well. They did take first in their class.
  17. pro-rabbit

    is this a good price for a ported 15'' subwoofer box

    What size is the trunk opening? May be easier to try and slid something through there then through the seat opening. The likely answer you will find for a single 15" in the trunk is sub up and port to the side though. Typically it's the best way to make it fit with out building inside the trunk itself.
  18. pro-rabbit

    is this a good price for a ported 15'' subwoofer box

    Designs from us are $30 and they come with what ever tech support you may need during your build and are 3D model for easier following for build/assembly. I don't think you have to have a "pro" build an enclosure as long as you are mechanically inclined. If you are not then of course..it may be a bit hard to build it.
  19. pro-rabbit

    is this a good price for a ported 15'' subwoofer box

    What we have done for many military guys over seas (apart from shipping to them) is to get designs in what the correct units to them and they just take it to the the "builder" and get a quote and built...seemed to work out pretty good. Of course some of them guys over there do build it their self..it is much cheaper if you have access to the tools.
  20. pro-rabbit

    massive audio amps

    I used to a massive dealer and after a few installs using those nano amps and their "newer" subs we dropped their line up completely. The amps were over rated and for a company that would suggest that they are "high end" I was very very disappointed in them. Their sub line after the DMX was dropped became a compete joke as well.
  21. Pull the sub out of the enclosure and check our connections inside the enclosure.
  22. Texas had the most sales/purchases for DD when I was working for them. I'm sure it is still the same right now... Go to heatwave and look at all the DD running around lol.
  23. pro-rabbit

    My mistake

    Could be several factors, with knowing the extent of the damage though it would be hard telling that actual cause though. Have you checked all wires and settings to ensure everything is as it was?
  24. We have several guys using the "2nds" or "refurbed" powerware down this way. They seem to do OK at best. I would think that if you look around you would likely find better for the price. Best advice is to look at battery outlet stores. Many of them will carry 2nds, refurb, or blims. Which on a budget are hard to pass up, all though they are not really built to work with what you would be using them for.
  25. pro-rabbit

    How to make a removeable top for bandpass box?

    The easiest way to make it work is to do a similar setup to a pre-fab bandpass enclosure with their plexi window insert. Just make it out of MDF rather then plexi.