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Everything posted by pro-rabbit

  1. pro-rabbit

    One of our client's cars.

    Yea, the rims are not my taste. However, it what he likes, so who am I to judge on that. Thanks everyone for the kind words.
  2. I would suggest finding out what kind of room you have to work with first. Then go about figuring out what would work best with your goals, power, and application in mind.
  3. pro-rabbit

    (3) L3 Wiring question

    Just be cautious with the amp settings and how you beat on the subs. The birth sheet means nothing though, so don't go by those numbers as they are just tossed out by someone filling everything out.
  4. pro-rabbit

    Audio technix deadener.....

    Just to clarify, I was not implying AT in my post. I'm doing my best to stay out of negative posting about anyone elses product unless I have a valid reason to do so. Which at this time, I do not.
  5. pro-rabbit

    Audio technix deadener.....

    While flattery is nice, it does not pay the bills. So if your are being copied and they are selling to what should be your customers, it starts to take a negative roll. Thus internet wars end up starting lol.
  6. pro-rabbit

    Audio technix deadener.....

    That's the scary part. made by sundown? Is that the new relationship? Don't think so. AT bought a company called Atmos Audio. They were a small subwoofer manufacturer that had a section over at CSCO. I am certain the owner of AT has no sub woofer engineering or acoustic background to design a sub woofer. Getting to be to many cookie cutter start up companies lately. It has been this way for a very long time(not saying it is a bad thing). While some work well and move forward and eventually design there own products others stay with a more "off the shelf" selection from the build house. While many companies produce similar products the ones that take the extra step to keep up with the times and ensure the product meets standards will stick around.
  7. pro-rabbit

    B2 xc side by side with SSA zcon

    A lot. That is why China and other countries have the ability to make what they do. Our federal laws and patents do not extend to all countries.
  8. pro-rabbit

    B2 xc side by side with SSA zcon

    From what I understand they are free to use as of now. There is a huge onslaught of them being produced in China at the build houses, which means you will see several show up here in the states with new or former companies. That must mean Scott sold the rights or is not pursuing all the companies using it without permission. It's hard to say. I'm sure you would be able find that out much quicker then I could. lol Overall though, I'm sure there is a plethora of loop wholes those other companies can wiggle in/out of.
  9. pro-rabbit

    B2 xc side by side with SSA zcon

    From what I understand they are free to use as of now. There is a huge onslaught of them being produced in China at the build houses, which means you will see several show up here in the states with new or former companies.
  10. Yep, check on baffle flex and get some good bracing, that should fix the issues.
  11. pro-rabbit

    Brand Spanking New SSA Store

    Here is a thought, not sure if it will work with how you have laid out though. You have some good video footage of various subs including the champion runs at SBN and such. Why not add a "video" tab (linkable at each subwoofer description)of sorts to those woofers that you have good edited video of? May help sales in some cases.
  12. While I understand the limits of some on driving, I do not like the satellite idea what so ever. That will generate more negative issues with competitors then anything.
  13. Why would this affect one org over the other? This has been in the works for years now with many obstacles. This will not only help the competitors, this will help regain manufacturer support at finals. Were before they had to chose between them do to funds, now they will all be in one area. This will also allow many competitors to see how others orgs run. Some stick with what they know or what their friends run, so they never get to see how others are ran. While I do agree it may have a slight negative affect on a few competitors, the end result should be very positive. I am not a fan of the location and feel that it should be held somewhere else, but we will see how this ends and hope it works out for the future of this sport.
  14. 9k is about the max it would do to be honest. Same build house as the AQ20k and out of the ones we tested while I was there never seen more more then 9500 before clipping was horrible, with clean power it was less. Depending on the price, I would imagine there is better out there that would do similar power with out being "questionable".
  15. pro-rabbit

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Feel free to post that up everywhere before the freaking blind kiddies think it's the greatest thing since peanut butter cups. Just want to clear one thing up. Nothing can beat the amazing peanut butter cup, to suggest such things should be considered blasphemy! Just sayin.... Julian, you ever get those trim panels made up yet? Also, are you not sticking with those amps? I wont trim it out till i get my 8 10's in, but im trying to sell my 18' right now Ah, I missed that some where lol. So you rebuilding it already huh.. 8 10's should be interesting. If you come down for the show next month and decide you want to go a head and trim out what you got I'm sure we can do that..hell maybe even at the show. lol
  16. pro-rabbit

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Feel free to post that up everywhere before the freaking blind kiddies think it's the greatest thing since peanut butter cups. Just want to clear one thing up. Nothing can beat the amazing peanut butter cup, to suggest such things should be considered blasphemy! Just sayin.... Julian, you ever get those trim panels made up yet? Also, are you not sticking with those amps?
  17. pro-rabbit

    Deep Bass

    Do you build enclosures? Yes sir, we design and build enclosures and ship them world wide.
  18. pro-rabbit

    Deep Bass

    This is typically an enclosure issue and not a setting issue unless you have your LPF set to high.
  19. pro-rabbit

    OKC OK 2x USACI Show

    Should be a fun show..if I can get some batteries around here i will have the truck down there to play around with..but still not sure if I'm going to have it out there yet...to many "ifs" and general lack of free time to work on my own truck. lol. I will try and make sure we have our shirts on.., so be sure to look for me and say hi before everyone leaves...
  20. pro-rabbit

    Email Address

    I will be back on in the office in the morning. I will make sure you get a response in the AM. It will be from me or from Chris depending on who is at the computer tomorrow.
  21. I won't be at this show..but I should be at Austin...none of my personal toys will be there but a few I built may be, just not sure yet. Odd, going from being very involved in heatwave to not having much to do with it this year. Just didn't have the time to put into helping them out this year..
  22. pro-rabbit

    OKC OK 2x USACI Show

    Get this back on top..just want to make sure everyone sees this...
  23. pro-rabbit

    our mini vacation in Port A :)

    yes i am a beast, and shes a little ball of fire. but it works out. has for years now. Just for the record, this literally made me spit up my soda lol... You two do look very happy though, and that is a great thing. We go to San Antonio a few times a year as well though, hit up the river walk and such.
  24. pro-rabbit

    our mini vacation in Port A :)

    no shit... small world... hit us up next time your headed down.. maybe we can meet up for lunch if nothing else, we enjoy meeting SSA members Will do for sure. We are always up for meeting everyone. Your pics just make me want to head out ASAP haha...Been about 7 months since we have been there last What city do you two live in?
  25. pro-rabbit

    our mini vacation in Port A :)

    I love Port A. We go down there several times a year to be around some of our friends that live in Victoria. Always a nice place to spend some time.