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About xxjakedeuelxx

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/08/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Dowagiac, MI
  • Interests
    Car audio and booooobies!!!
  1. Both my parents now have Facebook O.O

  2. From now on, anyone who sends me invites to "insert _____ville here" is getting deleted, family or not. IDGAF about stupid ass facebook games. You can waste your lives on facebook games, I have real games to play. MW3 on xbox, JDeuel20, swag.

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      Woosh is the sound irony made going over your head.

    2. 16K


      lol @ facebook games... soo glad i dont have a facebook

  3. "I dont care what time is it, no pregnant bitch should be in war"

  4. going to go upstairs and sleep a little, heading over to Woody's and Marty's house later for some good ole' fun. :D

  5. Fuck.Tonight.Seriously....

  6. It's not the goodbyes that hurt... But the flashbacks that follow :S I miss you more than you'll ever know....

  7. finally. Some much needed sleep! :)

  8. FML! I can't get any pucking drops today in these heroics!!!!! >=O

    1. MikeMartel


      WoW statement, gotta love it,

  9. I was making a point... not being disrespectful... You'd know that if you weren't such an ignorant arseho....

  10. Dear empty toilet paper roll... Your timing is terrible and I do not care for it at all...Sincerely yours,Stranded Jake.

  11. Name: Meg Have I dated one?: Nope Do I know one?: Yepp Do I like one?: When she doesn't kick me in the shins... shes decent

  12. I can't believe I live with a person that is as dumb as you... your a waste of space on this earth, and you dont deserve the air you breathe... much less my respect...

  13. A Determine Decision? Yes :)
