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Everything posted by sweendog

  1. sweendog

    What do I do next?

    How do you figure a 125amp fuse with 1/0 gauge wire? I though you fused based on the amperage the wire can safely carry Idk that's why I put the ~ I've been told to not over fuse not sure if that is a myth or not. I guess it wouldn't hurt to use a 200-300 amp just seems over kill to me if he is only running 1200rms
  2. sweendog

    What do I do next?

    1/0 wire for your power and ground, ~125 amp fuse, 1/0 for the big 3. Is your kinetic bigger or smaller than your original battery?
  3. sweendog

    fi bl vs btl ufo

    I'm about to install 2 ufo btls. I've seen them do some work
  4. sweendog

    Alternator or Component set

    Who are you going with? Tenney alts are quality.
  5. sweendog

    Good Ground?

    yeah I would be sanding everything clean. So attach the ring terminals and then like spray paint over them?
  6. sweendog

    Good Ground?

    Alright thanks for the heads up. Looks like I'll most likely be drilling out the holes for 1/0 then.
  7. sweendog

    *Swift's Rebuild* 3 SP4 18's, 12k Walled F250

    Well I just got through the whole thing. Damn man you have a sweet build with awesome attention to detail. I'm interested in seeing how you like the doors when they are all wired up because I think I'm doing 2 8s per door and want to see if that's enough. Congrats on the sweet numbers in a build not geared towards spl.
  8. sweendog

    Good Ground?

    Thanks guys. I was trying to say I would ground to the bolt inside the cab and then under the truck I would run 1/0 from the same bolt to the frame. Or would that not even be different from grounding straight to the cab floor? Drilling out the holes may be an option. Can nobody see the pics? The hole goes straight through the cab floor (I think small gauge sheet metal) and is probably ~6inchs from the frame on the underside. Off topic: Swift do you have a build log? Edit: I think the pics are too big.
  9. sweendog

    throw your opionon in!

    I take it you're running that amp @ 2 ohms? If so getting another bl would be your best bet because you would be doubling the power your amp is putting out. Although that will consist of more electrical if you don't have that already.
  10. Tenney is an awesome dude local to me. I'm getting my mechman rebuilt by him soon. His stuff may even still have a lifetime warrenty idk.
  11. sweendog

    SP4 Caught On Fire!!!!

    I agree that the leads in between the spiders sounds like a bad idea, but hey I don't build subs so idk. I love Fi though and will be running a pair of ufo btl 15s soon that in fact do have sandwiched leads so we will see. The btls with a BC 5500 each had the same leads I believe. Eventually that is where the subs failed. The spiders got burnt where the tinsels would be, no fire though.
  12. sweendog

    SP4 Caught On Fire!!!!

    Yeah user error like everyone said. Put a dd1 or O scope on your amp and gain it right. I've seen 2 btl ufo 18s on a cresendo 5500 each and they held up great for a good amount of time.
  13. sweendog

    Hifonics brutus amps

    I had a brz 1700 that ran my Q pretty well @ 2 ohms. Honestly though I would just get one nice amp for now and then add another of the same down the road. What is your budget?
  14. sweendog


    Fi is a very busy company, give it time. It will be worth the wait.
  15. Wow this will be sick! Mark was telling me about this yesterday. Pics could take a little while guys haha
  16. sweendog

    2 N215's

    Either of the 2 suggested would be good.
  17. sweendog

    Daily Ground Pounder Suggestions ?

    A 4th order with 2 fi q 12/15s designed by BHE (bassheadsent) would be loud off that 3k. It depends if you want to upgrade later or not. If you are gonna stick with one 3k get 2 15" xcons, zv.3/zv.4, Qs. If you may get 2 3ks go with something more like zcons, btls, NSs. Psi makes some great subs too at an awesome price don't count them out. 1 3k probably wont get you to a 48-49 unless it's a nice box. Maybe if you are running outlaw though. There are a lot of options you could go for. Usually daily ground pound builds don't shoot for numbers though. Generally lower tuning doesn't do as well on the meter. Edit: I just read the updated price. I'd probably lean more towards the stronger subs then just to be safe. i.e. zcons or btls.
  18. sweendog

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    Fi is a great company that is very busy. Give them time and I'm sure they will get back to you. I have always had great customer service from them in the past. You should have put a DMM on the coils before you boxed them up to see if they were burnt.
  19. sweendog

    Lookin to get a Q 12, quick question

    I had a Q 12 that sounded pretty good. Get the dual 2 and then get an amp from a company like sundown, cresendo, flatline, or skar that puts out ~1500rms at 1 ohm. i.e. saz 1500
  20. sweendog

    SAX-125.4 Prototype In (2012 Model)

    Any idea what the pre order price will be on the 125.4? Also do you know how far out the 3500s are for pre order? or at least a proto with some pics.
  21. Of the 2. Sp4 18s for sure. Out of your budget but 2 IA warden 18"s would be nasty.
  22. sweendog

    Team Fi audio?

    Is there anyway we can get a team Fi audio going?
  23. sweendog

    FI Q 10

    I mean its like any other sub. It will get louder, I couldn't give you an exact number of how much my 12" Q loosened up cuz I don't even know how to measure that ahah.
  24. sweendog

    SP4 vs N2

    Sweet thanks, that is exactly what I am looking for. Originally I was going to get a N2 but the prices of NEO are flying up. So is the space spider just for more power handling? and is there an estimate on what the cooling option will add to the handling?
  25. sweendog

    What happened with the idea of FI lanyards?

    I know the Fi guys want to have more clothing stuff out but they are just focusing on the more important stuff(their woofers). They're a small crew I'm pretty sure. Look at how many people run Fi, I'm sure their swamped with orders too. But I would also love a Fi lanyard, I believe I posted in the thread mentioned above haha.