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Everything posted by alain

  1. alain

    Moving some air 2 12'' Btl n2's and aq 3500d.1

    thats nice man your subs are they firing foward or in the trunk.
  2. I think the quality of the wires play a bigger roll then the lenth I use 1/0 copper wire work good for me.from battery to my amps 6ft of wire.
  3. Seat belt bolt didn't work for me in my impreza I found that the rear shock tower was the best for my application.
  4. hi guys my question is. can a low battery bank cause my mmats hd 4000.5 to clip pre maturely.
  5. big 3 done and 2 runs of 1/0 power and chassis ground
  6. Typo I don't listen to it with the engine off.so what are the benifits of have batteries in the trunk.
  7. Can u tell me why.and what are the benefit of having beter battery cause I do listen to my music with my engine off
  8. I have a kinetk 1400 up front an dc 270xp alternator. subs: 2 12 fi btl on a mmats hd 4000.5.box tuned to 35hz and a group 27 battery in the trunk.
  9. cool bro let us know what happen.
  10. Ask for the adjustible fmod filter if possible I had the same problem couple days back till my chip came in.
  11. Google audio control and hit the contact those guys are great.
  12. I had the same problem with my audio control eqs called up audio control they sent me a 30hz ssf chip and I was happy again. Take the cover off the epicenter and see if the chip is interchangeable like the eqs. The chip was 6$.
  13. alain

    shirt trick with two 12' n2s

    Nice bro.What's your box tune to and how much power on um.
  14. alain

    Subsonic filter

    Yea bro got to take it as it come.
  15. alain

    Subsonic filter

    Hey guys I'm running (2) 12 btl on 4000rms tuned at 35hz. My low past freq is set some where between 75hz-80hz but no high past filter.I ordered an pfmod adjustable subsonic filter but I'm not sure should I set it at 30hz or 35hz. I would have preferred setting it at 33hz but it not an option on the filter that I'm useing. Fi recommend setting 2hz to 3hz below enclosure tuning thank guys.
  16. alain

    From: Subsonic filter

    So if there stress set at 30?
  17. alain

    Subsonic filter

    No problem man
  18. alain

    Subsonic filter

    No one ask you. If I don't know I'll ask that the only way I'll learn.
  19. alain

    Subsonic filter

    Nothing to say?
  20. alain

    Subsonic filter

    We all started somewhere man in my case it's a first with the btl and a ported box so I'm just trying to get it right. I just got my system done today but the sub seem like they can't handle the power witch I know is wrong so I back the gain off and looking for a ssf filter. What about the audiocontrol epicenter linedriver/ssf @33hz