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About alain

  • Rank
  • Birthday August 17

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  • Gender
  • Location
    st martin fwi
  • Vehicle
    03 subaru impreza bugeye design for bass not race.
  1. alain

    Ported or bandpass

    I'm currently using two 18in btln2 on an xs8k in a 05 Hyundai Tucson enclosure was design by ram. I demo often with my four doors open and it sound great but there's a problem with loading when my doors are open I loose the deep sounding bass that I love. I'm either going with a ported wall down the center or a 4th order band pass. I'm worried that with the port being so close to the door that I'll have the same problem with loading that's why in considering band pass. New sub will either be the team fi or dc lvl6. So my question is what sub and orientation would best suite me app? If any....lol!
  2. alain

    odd numbers vs even numbers

    Thanks for the link.
  3. alain

    odd numbers vs even numbers

    great point but how do you find your cabin gain point and other than flex what causes cancelation?
  4. alain

    Wtb Sony xec 1000

    I seem that but that's way out of my price range.
  5. alain

    Wtb Sony xec 1000

    Seem like this is going to be harder than I thought. I've always had bad luck buying used things on other sites that why I always come here first. Str8 up people on SSA.
  6. alain

    Wtb Sony xec 1000

    Hi I'm looking for a Sony xec 1000 crossover. Let me know if you have one for sale thanks.
  7. My sax 200.4 is on it way!

    1. Notorious97200


      Great ! That's a huge amp, a beast !!!

    2. alain


      Thanks bro hope she can handle 8 10" b&c. Let me know when your in sxm,peace.

  8. alain

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    50 cubes wow pictures doesn't do this beast any justice.
  9. alain

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Hi bro !I feel like it's the best way to run so much subs, when you can't find room to fit all of them in front of the windshield. I'd like to have a week in SXM soon. I'll let you know, Alain !
  10. alain

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Looking good man. Why did you decide to go with a 4th band pass box I was always under the impression that it wasn't ideal for SUV? Your build is looking right on point for your goal good luck.
  11. I'm loveing my b&c 10nw64! It's a hole other level

    1. Notorious97200


      Hello ! new speakers in the car ?!

      Have fun !

    2. alain


      4 10" soon to be 8

    3. Notorious97200


      That will be loud for sure !

  12. alain

    New to the SSA Forum, coming from SMD

    Welcome to ssa!
  13. alain

    Wtb bass knob for Crossfire xs-8k

    Nice you know what I mean.