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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. ohhhhhhh hehe do i hear a btl murderer on it way??
  2. lol a few places here and there, but yea when i click store it only shows dcons icons and xcons
  3. i keep hearing about these zcons?? all i see is the xcon as the top sub, where can i check out these zcons and or are they even out yet
  4. i have a 12 thats 2.5 after displacement tuned to 33hz powered by a aq220 at 2ohms
  5. ok so what im wanting to know is what are the differences between an aero port or a normal cutout port? which is better for maintaiing spl and sq, more of the lines of getting louder? i do like the style and looks of an aero port but what are the advantages and disadvantages? id there any way to know what size aero port to get for a specific tuning? any help would be greatfully helped
  6. yes i have those calcualtors but arnt they for a slot port and not aero ports?
  7. hey whats up fellow bassheads, i had bought my had a 12" re seX for christmas and he has loved it in a sealed box. Ok so he needed to use my car the other day for a trip so he let me use his truck for work. So i was checking out his settings on his amp to see if they are where they should be and the bass boost was on a little bit so i turned it off. ok so i went back to check out how the sub was doing and i gently pushed down on the cone to see how stiff it still was. when i pushed down easily i felt like a scrubbing or kind of a gringing against something?? I have no idea what this could be or could it be blown? i thought it was not normal but then again it doesnt sound like anything is wrong while playing it but he did have the gains and bass boost up quite a bit but he only plays like rock and classic rock so no abuse. what do you guys think this could be? i can feel the scrubbing or grinding of like metal ro something around the middle of the cone
  8. ok yea i must have been pushing it slightly sideways because it doesnt do it anymore. but just in case anything ever happens do you guys make a recone for an re SEx 12"?
  9. http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=268-352 so would 2 of these make a tuning of about 33hz on a 2.3 cb ft after diaplacement? how do i place them just sub on left or right side and the two ports on oposite side one on top of the other?
  10. thanks for the info. so if i got 2 4" aeros wouldnt it be a tuning of 30hz? is the 4" the length of them or is that the outer diameter?
  11. so i have a bl 12" and want to have my box at 2.25 cb ft after all displacement with a tuning of around 33-34 hz, what would i need as of aero ports to achieve this?
  12. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    I need an amp!

    it all depends on what ohm your subwoofer is. if you got a dual 2 ohm sub then yes deffinatly go for the audioque 1200d it will be your best bet and wire it down to 1ohm. if you got a dual 1 ohm then id suggest getting something that does around 1000-1400 watts rms at 2 ohms which will be a little bit more tricky on your budget. you have an amazing subwoofer so why power it with something crappy? Goodluck to you sir.
  13. hey shizzonn do you have any extra volt meters?
  14. would you be willing to trade for a aq bass knob? what kind any pics and if not how much?
  15. awsome man thats just what i wanted to hear, maybe soon when i get my second one il hit you up about a cool box design cuz i like what iv seen from you.
  16. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    fi BL options problem

    it really doesnt matter cuz if your getting the cooling aption it comes with it.
  17. hey man i was planning on getting a second bl and doing 2 12" bls in my 05 civic and was wondering if you could maybe help me out with what the demensions might be so i know if it would fit in my car. im wanting to do 2 cbft per chamber with a tuning of about 33-34hz. iv got a pretty big trunk but i wouldnt want to get something sketched up unless i know its going to fit. max external height of about 17 inches other then that the depth and width is pretty beasty. maybe get some outer demensions
  18. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    orion HCCA122 or N212

    Lmao you have got to be kidding me!!! dude i told you get 2 12" kenwood kac's and you would smoke everyone in your town
  19. yea man i think a pair of kenwood kac's would suit you just fine ... Cant compare apples to oranges!!
  20. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    Need help on what amp to get

    dont know if your willing to spend a lil more but i had just purchased an aq2200d from audioque.com. it does 1200 at 2ohms and if you ever wanted to upgrade or get another dual 1ohm you could wire it to 1 ohm and get 2200 true watts out of it. so if you get the aq2200 and wire it to 2 ohms it wont even phase the amp and will last soo much longer. the amp came out to $411 shipped which is a damn good deal for a 2200 watt amp! check em out man they got real good feedback and have always impressed me
  21. ok guys so i came across an alt on ebay and its pretty and i was wondering if you guys could take a look at it and let me know what you guys think because i just dont have the funds right now to buy a dc as much as i want too. Iv been told that some people just take alt's from other vehicles and whind the crap out of them to make them produce more power but im not too sure about that. i really need a new alt because my civic only has a little 70a alt which prob wouldnt handle a 4channel amp lol. ok so here is the ebay link. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/HIGH-OUTPUT-ALTERNATOR-HONDA-CIVIC-01-02-03-04-05-160A-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem1e635e83bcQQitemZ130516157372QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Any input about it would be greatfully appreciate because i know most of you know what your talking about, or if you guys have any suggestions on a decent alt but for cheap. my budget is no more then 250$ and the alt has to be anywhere from 140a-180a or close. Hope to hear from some knowledgable people and thank you ahead of time
  22. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    Need help on what amp to get

    congratulations man, you will be very pleased with your purchase as i am with my 12 bl. just make sure you dont go turnin the gains up straight out the box, let it brake in for a few days cuz it will loosin up and be alot louder and lower. Wow im surprised how fast yours has shipped cuz i had to wait for steel to come in for a month but was well worth the wait . now i just gotta find a decent alt for my 05 honda civic so i can actually play my sub lol. Let us know what amp and we can help you determine if its a good match
  23. whoa for free id be willing to take that off your hands, where at in the bay area are you. im about 2 hours south of L.A in bakersfield id be willing to take the drive haha.
  24. what do you mean. im on the fi site forum, theres only general fi, fi products and fi technical. where is the amp and electrical section haha?