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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. well the demensions i have for a box that would fit is 31" long 15" high and 26" deep giving it about 5.6 total, the subs would be mounted on top with some aeros facing the license plate.
  2. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    FI BTL N2 18

    A different account huh? I see your location has changed to "US", and so has your IP address as well...interesting. because h disable my account so cannot post thread that why i sign up new account old account cannot post thread and reply too they disable Yes they disabled your other account because you are being very childish and suspicious, he already told you he is not going to build you a box so try somebody else or try asking someone that lives in your area
  3. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    FI BTL N2 18

    oh wow changing ip addresses huh... I dont even think its about a box
  4. wow a slumper and a sleeper all in one haha very nice
  5. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    FI BTL N2 18

    Im telling you guys he's not going to stop, he is going to just keep on and on, need to ban his ip address or he will make new accounts which he already has
  6. Thanks guys, couldnt find it anywhere haha
  7. Yup i had the same problem with my stock radio until i bought my new one. Also just from getting a h/u my stock speakers sounded 10x better and louder
  8. wow this is like the 5th post you have made.....normal people do not do this. Get some wood and build one sheesh
  9. That's impressive, this was mine: and there was no way I was able to lift it and set it in the rear, had to call a buddy over. How did you like this setup? Im thinking of doing the same thing with subs facing up and 3 aero ports facing back towards license plate just like this except with either 4 sa-10's or 2 12" bls
  10. yup, i got a call the other day about an item im selling on craigslist and the guy sounded like he was from india and had a weird phone number, asked how much id take i told him the price listed for and he said ok with no hesitation and said where can we meet i told him some cross streets down the road and he just hung up, just sounds like the same thing, he doesnt care about a price....
  11. Sounds like a scam to try and get info from someone, Seems like if he really needed a box then he could find a builder around his area or country....
  12. yea i think that would be the best way to go, once i get everything figured out ill start a build log, thanks for all your guys opinions and help
  13. Alright guys so iv got ideas floating around in my head that i cant just ignore. My first idea was selling my 12" bl and getting a 15" zcon for my civic, but then iv been thinking and im curious as to how cool it would be to have 3 10" smaller powered subs facing up and porting back in the trunk. Maybe like 3 12" dcons or fi x's. Would 3 10's off around 1200 watts be louder then my 1 12 off the same power? its almost triple the cone area and would be so cool to pop the trunk to 3 dcons or something simular haha . Or would i just be better off going with 1 15" zcon on about 2200 wats, if i did that then i would need a bigger alt bigger wire and so forth. How much louder if any would the 15" zcon be compared to 3 10's? would it be worth it to get the bigger alt and zcon or will it be a pretty big upgrade to go with 3 10's after my 1 12" fi bl? any input on this would be great because i searched 3 10's and theres really not much info on this subject.
  14. well im pretty much sure i answered the space question well, Also my budget has already been said, around a 600w decent sub for about 150-200$ each, the music i listen to mostly is old school hip hop reggae classic rock and underground (which has been destroyed), If a show comes to my town then it would be nice to get metered but no not competing, I want my system loud while retaining some nice sound, Its all good man hope you understand what my goals are a little better
  15. yea thats true The 5.6 is the total volume of 31" x 15" x 26".. If i did the 10's then they would get about 1-1.25 cuft each
  16. ahhh i see what your saying now, so do you really think that 3 12's of the same caliber would be any louder then 4 10's on a little more power
  17. yes ill be using aero ports mounted in the front, its just 2 12's sitting side by side would be about 26" and would be touching the ends of the box, if i got 4 10's id have about 5inches to work with, and also i think it would look a little awkward using 3 subs instead of 4 and with 4 i can get a 1ohm load, where do i get info about the IA giveaway
  18. haha that would be sick, but yes its because my max depth is 26 inches and 2 12's would be a very tight fit because they would be top mounted, if i get 4 10's then thats about 21" its going to look like this , if i could id just do 2 12" bl's but i dont have the length for it cuz my max length is 31" and the 2 12's would be 25 plus the port and box thickness OO OO Thats how they would be sitting in the box on top
  19. haha yea i thought about doing the x's but id want something with a little more power and output, im pretty much sure im gonna do either 4 sa-10's or 4 IA lethal injections just dont know which one to choose lol.
  20. So im deciding on doing 3 10's here soon most likely the sa-10's. I was searching sonicelectronis just for laughs and came across these!! http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_27313_RE-Audio-SEX10D2.html So what do you guys think would have more output the sa-10s or these re seX 10's?? They look pretty beefy but looks arnt never anything lol.
  21. hmm something else to consider other then some SA-10's, im pretty much going for loud but i want it to sound good too. How come they dont list any pecs for the LI?
  22. *cough* IA Lethal Injection *cough* Havnt heard too much about these, any reason why you recommend these over sa-10's?
  23. Yea it sounds like a good idea because i can fit 4 10's pretty easy as long as i top mounth them. I just gotta find out the exact cuft of 31" long 15" high and 26" deep, re says its 5.6 when i put the port numbers both at .1 to come up with sorta a sealed enclosure because it wont have a slot port, how much displacement do you think 3 4" ports at a length of 18" would take up in a box?
  24. Ok yea i was over there checking it out but i didnt know exactly how it worked if that was total length for all ports or for each one. I see they sell a 4" complete flared port that is 17" long, would 3 of those work? I want one set thats at like 32hz and one at 35 hz
  25. Ok so this is gonna be my first time using aero ports and dont really know what i need. Im going to have a box that is about 5cubes after sub displacement, what will i need to get a tuning of 32hz? subs will be facing up and ports in front facing license plate so i can put probably 3 aeros in front just dont know what size and how long