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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    Two Fi Q 15"

    yep i agree with orlando, if you do subs up port back using areoports then you can fit 2 15's easily, then you wont have to worry about box heighth and you can put alot more ports facing the trunk. id go for the 2 15's
  2. yes but then theres also sub and port displacement, and those smd's are going to take up alot of space inside that enclosure. 2 12" zcons would be so amazing, or even 2 15" nightshades, i heard the NS works good in smaller enclosures
  3. man your truck is sick, i love the clean look of blacked out vehicles if its done right, in the process of blacking out my civic as well, cant wait to see the audio start
  4. Dont know how far you wanna drive but theres always sunset blvd and around that area just off the 405, lots of clubs and things going on at night there
  5. wow thats past Anahiem, im not quite that far, bakersfield here, probably about 3 hours north of you
  6. I had just purchased 2 sa-10's yesturday and used the guest purchase to do so, but now i dont know how to check the status of my order and i havnt gotten anything in my email, can someone help me out on how to check the status.
  7. as in big shipment you mean they are waiting for a shipment to come in so they can ship out or somebody ordered a big shipment and there trying to get it filled? it seems like they would have the 10's and 12's in stock and would just need to grab them off the shelf and send them out, i could see if they build there subs to order like Fi and would need time to build.
  8. It would really be nice to hear something from someone on whats going on with my purchase? It is are hard earned money going to you guys the least you can do it update people on our ordered with a simple email or something... been since tuesday and havnt heard nothing
  9. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    Hahahaha yea i feel ya man, but deff some SA-15's would be awsome! Hell id start makin money off others installs to do a sick ass one for yourself
  10. Is there a reason for wanting to paint the basket? Usually the basket is hidden inside the box which wouldnt never get seen anyways unless you have it reveresed but i still wouldnt risk it on a subwoofer you dont want to damage
  11. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    wow that dash looks so clean man great job, now wheres your project car?? i wanna see some zcons gettin some sefugi love!
  12. wow thats different, its like a mix of grindcore dubstep and punkrock...I like it but i dont think id be able to listen to it on a basis, I had some friends in a band kinda like that but more growls and ill tell you it takes alot of talent to do that for a whole show
  13. sundown offers some nice subs that work great in sealed and ported, But if i were you id try building a new box to get different results. maybe try tuning a little higher and make the enclosure a little smaller. sealed enclosures will be more punchy and hit harder while ported will hit the lows alot more and be more boomy, just depends on what you want man
  14. yep i just dont think 5.5 would cut it for an 18, yes it will play but not to its potential, 2 12" btls will murder and sound so damn good
  15. bakedboy08@yahoo.com

    System failure

    if it is the sub it could be because your box is pretty big, maybe the gains where a little too high, i know they recommend 1.8-2.25, i had mine in a 2.5 and was always skeptical to turn up the gains too high
  16. haha that would be badass, it just sucks not knowing anything, im not in any kinda rush just like to be informed on the status because i purchased with guest checkout and you cant look it up whenever you want which is a downside, but im sure it will ship by tomarrow....hoping hahaha
  17. so it could have shipped already they just havnt updated you guys yet with the info? Or do they just need to fill the sa-8 shipments first
  18. no i ordered it here at ssa, havnt gotten any emails yet
  19. Its what most use for their audio needs, keep outside noise quiet so you can be loud haha makes sense, congrats on the sponsor man
  20. headroom means that your amp wont be at full tilt so you have a little room to spare and or if you ever want something with a little more power you will have it on tap
  21. saz1500, and no you wont hear an audible difference
  22. Thanks for the responses guys just didnt know if i did something wrong while ordering or something because i couldnt check up on it, ill give it another day and check my email again, Thanks TRP iv heard so much great stuff about the sa line and see so many buyig them up so i had to see what all the fuss was about
  23. anybody? Or do i just wait for it to show up at my door with no info on where it is??
  24. bakedboy08@yahoo.com


    It looks awsome man i like it, do you think it might make it for shipping this week
  25. It depends on the driver(s). You can't make a blanket statement like that. So your disagreeing that the 2 12's wouldnt be better off in that kind of space? his budget is pretty high so he can get some pretty good subs, if i were him id try to get more cone area in that space restriction, im pretty sure thats not a blank statement its just common sense