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Everything posted by theothermike

  1. theothermike

    Happy 4th of JULY Debut

    same here, disappointed... o well
  2. theothermike

    Couple of 1500D's in My Trunk

    looks like he running 1/0 for power / grounds, 4 gauge to strap the 2, and 8 gauge for speaker, not sure though. mike
  3. theothermike

    SPL Battery??

    i got my 1800 and 2400 today from the kinetik dealer on ebay. holy chitt these bitchesss are heavyyyyyy
  4. theothermike

    Yo Jacob

    dude that is bad ass.
  5. theothermike

    From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

    another option might be knukonceptz klarity cable if u going to tear down.... and also, jacob sent knu a message concerning the ? of using home audio digital coaxial cable as a mono signal rca, he response was it was actually better but overkill, only diff is digital coaxial uses a solid core conductor, and more shielding.
  6. theothermike

    Cleaning House Sale

    nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, damnit. i just saw the thread today. errr always trying to find a good 3 way active external xover. =[. Good steal ndmstang.
  7. theothermike


    love my sae 1000 currently installed. there a reason why i bought another. but i mus say, having a f'ed up iraggi being sent back and low batts now + florida summer heat. my amps getting a little hot. combine that with 1 ohm operation and not alot of air circulation. so not amps fault. they sure are nice. i need to make a fanned enclosure for the amps push pull thingy.
  8. theothermike

    how to obtain a replacement remote amp controller

    lol mine just went pucking beserk. everytime i touched it up or down, it made my sub go ballistic. like pop 5-6 times. it was kinda cool to scare chit outa people but it was bad as well. O well it fixed with new one. good work jacob
  9. i heard of the sls being good as well. but didnt find 6.5 or 7" link for the sls's. link would be appreciated. And i no 65 - 70hz isnt crazy low but when i say that freq i mean sending all 115 - 125 watts all day long and not get f'ed up like my hd 6" drivers in my cdts at like 80 - 90 hz when i sending my 3 way comp passive set right now 300 ish per side.
  10. been browsing some more known sites known for their technicality and knowledge instead of CA Forum Flame fests. i need some suggestions on which dedicated 7" midbass drivers work best in IB enclosures when installed in properly deadened doors. im looking to spend up to 250$ for the 2 drivers. and the size cant exceed 7", i plan on high passing the midbasses around 65hz - 70hz with a high 24 db slope. and playing them up to 300hz where my cdt hd 4" will take it from there. Will be feeding up to 125 - 130 watts at 4 ohms from a 100.2 sundown amp. I need some driver suggestions but as of now, i hear the following are some respectable drivers. AA Poly's Adire Extremis Peerless Exclusives CDT M6 CDT ES 06 Im open to other suggestions..... and also open to suggestions on 3 way active xover headunits such as eclipse 7100, pioneer prs 880, kenwood 990 / 991, clarion dzx955 i believe, etc.... Mike also does anyone no if a home audio digital coaxial signal cable will work as a mono rca cable to strap 2 sub amps through a bridge out and bridge in rca output and input? thinking of buying the knukonceptz eks digital coaxial as my mono rca.
  11. i heard adire was in the s*** hole a few months ago, not providing good support, problems with brahmas etc.... does this reflect them atm, and their production of extemis or has the design not changed for awhile? also it states the extremis be put in a vented enclosure in door? do they work well ib? cant find there specs cause pdf file not working so cant find its qtc or any other parameters. Mike- another quick ? when installing 4 amps and 2 of them have remote turn on leads. can i jump another remote turn on lead from the connection of the amps with a remote lead already installed to the newly installed amp without problems? or do i have to run 2 more remote turn on runs from headunit ignition harness wire?
  12. theothermike

    Misinformation needing correction

    i do agree on the response that high-end does refer to the best of the best, that being said i believe there are amps out there better than the sundown 100.4 i own. I dont disagree with that response. However, it comes down to performance for your money, do i see justification in buying some zuki, mac, or brax amp for 2500$ for that little bit diff in components and sound then you know 400$ for a 100.4 or what not and have a kick ass amp with kick ass performance and one of the best and reliable owners who provide amazing customer support. The answer is it is absolutely ludacris is spending the extra 2g's for something not far from the 100.4 or equivolent. That why my signature is made to the signature it is, representing the companies i feel have proved themselves to be above and over the norm in providing an amazing product and backing it up. So saying that....... Jacob anyone come to you trying to sell a 100.2 for them..... i just made some money from poker tonight, in the market now for the last and final piece atm to finish off the 4 amp setup. Mike-
  13. Well guys i decided since im making some money, which is pretty good for 16, im planning my electrical now so i'm prepared in a few weeks. Right now i currently have a sae-1000D and 100.4 bridged on a 3 way set of CDT HD's and a Fi Q. However, 2 weeks ago i purchased another Sae-1000D Proto #2 i believe since i got #1, and i plan on buying a 100.2 in a week or two to go active 3 way on the CDT's. However situation is that im not sure how my electrical will hold up. My electrical consists of this. 200 amp iraggi alt which is rated at 200 amps @ 1700 rpms and 120 @ idle (was told by Dom they conservatively rated and prob more like 215 - 130ish Big three with 1/0 Gauge KLM Knu wire 1/0 Gauge KLM Power run Autocraft titanium Battery - mid - large size autozone type battery. decent Walmart small - mid battery in back From that battery in the back i run another 1/0 gauge run through trunk to underneat the rear seats where they are distro'd into 2 4 gauge power runs. I also have a 1/0 gauge ground run from under seats to a disto that splits it into 2 4 gauge runs as well. Plan is to add another 1/0 gauge power run from the battery in the trunk to under seats where ill add another distro. and i will add another ground run as well. Here what im not sure about. IDK if the electrical above is sufficient to run all 4 of the amps. Im sure i could get away with the 3 amps in my possession now on what i have, but i just dont think it'll be ok with the 100.2 added in a week or two. So what im asking for are your opinions i should do to keep my electrical up to par for what im wanting to run. That means: Battery recommendations? Deep Cycles? Bat Cap? Etc.... I plan to compete in a year and will sell the 1000's for a pair of 1500D's or maybe 3000 so keep in mind Mike- Jacob if you read? Send me a pm with estimated time for when the 50.4 or 75.2 will be released, and tell me which one of those is the same size as the sae-1000D, might run 3 sae lines because idon
  14. theothermike

    Plan Ahead? electrical help! 4 sundown amps, need opinions

    any other suggestions?
  15. theothermike

    SAX-100.4 Review on ROE

    it def true. but damn i need to get better ears when i set my crossovers and stuff. Cause i think my chan 1 and 3 are different than 2 and 4 or however it works on the 100.4 But then again i havnt had time to sit down and actually listen to them for a couple hours. will have to this summer though. Mike
  16. theothermike

    Plan Ahead? electrical help! 4 sundown amps, need opinions

    also any ideas you think i should do with 4 amps on mounting them? pics here of trunk and seats. I added a mdf floor and carpeted it black and will recarpet box and battery box to black as well. but that little later, BEFORE IRAGGI ALT some more pics of electrical Rest pics of install and system at putfile.com/theothermike/
  17. theothermike

    Plan Ahead? electrical help! 4 sundown amps, need opinions

    2400's in back im assuming?
  18. theothermike

    Plan Ahead? electrical help! 4 sundown amps, need opinions

    i have a walmart battery in the trunk just 1. and a semi large capacity under hood. just 2 batts people
  19. theothermike

    What do you guys decide your amp purchases on?

    im not educated in what to look for in amp guts and whats best and what not, however, i know that one I base all my products upon this criteria, Product ability and performance, Power Reliability Customer Service Price Flexibility to expand And then looks / features
  20. i run dom's iraggi alts, and he had biggest one for my camry and was also cheapest. 399 for my amputator series alt with 200 amp at 1700 rpm i believe and 120 idle. he says it actually more like 215 and 130 cause they are under rated a little and have a reserve or something. The amputator series came with 1 yr warrenty too. Mike
  21. theothermike

    Q15 Enclosure Help

    send one my way wes. [email protected], or my pm's. TY. plan on reconing larger =]
  22. theothermike

    Free stuff :)

    sent pm to scott and sent email through this site to scott aswell. Mike-
  23. theothermike

    Got a surprise in the mail today

    How do u join Team Sundown? jacob knows im slowly building up to competing. Looking at around xmas this year to be ready. I think 1 3000 and nightshade when done =] for now though 2 1000's =]. However a 100.2 soon to be and active for me. Those stickers bad ass.
  24. theothermike

    Tons of new ITEMS in the store

    stinger wiring assessories like distros, batt terminals, fuses, connectors and speaker connectors, rcas, etc.... and also id like to see u guys get the some stuff Eclipse and Kenwood Excelon stuff up here, ummmm Rainbow always nice, but like their slc / germanium / profi / profi vandium type lines up. Mike-
  25. theothermike

    Free stuff :)

    never got mine........ idk whats up...