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Everything posted by theothermike

  1. theothermike

    help with front stage setup

    imo if u want a 3 way system and use 8's in doors. look into the dls 8" iridiums or the IR 8.3's 3.3" mid range and a very shallow 8" midbass that does exceptionally well ib in doors. very shallow like under 3" i believe. and beautiful set of tweets. crossovers they provide are great. and without them they shine even more.... also look into some hertz audio comps or hybrid audio 8's with hybrid l3 with choice of tweet. personally i like diy so i would buy...... 7" L18RNX Seas or 8" Peerless exclusives http://timbre-audio.com/SeasStandard.html http://timbre-audio.com/Peerless.html Paired with a seas 27G alum tweeter http://timbre-audio.com/SeasStandard.html all this topped off with some 4.5 Seas Excel W12CY Midranges or 4.5" Scan Speak Revelators =] http://timbre-audio.com/SeasExcel.html http://timbre-audio.com/Scan-Speak.html Should be killer setup for a diy
  2. theothermike

    8 inch woofer?

    jacob i think if u cant do 8's look into driver with the adire xbl2 technology, RE XXX mids, Extremis, Kodas, etc... i saw some kodas floating around the diymobileaudio forums and some xxx mids on caraudio.com forums... for extremis id buy new from kyle in acoustic visions Mike- but anyways about the 8's i always wanted to try 8's but im sorry if i went 8's id go rl-i's for ported =[.
  3. theothermike

    X series clearance

    about how loud will 2 12" x's off 600 - 700 watts of power compare to 1 12" fi q d2 off of 1000 watts of power. i have the q now and thinking of selling it for 2 12" x's in a sealed box with 1.25 sealed each. might do ported 2 10's if it just as loud as 1 12" q off 1000 watts. Mike-
  4. theothermike

    Fi Q- WhAt ArE yOu UsInG?

    sae 1000D sundown on my 12" fi q, does 1000 @ 1 ohm on a d2 fi q with no options and it slams so hard in my 2.5 cu ft @ 30 hz box and stays flat and sounds amazing all the way through... i have just as many watts going to my front stage almost =]. i have 100 watts to my front stage mid bass's 80 to midranges 70 watts to my tweets power coming from a 100.4 and 100.2 sundown amps. i thinking of selling the 1000D because im upgrading to 1500D when i add another q soon. pm me if u intrested. it the 1st prototype and has year half of warrenty great condition if not any amp around 1k watts is perfect
  5. theothermike

    Better than ID Max or D9 ????

    love my q. it takes and loves the 1000 watts i send ported. in a ported box the sq still shines through and i can only imagine the sq sealed. it a great driver combining both aspects in a large amount. it honestly doesnt suffer in sq or spl so i dont think u can say 50% sq and 50% spl. it more like 70% and 70% out of 100% =]. i also like the icon alot and given the reviews plus experience of both guys im sure the driver is kickass and i no if i were to change my substage which i think i will do to try something new than i would love to try out a pair of those 15" sealed in my trunk or run 1 15" ported low like the 2.5 @ 30hz box i have for my q. i sure either will do amazing sealed, i do have a feeling that the sq of the icon will be a touch ahead and the fi q will be a touch ahead in spl when sealed. mike-
  6. theothermike

    aa poly mids do aa still sell them??

    L18 seas, Peerless exclusive, and if u got some nice $$$ adire extremis =] but i cant wait for polys to be released.
  7. theothermike

    saz1500d stuck in protect

    sounds similar to my problem i had jake with the 100.2. no clue what it was.
  8. theothermike

    db drag finals - indy

    woho im so not going miami this weekend. seeing shawns thread earlier made me go =] no idea world finals in tampa =] ill look foward to hearing the dps, shawns aa's and meeting u peeps.
  9. theothermike

    Ascendant Audio at Db Drag World Finals

    where is the event? im intrested and in tampa.
  10. theothermike

    my new cdt speakers

    eh okkk deal... i went with the hd 642 3 ways and i wish i didnt, i wish i went diy and got me some seas / peerless / scan speaks to start with =]
  11. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    hello guys i have a question that i want to here your input on..... i have a 100.2 that i just recently got from jake.... last night i added a grill to my sub box, thats it. i then played some late night tip to check for clearance. at this time my mid basses were playing. my 100.2 running off low section on my 3 way on my 880 prs. the sub amp then daisy chains to the 100.2's outputs. Today i get in my car and noticed as i turned my car on and put my book bags in the back trunk, that the 100.2 wasn't turning on, it just constantly stayed in protect while my other 3 amps played including the sub amp using the 100.2's signal outs. i got home today and tried to see if maybe i had a speaker short or something. so i unplugged my speaker wires and turned it on, still in protect. i dont know what it could be. I checked the fuses on the amp and they look fine? im sending 13.4 volts to on the remote wire to amp. and voltage from batt is 13.3? Any help?
  12. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    should i send it in? check 1 more time? should i just run remote, 12v and ground + rcas from headunit and see if it comes on?
  13. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    didnt work, i changed wiring around again to be passive again running off 100.4 man what a diff it like a down grade once u hear active. i barely hear my mid basses like i did when active.
  14. theothermike

    SAZ - 1500D

    no idea on powermaster but im guessing u be getting around 1750 watts prob from 1 ohm at 14.4 if not more.
  15. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    luckily =]. ill pray by grace of god that it works tomm. gota have it rdy for the usf vs west virgina game friday tailgating. it feels good having a unknown school being ranked 18th for the 1st time. go university of south florida bulls =]
  16. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    well there wasnt any burn marks that i could tell on the fets, only thing i noticed where edges where slightly shinier, umm power supply had black melted goo (guessing glue) the holes where 3 legs go into, on side with 2 power supplys, toward middle i noticed the holes around boards seemed slightly dusty / chipped kinda. i guessing those hole u repaired when fixing the amp. i didnt see any problems =[......
  17. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    yeah i just googled. ummm i will go do that right now be back in 10 mins.
  18. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    any chance u can explain what powersupply fet's are. im guessing power supply is the big wire mass and the fets are the cylinder shaped objects?
  19. theothermike

    4 SAZ-3000D

    id go with powermasters, north star, kinetik, or some odysessy batts. id def look into dual alt bracket as well. and i suggest HO alternators, as well as mean green and ohio generators
  20. theothermike

    From: 4 SAZ-3000D

    id go with powermasters, north star, kinetik, or some odysessy batts. id def look into dual alt bracket as well. and i suggest HO alternators, as well as mean green and ohio generators
  21. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    the voltage was at the terminals. plus my 2400 is about 2 ft away =]. this did come to mind, im not sure what happened with the other customer who had this amp, and i dont know what was replaced on it, but i thought it could somehow be the same occuring problem as before... i dont know if there is any other thing to check. but it seemed odd that it went down only after a week or so. it must still be a little faulty. let me know if there any other possible solutions to check before i send it off to u.
  22. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    no im not, im running the mid ranges and tweets off of a 4 channel knukonceptz krystal cable. This rca is connected to high and mid on headunit outs, and i connected a 2 channel krystal to the low outputs on headunit, only 1 amp running off of the 100.2 other than the 100.2 itself. so 2 amps on 1 rca. it shouldnt be staying in protect. I did try and disconnect them 1 at a time too though.
  23. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    stereo on a set of cdt hd-6. it my designated midbass amp.
  24. theothermike

    problem with 100.2 help

    4 ohms. it been running 4 ohms for the last week.
  25. theothermike

    help with front stage setup

    id suggest peerless sls 7" dedicated midbass, with 3" iridium mid ranges or maybe some scan speak mid ranges, coupled with a nice seas tweeter.... yummmmmmmm