Sadly, no I didn't take any. The white corrosion was appearing on the terminal the wiring went to. The fuse casing eventually melted over time. There was an obvious build up of heat there and when I took it to the local care audio guy he said the fuse was plenty powerful enough, and he ended up swapping in a new one to fix it. I can't remember specifically what he said, but I think it was along the lines of, the battery not being able to handle the power, or it being used then charged during 20-30 minute uses was too much for it. He's a bit shady and a bullshitter so I wasn't sure what to think. When he gave me the new fuse and cleaned things up I just never maxed the system out and the fuse didn't melt, though the battery died and wouldn't hold a charge 6 months after selling it. ( I sold it about 2 months after I got the new fuse) I know my power consumption is really pushing a single alt/batt stock setup, I was hoping my problem would be n00bish, but rather common >.<