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Everything posted by EpicenterDesigns

  1. Pics or Lies. No pics of the install cause it was too dark. But I do have a pic taken of all 3 lines of amps from earlier in the day. Post em up Sir. I would love to see them. The stock photos looks really nice. What are your thoughts on the amps you installed? I didn't say it was a great pic. Was getting pics of the guts and everything and just took this to show they really do exist. I won't say much, but the build quality is top notch. Lots of standard parts used as with almost all amps, but there are a few upgrades these amps incorporate that you just don't see on amps costing more than double what these will cost you. Professional pics coming soon. Sunday we will be doing power test for actually real world output at different voltages and ohms.
  2. Pics or Lies. No pics of the install cause it was too dark. But I do have a pic taken of all 3 lines of amps from earlier in the day.
  3. I installed a 3500BC in a Jeep Thursday night. They look really really nice. High class kinda nice.
  4. Well then, whats the bet you wanna make? You know the old saying when you assume something? While we may or may not have 2 of each amp here for testing to get real word numbers at different voltages and loads, I can assure you they will get tested. Crescendo has no plans of closing down anytime soon. He has hit plenty of road blocks but is here to stand tall and bring what these markets need. Affordable audio at real world prices. Like was mentioned, he doesn't have a huge markup due to the direct to customer routes he is taking. It is quality. Just a company thats going to bring alot of attention to the market due to the pricing structure that has gotten outta hand by mainstream companies over inflating their products value to make the average consumer think high prices means better product.
  5. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    This vid (that I hope works), is what I put together from the very limited footage I had to work with from 09, our first year. http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=109021215817666
  6. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    After my video camera died, I started snapping pics with my phone. Here are some of what I got during the lights on walk thru of The Darkness..... http://www.epicenterdesigns.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=62 Next couple days, I will get to work on my videos.
  7. EpicenterDesigns

    Shopping at American Eagle...

    Plain colored T's, no plain whites though, and Dickies. Old school Adidas shoes. Thats all I own. That is until m custom made Epicenter Design shirts are finally made.
  8. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    And Neal, I did not see anyone from SpookHaven after that walk-thru night. I looked all around the convention during our strolls with no luck. I did see a post on hauntforums that they won a southern haunters gift certificate and have it for sale, but I am not sure we will be able to use it so I didn't contact them.......yet. I probally will as soon as my account there is fully activated to see what it is they are wanting for it.
  9. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    We studied the clausto walls and figured out we could make them. I'm pretty confident we can. But after a full night of planning and discussions, we decided to go ahead and purchase the first and when needed, make the rest. Hadest part I can see is choosing the right blowers. As for the mask, they had samples to try on and small sections of mask you could pull to see the strength. The mesh seemed to be a great addition. And with the customization they offered, we jumped on it. They feel about the same weight as our CFX mask. Cost less and adding paint and/or hair was half as much as CFX charges. Now we have 6 silicone mask. Only the most trusted get to wear those.
  10. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    Got a 7x12 Clautrophobia Got 4 of the new snakes offered by Dark Raven Designs. They don't have pics on thier site so I'll have to wait till I upload my video. Also bought 100' of vine from them. Only because it will save me a ton of time and he gave us a great price we couldn't pass on. Also picked up 3 silicone mask by a new comer to the game. They have some serious talent. Hell, I was in the convention for probally 15 min and I was already the owner of 1 of these. By shows end, my partner had also purchased 2 more. What stood out to me was the molded teeth. They weren't flimsy at all and I really didn't like wearing our other teeth with our other mask. We both picked up the Lunatic Clown version. Mine is being customized with sparse wild hair around the back. My partners is being down with more hair Bozo style and eyebrows in flaming red and more paint. Here is the basic Lunatic Clown.... The other is called The Immortal.... Scare Factorys ghoulish specter zombiette. No pics online that I found real fast so when I upload my vid, I will show you. Got 10 or 13 of some vaccume formed walls to make out mortuary seem more real and save us time. Last year, we spent 3 days on this room just carving and making the walls outta foam and didn't get to do everything we wanted. Not this year. Also getting them to vaccume form us a coffin so it will be lighter than the 2 real ones we have and we have big plans for that. All the other suff we got were small items to use and help finish off some of the bigger stuff. Just wanted to share. Already getting hyped up for this.
  11. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    Little update to this crazy thing. Just returned from a 6 day stay in St. Louis at the Transworld Haunters Convention. Sounds geeky to you I am sure. But it is to the haunters world what SBN is to the car audio world. And it was actually my first time as I had to miss the last 2 similar ones. Side note.... I will be at the MWC in Ohio in June. When I can gather them up, I iwll post pics of some of the things we bought to take the haunt to another level never before seen around here. Hell, some of the stuf we already have fits that criteria. But now we are on some next level stuff. IMO. Some would say we like pnuematics too much, but we use them differently than many others. We don't rely on them soley. Anywho.....pics later. And when I chop my video up, I'll post that of the convention.
  12. EpicenterDesigns

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Here is the direction I went with my Blazer. With the room and possibilities they hold, I am sure you will do something nice with yours.
  13. EpicenterDesigns

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Home sick FTL Time to read 48 pages of an awesome build FTW. I hope to build something with my son when he is a couple more years older and can appreciate it more. He is 12 now. When I sold my Blazer he was actually upset as he thought it was gonna get handed down to him. But he showed little intrest at the time. Sad to see the bumper accident. But I am sure it has made the driver alittle more aware of his surroundings.
  14. EpicenterDesigns

    sefugi schools grasshoper

    Awesome build. I have a 94 xcab. I too prefered the old school stylings and pulled my motor for a carbed 350 bored .40 over. Just haven't cleaned up the engine bay to my likings. Looking forward to reading another 16 pages.
  15. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    The first year, 4 actors. We set it up and used animatronix to compenste for our lack of friends as passionate as we are. This last year, we had 10 actors, doubled the square footage. Also had 3 people who controled parking and line que. I would sometimes come out of my area and roam the lines to scare people. So far, 6 - 8 of last years actors have already inquired for positions in this years haunt. We are already planning on more footage. So we will be dropping some cash in St. Louis and then later in Ohio on more stuff. Everyone liked ours more than the 2 big ones here. Which is our main compitition. We know we don't have the money they have. But we can do bigger and better things than they can do, or are willing to do to scare people. 50 miles to our west, Hallowscream at Busch Gardens. 40 miles to our east, Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios. But that stuff is kiddy games compared to what we give people. We tripled customers from Friday to Saturday on word of mouth. Sunday (Halloween) was just crazy. Here is the kicker............................. it was all FREE. We had a donation box, made a couple hundred, but we didn't charge.
  16. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    You can see some more pics here...... http://www.epicenterdesigns.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=60
  17. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    This little fellow is awesome
  18. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    My fondest memory from watching some footage.... a man and 3 boys walk into the spider cave, man in front. Spider jumps at him and he ran over all 3 of the boys to get away. It was awesome.
  19. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    Kitchen scene during construction
  20. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    Entrance into the building
  21. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

  22. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    Let me check my youtube. I know one of them is there, but youtube messed up the sound sync to the vids. Thats why I didn't use it first.
  23. EpicenterDesigns

    Our Start Up Haunt

    This is alittle of the useable footage from 2010 that I had on my camera. Still haven't taken all the video off the surveillance cameras to put together anything real good. But watching some of it, I cry laughing at the scared people. http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=134325253287262
  24. EpicenterDesigns

    Router Bit Question

    Jasper jigs are designed for 1/4" bits. Go buy the spiral upcut bit. It is worth it weights in gold compared to standard straight cut bits. we're both wrong, The m300 which is the one I have uses a 1/2. The rest of the models use a 1/4. So OP make sure which jig u have. True. I prefer the 200 model. The 300 is a long one. But since the 200 and the 400 are the most common models, mainly the 200, I assumed thats what he has. But we all know what assuming can get ya.
  25. EpicenterDesigns

    Router Bit Question

    Jasper jigs are designed for 1/4" bits. Go buy the spiral upcut bit. It is worth it weights in gold compared to standard straight cut bits.