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Everything posted by sandt38

  1. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I did the same in my GN, a 4/0 frame ground and all else was 1/0.
  2. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I like RADA knives. Very Cheap and their filet knives are very flexible. Make sure you get one of their quick edge sharpeners. I just threw a few of those away. You can't cut butter with them.Maybe you just need to find a redneck around your parts to teach you how to sharpen a knife. http://www.tormek.com/en/machines/t7/index.php Awesome investment. I bought the master kit after my friend showed me his. I am making some nice extra cash sharpening everything from kitchen knives to turning tools. It comes with bandages, and they are pretty much required the first time you check the edge. There is a T3 for non-commercial use, which is considerably less expensive. I was just looking at getting one of their Hand Tool kits for Father's Day. Spooky. I was gonna ask which machine you had. You can actually get a bench grinder jig to use their jigs with your grinder. http://www.tormek.com/en/accessories/bgm100/index.php But you really want a low speed grinder. The low speed of the Tormek and the water cooling eliminates bluing and temper damage. The T3 is relatively inexpensive for what it does. I always said the same thing. I have been a stone sharpener for over 40 years. I sharpen my work knives with a stone, and I always test shave my arm (my wrists are always stubble). I have a co-worker who is a knife hound, and whenever he buys a new knife he gives it to me immediately to have me hand sharpen it. Lately he has taken to Spydercos, so they aren't cheap knives. He recently bought some really nice damascus steel knives (very nice, and amazing to sharpen I might add). But the simple fact is, the Tormek will absolutely kill any hand hone I have ever seen.
  3. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I like RADA knives. Very Cheap and their filet knives are very flexible. Make sure you get one of their quick edge sharpeners. I just threw a few of those away. You can't cut butter with them.Maybe you just need to find a redneck around your parts to teach you how to sharpen a knife. http://www.tormek.com/en/machines/t7/index.php Awesome investment. I bought the master kit after my friend showed me his. I am making some nice extra cash sharpening everything from kitchen knives to turning tools. It comes with bandages, and they are pretty much required the first time you check the edge. There is a T3 for non-commercial use, which is considerably less expensive.
  4. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    what a fucking surprise. A moron with Skar stuff. Who'd a thunk it? Admit it, you're envious. You want that in the M5...
  5. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Where's the hardcore? I have plenty of those, but this is an all ages forum.
  6. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    More NSFW GIFs. No hardcore. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m55p4iYJd51qefm89o1_500.gif http://ist1-1.filesor.com/pimpandhost.com/6/1/0/2/61025/1/6/l/C/16lCI/8551f0c66b19fcefcb5e1651235a1b94.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6oiciYFR91ryzkruo1_400.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/8de7f90eb86a30ffbdeb2acc0c27cf39/tumblr_mfj5f1eH8P1r8sefzo1_500.gif http://www.pimpandhost.com/image/19315992-original.html
  7. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    More NSFW GIFs. No hardcore. http://i.minus.com/ib0DtQibeeceUI.gif http://prem1.hiboox.com/images/2512/3f71045809a98795efeea0d5fc39d8cb.gif http://prem1.hiboox.com/images/2612/0d82a3cf3d7ad37cdb97fbef24711295.gif http://prem1.hiboox.com/images/2612/4a0816bf2dc915154db4d025f555bc58.gif http://prem1.hiboox.com/images/4710/ce68f6e3e0dce1c02d5245fa2cae28ba.gif
  8. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    NSFW GIFs No hardcore, but there is tits and ass. http://www.pimpandhost.com/image/15284015-original.html http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m39112qW1r1r2hxmpo1_400.gif http://prem1.hiboox.com/images/2512/7aaffdb92b0b187bb766c0f2ecc9b78a.gif http://prem1.hiboox.com/images/2612/0c40393ed82876c5842e370b5eb3ff9b.gif http://prem1.hiboox.com/images/2512/9fb67d40e08a8839c38ae12c2c56393d.gif http://prem1.hiboox.com/images/2512/75a6c4674649fcd2627911b872e896c5.gif http://i.minus.com/i5GO4Zjfp9dQl.gif
  9. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That's excellent for the diabetes I am sure.
  10. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    It's like 40 proof. And how the hell can you drink that nasty shit?
  11. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Just replace the VC gasket on it. Maybe $12 and 15 minutes of work. The tube seal is leaking.
  12. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Kind of like the Mike Tyson fights of old. Some lasted under 30 seconds, and most under 5 rounds.
  13. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    http://www.knifehog.com/p-748-buck-silver-creek-folding-fillet-knife-0220bls-b.aspx?Trackingid:GoogleBase&cagpspn=pla&gclid=CIu4r8vmzbUCFQ-onQodpAQAPA The Buck Silver Creek folder is very nice. I bought one for my son.
  14. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  15. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Ms Kai again NSFW http://reytrajano.tumblr.com/image/36203601611
  16. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I like my tits real. The ole lady is 5' 3" 125lbs and a 34 F How the hell does she walk?! Who cares? how does she do on all fours is my question.
  17. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  18. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    More of Ms. Kai... NSFW http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/275/3/6/your_daily_pin_up_no_72_by_armando_huerta-d5eukby.jpg
  19. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Name please. I know right? I insta Googled her. Name is Xena Kai Thanks.... must... find... more.... Go to San Fransisco. There are plenty of dudes who will bend over dead air for the right guy
  20. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Name please.
  21. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Not sure how to correct the post order issue. That will be in the code itself. Something got corrupted or forgotten in the switch. I have had a lot of issues with various FTP clients "forgetting" entire code strings when doing a complete update. I am not sure of the code IP uses or I would point you to the folder to reload. My forums are vBull, and I know there is a significant difference between the code strings, so aside from providing possible insight I cannot direct you to exactly how to fix the problem. If you use a site host and had them switch servers it is possible to get the host to address the issue. But I have found that opening tickets takes too damn long, and I have preferred to find and fix the issues myself. Perhaps you can go to one of the IP forums and find out where the thread string itself is. I know the vBull forums have helped me find an issue quite quickly more then once.
  22. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I have a Lattissima Plus.
  23. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Just viewed the Skar forum for the first time. I gotta get me those super tweeters!!!!
  24. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  25. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I trained my body to be that way, then it all went to hell. It's about activity level, adapting to needs, and being active. Our amounts of food were different though. I was in the 3500-7000 kcal level for 4-5 years. I burned off more than I ate though. I was losing pound after pound throughout the whole time. Sometimes i was gaining so much muscle it didnt make the scale move much thougb. I only weigh ~142, but this exact time last year I was 125! Holy shit! I haven't seen 142 since I was about 13. Even when I had cancer and lost all kinds of weight I only got down to ~160. Eating throughout the day actually boosts metabolism. Perhaps you should try 2-3 large meals a day to slow down your metabolism. Eating six small meals throughout the day, or 3 big meals will yield different metabolic rates throughout the day, but at the end of the day it's exactly the same. The thing that changes is the Thermic Effect of Food, which is the energy expended to digest and absorb the food. It's directly proportional to the amount of energy the food contains, 5-10% carb, 0-5% fat, 20-30% protein. Average those numbers together into 11.5% meal one 1000kcal, TEF: 115kcal meal two 1000kcal, TEF: 115kcal meal three 2000kcal, TEF: 230kcal 4000kcal, total TEF: 460kcal meal one 600kcal, TEF: 69kcal meal two 600kcal, TEF: 69kcal meal three 600kcal, TEF: 69kcal meal four 600kcal, TEF: 69kcal meal five 600kcal, TEF: 69kcal meal six 600kcal, TEF: 69kcal meal seven 400kcal, TEF: 46kcal 4000kcal, total TEF: 460kcal At the end of the day the same amount of energy was used, and the metabolism is the same. Now if one changed the composition of those meals than they could alter their metabolism somewhat, but that's getting into something else. At least that's what I learned in Bio. :shrugs: I am speaking strictly from my personal experience. I have been on and off again for ~30 years. Perhaps it flies in the face of what you learned, but it has proven to work for me. I'm honestly not even going to try to dispute your info, I just wanted to share what has worked for me. Take from it what you will. Word. I was just going off what I learned in my class--which wasn't always right. Side note: Of both eating habits which did you feel more satiated, or easier to eat less? From what I've read it seems eating less frequently w/ bigger meals is more satiating than multiple smaller meals throughout the day. I'm curious what you found since you've been doing it for a long time. Personally it holds true for me, which in this instance is good since I need all the help I can get. If I am eating more frequently I always feel hungry. I have found very heavy intake of protein in a large meal keeps me full for long periods of time. Conversely, it seems if I munch all day I am always hungry. I even tend to eat in the middle of the night if I am eating multiple meals all day.