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Everything posted by sandt38

  1. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You jerk off in front of a mirror? I never took you for that kind of pervert, Neal
  2. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    What if variations of arthritis run in you family? Keeping active is better for arthritis. I feel better when I lift heavy, and my knees and hands are arthritic.
  3. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Lol @ Seth. I wish I could be so succinct. I'm too verbose. Always painting the Mona Lisa when a Polaroid would give a better picture. I prefer to carry a hammer to a gun fight.
  4. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I had a tire come in last week with a 2.5 ounce wheel weight stuck through it, and I thought that was impressive...
  5. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    So I walked into my local high end beer store today and low-and-behold... they had my highly anticipated "Creme Brulee" by Southern Tier Brewery. I bought 5 bottles... yes 5 bottles. But the other store of theirs had my absolute favorite beer, Southern Tier Choklat, in stock. I bought 10 bottles Monday, and 10 more yesterday. Sadly, at $10 for a 22 that is not chump change, but fuck me if it isn't worth it. I might rather drink a cool Choklat than eat Jennifer Aniston's pussy... no seriously. So the highly anticipated Creme Brulee was opened. It smelled nice, but too sweet. It smelled heavily of vanilla, which I am not a big fan of. I like a delicate vanilla, as in a high end bourbon, but to me the smell was a bit cloying. Out of the bottle it was a serious beer. It was a full, rich, filling stout. So I poured it into a snifter, and it was a bit cooler than suggested 48*F. Of that I am glad as if it was warmer I suspect it would be a bit too sweet. The head was very heavy, the body very full, the color very dark. While ST claims it to be a medium bitterness stout, I disagree. The Choklat they claim is a medium bitter, and I agree... perhaps just a cunt hair closer to bitter than medium. But the Creme is a sweet beer. Quite sweet. I don't want to sound like this is a bad thing, as it is quite flavorful, but it is not something you will sit around and get hammered on (even though it is a 9.5% drink). They suggest it as an after dinner drink to go with desert or as a desert, and I feel that completely. It very much is creme brulee... is had a nice vanilla flavor and a burned caramel flavor. On the nose it starts very heavy of vanilla and sugars, but on the tongue it relaxes to a sweet vanilla with burnt caramel undertones. The after taste is rich, burned Caramel. It is a desert, without a doubt. I know it sounds like i don't like it, but I really enjoy it. I highly suggest it. I can't say it is my favorite. It has some tough beers to follow from a great Brewery. Southern Tier really set the Bar with their "Blackwater" Choklat. No shit, this is my favorite all round beer. It gets me good and fucked up, it is full, rich, somewhat affordable, sweet yet bitter, an amazingly complex beer. I love their 2X stout as well. It is a milk stout, and everything a milk stout should be. It has, in and of itself, changed my view on milk stouts. But it still rests high in my list of stouts (and therefor beers as a whole, as I am a HUGE high gravity stout fan), easily in my top 10, maybe top 7. I have to step it down the line as it's short term drinkability is great, but in the long run it is too sweet. Also, while I love a fragrance that really shows off the beer's flavor, this beer is too open on the nose, and my expectations were a more sweet beer, rather than the burned caramel taste that followed. It is really true to it's moniker, as it very definitely is a creme brulee, but it does lack the bitterness I like from a stout. However, if I compare it to beers like Dragon's Milk (which is retardedly expensive at $17 for 4 11Oz beers) which is not worth the extra money IMO, or Bell's Chocolate Stout which is an IPA tasting "stout", or Samuel Smith's organic Chocolate stout which tasted like chocolate milk, or Old Rasputin's Imperial Stout which is fabulous, but more of a milk stout tasting wanna be imperial, it is hard to say that it is not a spectacular brew, particularly for the money. As mentioned it is a 22Oz beer, from Southern Tier Brewery's "Blackwater Collection". It is a high gravity stout at 9.5%, but I will call it a desert stout. It is also very seasonal, and very desirable so it may be very hard to find. To conclude, ST has 2 other seasonal stouts in the blackwater series that I am looking forward to trying. So far the 2 I have tried are amazing beers, and respectably priced (seriously, a 22 will get you a nice buzz). Even their all year 2X Stout (a milk stout) is fucking superb. The combination of all 3 makes me sick with desire to try their upcoming seasonal blackwater stouts; Mokah in April and Warlock in October. http://www.stbcbeer.com/black-water/ We are nearing the end of stout season, so get ready for some summertime whiskey reviews to show up.
  6. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You eat soy with your mouth, not the other end. Beat me to it, you fucker... Great minds think alike.
  7. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    No preservatives, no water. 100% Kosher materials including: Propylene Glycol USP Food Grade 44%, Vegetable Glycerin Food Grade 44%, roughly 3-4% USDA verified food flavorings, sweeteners. Each of the PG/VG totals will be reduced by .24, .18, .12, .06% pure nicotine. Propylene glycol is not the same ingredient in anti-freeze, that is ethylene glycol. PG is used in hospital air purifiers. I am sure that is the first ingredient you are referring to. However, I suggest buying juices from US sources. All the negative shit you here about e-juice is based on foreign juices. Again, what you are interested in will help. I may use you as a guinea pig for flavors that may be outside my palate. I might try different flavor enhancers (all safe, such as Ethyl Maltol, Tart and sour, and simple things like lemon juice) to modify flavors. I am not interested in the same shit you can buy over the counter. My goal is to be unique, with regards to flavor profile, but keep the base fairly common, so you can say "hey, I like cotton candy" not "hey I like ethyl maltose, sucrose, and other odd flavorings". But I want someone to pick up my cotton candy and say "holy shit, that is an amazing flavor", rather than "dude, that tastes just like crossroads vapor's cotton candy". if you are looking for a 'new to vaping' guy I would volunteer my palate. I figure Jared is being nice enough to hook me up and get me started, I would be more than happy to check out new juices as well. J You're on the list, brother.
  8. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sorry to do this to you, but I am not a fan of Mazda. The Genesis is really solid. I just did some work on one , normal 60K stuff. Hyundai has come a long way, while most manufacturers seem to be going backwards. Don't say sorry. May I ask why? Both of mine have been great to me and I have one from each end of the spectrum of their offerings. No complaints here outside of sheer horsepower. Just from a mechanic's perspective. Ford ideology abounds, reliability is weak at best. They have gotten worse over the years, by huge strides. I had no huge issues with 90s Mazdas, although I would not personally own one, but their recent stuff borders on Mitsubishi junk. Rotarys run strong, but again reliability is an issue. They are leaky pigs, and diagnostics is odd, as the design really creates odd looking pids/scan tool info.
  9. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sorry to do this to you, but I am not a fan of Mazda. The Genesis is really solid. I just did some work on one , normal 60K stuff. Hyundai has come a long way, while most manufacturers seem to be going backwards.
  10. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Oh yeah, look at Taifun GTs. That is supposed to be one hell of a tank, and a sexy bitch too. That is on my short list. The genuine is very fucking pricey, but I have seen clones for under $40
  11. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    The Trident really rocks. I was not expecting to be blown away, but this little fucker rolls out huge clouds and has amazing flavor. Not much capacity, though. I can run 6 drips and get maybe 10 hits off it in reality. The well is shallow, but it is really easy to build on.
  12. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    the 3D is a bottom dripper with a tank. The reviews are all over the place. I wanted one as the design is cool, and it runs hybrid with my Nemesis, but I have read too many questionable reviews, so I am holding off until people get it rolling right. The top portion is a dripper, and under it is a tank. Push down on the top and it feeds juice into the chamber for vaping. http://shop.vaperev.com/rebuildables/atmomixani/polished-3d-for-nemesis-mod.html
  13. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I want an Ithaka, but you need non resistance wire, welded to resistance wire, on them. Not sure about the clones, but for me that is a no. Whoa whoa whoa for real? DAMN I thought I finally made a decision! Why can't you use normal wire? The rubber insulators get hot and melt. You need non resistance inside the insulators and resistance for heat in the juice channel. The design appears incredible, I love how the Ithaka lays the coil and wick flat in a buried channel. It reduces wicking issues like dry hits and flooding, but the connectivity is a bit of a bitch. I have not personally had my hands on one, but my research has led me away from what I understand it an incredible device otherwise. The Penelope is another such device. I really want to play with both, but I am a bit nervous about such odd designs. I'll take posts all day. The Ithaka is a tank. Other similar rebuildable tanks (all very easy compared to the Ithaka) are the Aqua (I have one, not a fan) The Russian/Kayfun 3.1 (both basically the same), The Russian 91%/Kayfun Lite + (cloned as a Kayfun Lite with airflow control), and the Squape (no hands on, but it was all the rage, then seemed to die off, but still solid). I know there are others, but I am drunk and feeling a tad off kilter right now.
  14. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    300wsm? 286 possibly?
  15. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Have you tested all sensors and coils to see if they are within spec? Sensors, coils and even ecm's can read appropriately and still be bad. In that case you have to simulate the problem and check the ohm values when it is defecting. Do you have a mechanic for advise or are you trying to do it all on your own? What year IQR is it? Yes tested everything. Put in a new coil, rectifier, regulator, unplugged all connections and check resistance where there was a spec. Redid ALL connection points.Pulled exhaust, inspected exhaust valves, dissassembled & cleaned the VERY clean carbs, checked the reeds, tested compression... 2007 IQR 2007 600HO motor with Carl's cycle 700 heads and stock 700 Polaris pistons 2003 ProX PERC addition CDI 2001 Classic Touring Rectifier 2007 IQR regulator That is the pertinent stuff. Everything else is changed too like the front suspension off a 2013 Assault, Custom rear rails for 9" bogey's, Custom trail valving in the shocks, 1.5" 136 Intense Track, Mt. Addiction Gas cans, LED tail light, 2005 IQR hood with PIAA HID's, Clutches all built for this altitude and motor (I've never ridden a sled with better clutching), Koso EGT/Temp/RPM, 2002 Edge Speedometer, Dragon button PERC conversion, Powder Pro Skis... I just don't know enough about 2strokes to offer advice. I have not been ignoring, just not wanting to mislead.
  16. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    05 trannys worry me. Other than that it is a solid beast. Look for a turbocharged RXD. That is a fun little ride.
  17. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I want an Ithaka, but you need non resistance wire, welded to resistance wire, on them. Not sure about the clones, but for me that is a no.
  18. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    WOW J, you want another man's juices! Come on, bro. We all know I am a sexy motherfucker.
  19. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Clean the throttle body. It is an electric TB, so be careful. Get a toothbrush and some carb cleaner. Remove the air inlet snorkel from the TB. Turn the key on with the engine off. Have someone step on the accelerator pedal and shoot the carb cleaner down the throttle body. Scrub the inside of the bore and as much of the plate as you can with the toothbrush. DO NOT STICK YOUR FINGERS IN IT!!! After a short period of time the throttle plates will close as a failsafe. It will rip your fingers off. Keep cleaning until it looks decent. It is a common issue with electronic throttles. It may run like shit for a while, but give it 10 or 15 minutes, and it will be fine. I'll find the gum cutter, and do this tomorrow at work. Thanks a ton man. What's the story on the juice too? I'm runnin' low. lolIt'll be a bit. I expect I should have some good working recipes in about a month. Supplies will be here by early next week, and I will be having to play with sweetness, tartness, and total amount of flavor based on nic levels. I may also do some playing with different atomizers, as I have found flavors to be different between varying types. A cart has a certain profile, a clearo a different profile, a rebuildable tank different yet again, and drippers with single and dual coils are different.I just got a Trident, which is a dual coil dripper, and it is ridiculously tasty. HUGE clouds (the kind that will make a cigar fiend envious) and a ton of flavor. Where I have found my favorite juice right now could use some sweetness in a clearo, it needs nothing in the Trident. In fact, extra sweetener may make it perfumey. So I am trying to decide if I want to do a "happy medium" or if I want to establish different lines for different attys. What flavors and nic levels are you interested in? I generally vape a fruit/menthol blend. Tons of different kinds, but usually somewhat similar. I was considering a dripper/rebuildable, but it seems such a hassle. Probably going to buy a Kanger Aerotank (dual coil for when I feel like high VG), and a simple eVic for easy adjustments. I know there are better battery mods, but the eVic is nice and simple with nice features.I was considering a "cool raspberry", "cool blackberry", "cool strawberry" and "cool blueberry". If you are interested, I will be sure to send some your way. I am going all 50/50 (PG/VG), so options on the PG/VG are not happening right at this moment. I'll send you a couple bottles for the shipping cost just so you can try it and get the word out. I am also doing a couple cotton candy flavors. I'll shoot you a strawberry and blueberry CC if you are interested. I never expected to like the cotton candies but they are amazing. Bubblegums are also forthcoming in various fruits. Let me know if you prefer tart or sweet. Tarts will be more lifelike on the fruits, but sweets will be more candy like. I have the ingredients for both. I will be offering these for ~$.60/mll, where most mid level product is going for $.06-1.00/ml. My distributor may ask for more, but my minimum will be $.60. I can't undercut her by much as she is distributing for me as of this moment. She will be paying me $.40/ml, so her cut is nominal compared to traditional retail. Oh, and FWIW I really like an eVic. I do have one, and play with it a bit. I learned a lot off of it. If you opt for a dripper, you may want a mech. I like my drippers at .9ohms, where an eVic will read "short" and not fire below 1.0 ohms. I am definitely switching to a dripper. My buddy I served with came out to visit today rocking a Vamo V5 and an Igo W drilled out. It was perfection minus being sans tank. Probably going to order a Russian 91% clone and a Vamo V5. The Russians are great, but my budget is $30 and under. Diapers ain't cheap! My buddy knows a guy with a shop who gets the new Vamo's for $30 so I gotta jump on it! Lol. I prefer a tart fruit. Let me know what you need for shipping to 95608. I'm pretty good at networking and I work in a car audio shop. Surprisingly I get a ton of vapers in. Turned a lotta people on to mtbakervaper. What kinda nicotine levels are you gonna be providing for customers?For tart I am thinking blackberry and blueberry, possibly an apple down the line. If you are interested in something else, let me know. As far as shipping, let's see what we get going to you. If flat rate makes more sense, we'll do that. I may wind up shipping several different juices for you to try to get your opinion, as well as for your pleasure. Still figuring less than $5 for enough juice to last you a month if you are a heavy vaper, should be fair, I suspect. Vamos cut you off at 1.2 ohms IIRC, I like my drippers at .9 for a dual coil (in my Trident clone, well worth the money!) and 1.2 for a single (My genuine Nimbus, not really worth it, but decent). For your Russian/Kayfun lite, steer clear of the TOBECO clones. Mine is pretty much crap compared to the real deal. Look at EHPro and HCigar. Call me vain, but I've been looking for a battery mod for about a month that I like. I have a desire for a copper/gold theme and I found the EH Pro Caravela in copper/gold and I already have a 45mm copper drip tip. Do you have a link to recommended atomizer in budget with tank? I can't add drops all day at work so I need something to hold a few mL's but still work well. Caravelas are sexy. The real deal is getting ~$1500 for the mod right now as it is not being made anymore. Pedro, the designer and builder, was going fr exclusivity, and boy are people paying for it now. The EHPro is a strong clone. Well worth the money. The copper is so fucking sexy, but hard to match with an atty. I love the look of copper which is why I got in on the preorder of the JD Tech Stingray Copper Black mod I love the Copper, but the stainless top and bottom caps are perfect for a stainless atty. The Caravela is a 22MM mod with a 510 connection. The diameter is what matters with your attys as far as appearance, the connection is what matters mechanically. You can fit a 14MM 510 atty on your Caravela, but it will be 7MM more narrow. It doesn't look awful, but it is seamless with the same diameter. The Trident is 20MM IIRC. The Trident (even in clone) will be awesome. Look for it, you can find it for $20-30. The clones are made in "gold" and stainless. My local B&M has them for $30, I'd be glad to snag one, build it, and ship it to you if you can't find them. Other dripping attys worth looking at are the Patriot (not my favorite, but clones can be had cheap), The Nimbus (I have one, the draw is a bit closed off, but the flavor is nice, and it has a deep well, so you can load it down and go a while), and my next dripper, The Omega. The Cyclone is another kick ass unit, but I have not seen clones of it. The genuine Cyclone is only about $60-70 new. It is high on my list, but I want a strong dripper with extremely clean lines to match with the Black Copper. IMO any texture doesn't belong on the BC. The Cyclone is clean, but not totally clean like an Omega. Cyclone: get it here: http://indyvaporshop.com/cyclone-rebuildable-atomizer.html Vs the Omega:
  20. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    One would go to the girl so we can both quit. Thanks again brother!!!! J Your welcome. Thanks for serving our country J. I will send ya a few flavors and dif nic levels to try also. I know the flavor profile you like. What does your girl smoke? I am all about supporting my girls as they just moved from a 400 dollar a month location to the unit next door to our shop which is 2300 a month. You have been here, you know the demographic's of this area. It was fun while it lasted bro. As much bitching as I did about it, I miss it. Would I go back? Not unless they fixed me first. The girl usually smokes marlboro lights (like me alternates from regular to menthol), and enjoys sweeter tastes. I hope these girls are successful and trust me, I'll push them as best I can from here. I know how hard it can be ina. New business or new location. J Had I not choose to be a nomad at a young age I would of served. Most likely the Navy/Marines. I could have my structural/electrical engineering licence by now. C'est la vie. I think I know just the flavor for your girl. Is called "tigers Blood" IIRC. As the girls are related to me and yes their biz is in its infancy, I try to help them as much as I can. Same with the girl I am starting my juice development for. She is young, working hard, and a real sweetheart. I am starting some classes for her that teach building, mods, and other aspects she is lean on. Hopefully it will help her expand her business to reach the local vape clubs and other hobbyists. Plus a local juice guy who runs a vape shop runs her down. He acts like without his juices she would be nothing. Interestingly, his juices are really one of her worst selling juice companies. While I like his juices, I am beyond the simple eGo set up. IMO his stuff tastes very flat in typical eVods, PTs, etc. and they are lacking something that I get out of high end stuff like 5Pawns, and he is getting $1 - $1.2 a ML... 5Pawns is getting the same. His stuff is simple toss in a base and a PV/VG/Nic base... no special steep, no other flavor enhancers, nothing.
  21. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    No preservatives, no water. 100% Kosher materials including: Propylene Glycol USP Food Grade 44%, Vegetable Glycerin Food Grade 44%, roughly 3-4% USDA verified food flavorings, sweeteners. Each of the PG/VG totals will be reduced by .24, .18, .12, .06% pure nicotine. Propylene glycol is not the same ingredient in anti-freeze, that is ethylene glycol. PG is used in hospital air purifiers. I am sure that is the first ingredient you are referring to. However, I suggest buying juices from US sources. All the negative shit you here about e-juice is based on foreign juices. Again, what you are interested in will help. I may use you as a guinea pig for flavors that may be outside my palate. I might try different flavor enhancers (all safe, such as Ethyl Maltol, Tart and sour, and simple things like lemon juice) to modify flavors. I am not interested in the same shit you can buy over the counter. My goal is to be unique, with regards to flavor profile, but keep the base fairly common, so you can say "hey, I like cotton candy" not "hey I like ethyl maltose, sucrose, and other odd flavorings". But I want someone to pick up my cotton candy and say "holy shit, that is an amazing flavor", rather than "dude, that tastes just like crossroads vapor's cotton candy".
  22. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Clean the throttle body. It is an electric TB, so be careful. Get a toothbrush and some carb cleaner. Remove the air inlet snorkel from the TB. Turn the key on with the engine off. Have someone step on the accelerator pedal and shoot the carb cleaner down the throttle body. Scrub the inside of the bore and as much of the plate as you can with the toothbrush. DO NOT STICK YOUR FINGERS IN IT!!! After a short period of time the throttle plates will close as a failsafe. It will rip your fingers off. Keep cleaning until it looks decent. It is a common issue with electronic throttles. It may run like shit for a while, but give it 10 or 15 minutes, and it will be fine. I'll find the gum cutter, and do this tomorrow at work. Thanks a ton man. What's the story on the juice too? I'm runnin' low. lolIt'll be a bit. I expect I should have some good working recipes in about a month. Supplies will be here by early next week, and I will be having to play with sweetness, tartness, and total amount of flavor based on nic levels. I may also do some playing with different atomizers, as I have found flavors to be different between varying types. A cart has a certain profile, a clearo a different profile, a rebuildable tank different yet again, and drippers with single and dual coils are different. I just got a Trident, which is a dual coil dripper, and it is ridiculously tasty. HUGE clouds (the kind that will make a cigar fiend envious) and a ton of flavor. Where I have found my favorite juice right now could use some sweetness in a clearo, it needs nothing in the Trident. In fact, extra sweetener may make it perfumey. So I am trying to decide if I want to do a "happy medium" or if I want to establish different lines for different attys. What flavors and nic levels are you interested in? I generally vape a fruit/menthol blend. Tons of different kinds, but usually somewhat similar. I was considering a dripper/rebuildable, but it seems such a hassle. Probably going to buy a Kanger Aerotank (dual coil for when I feel like high VG), and a simple eVic for easy adjustments. I know there are better battery mods, but the eVic is nice and simple with nice features.I was considering a "cool raspberry", "cool blackberry", "cool strawberry" and "cool blueberry". If you are interested, I will be sure to send some your way. I am going all 50/50 (PG/VG), so options on the PG/VG are not happening right at this moment. I'll send you a couple bottles for the shipping cost just so you can try it and get the word out. I am also doing a couple cotton candy flavors. I'll shoot you a strawberry and blueberry CC if you are interested. I never expected to like the cotton candies but they are amazing. Bubblegums are also forthcoming in various fruits. Let me know if you prefer tart or sweet. Tarts will be more lifelike on the fruits, but sweets will be more candy like. I have the ingredients for both. I will be offering these for ~$.60/mll, where most mid level product is going for $.06-1.00/ml. My distributor may ask for more, but my minimum will be $.60. I can't undercut her by much as she is distributing for me as of this moment. She will be paying me $.40/ml, so her cut is nominal compared to traditional retail. Oh, and FWIW I really like an eVic. I do have one, and play with it a bit. I learned a lot off of it. If you opt for a dripper, you may want a mech. I like my drippers at .9ohms, where an eVic will read "short" and not fire below 1.0 ohms. I am definitely switching to a dripper. My buddy I served with came out to visit today rocking a Vamo V5 and an Igo W drilled out. It was perfection minus being sans tank. Probably going to order a Russian 91% clone and a Vamo V5. The Russians are great, but my budget is $30 and under. Diapers ain't cheap! My buddy knows a guy with a shop who gets the new Vamo's for $30 so I gotta jump on it! Lol. I prefer a tart fruit. Let me know what you need for shipping to 95608. I'm pretty good at networking and I work in a car audio shop. Surprisingly I get a ton of vapers in. Turned a lotta people on to mtbakervaper. What kinda nicotine levels are you gonna be providing for customers? For tart I am thinking blackberry and blueberry, possibly an apple down the line. If you are interested in something else, let me know. As far as shipping, let's see what we get going to you. If flat rate makes more sense, we'll do that. I may wind up shipping several different juices for you to try to get your opinion, as well as for your pleasure. Still figuring less than $5 for enough juice to last you a month if you are a heavy vaper, should be fair, I suspect. Vamos cut you off at 1.2 ohms IIRC, I like my drippers at .9 for a dual coil (in my Trident clone, well worth the money!) and 1.2 for a single (My genuine Nimbus, not really worth it, but decent). For your Russian/Kayfun lite, steer clear of the TOBECO clones. Mine is pretty much crap compared to the real deal. Look at EHPro and HCigar.
  23. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Rightfully so. Notice how little. We hear about the Japanese plant? Do some investigating. It's a global epidemic being swept under the rug. Still far less global impact then coal, and most other forms of energy.
  24. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    my first mech mod Sweet! have you built that genny yet? I want to try, but I read a ton of horror stories about setting them up.
  25. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    dual twisted 32 ga coils in my Trident. Twice the surface area of a 30 ga coil with the same resistance. Tons of flavor and monster clouds.