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Everything posted by sandt38

  1. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    1250 2x a week is nice.$100 per car is useless and bullshit. 8 cars is a REALLY good average yearly for most places. ie, you never hit ANY bonuses. You should ask how many guys hit the 10+ unit bonus per month. Used car sales? 10 is close to expected. New car, not so much.
  2. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Que? I may know a thing or 2 about the industry Working sales at a Chevy dealership. Stuck on the finance aspects of it. Wanting to ensure I can make proper cash without a real issue. J Depends on the volume. Salespeople at dealerships can make some nice coin, but it is cutthroat shit. I would expect to see ~10 cars a month per salesperson minimum, as it will be commission based sales. Not sure what the market is like down there, but in places like LA, MS, GA, etc. I would expect yankees to do poorly. Here in NC there are a lot of yankees, so northern salespeople do well, and I suspect with winter birds in FL you should expect them to be more used to yankee accents, and more comfortable with salespeople from NY. Being from WNY your accent will be moderate compared to MA, NYC, NJ, etc so buyers should be more forgiving. The potential is there, but don't expect much help from fellow salespeople, and be sure the sales volume is acceptable. Volume seems to be there, they have ample salespeople there, and a good location. The yankee accent isn't too bad anymore. Certain words catch me up tho. I just want to make sure I can make what I am worth. J I still get shit when I say things I don't think of, like motor, or car, or yard, etc. I have been away from WNY for ~25 years now... You may be like me and carry various accents from places you have lived, but under it all we are still yankees, and we sound like it to locals.
  3. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Yeah, but financing is not as loose as it was just 5 years ago. The places making bigger money are the buy here/pay here poor credit lots like JD Byrider and Drivetime. Those salespeople are making $300 + per car with commissions climbing based on total sales, like 5 cars per month see $350 per, 7 per make it $400 per, etc. and it is all retroactive. The issue is, with slow months during the winter you may see 7 or 8 cars a month if you are a good salesman and your sales manager is being loose with financing. The concern with the dry lending market is that GMAC and other such financing outfits are less lenient. Not bad if you are in a better area, but with strong competition that will limit potential buyers.
  4. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Que? I may know a thing or 2 about the industry Working sales at a Chevy dealership. Stuck on the finance aspects of it. Wanting to ensure I can make proper cash without a real issue. J Depends on the volume. Salespeople at dealerships can make some nice coin, but it is cutthroat shit. I would expect to see ~10 cars a month per salesperson minimum, as it will be commission based sales. Not sure what the market is like down there, but in places like LA, MS, GA, etc. I would expect yankees to do poorly. Here in NC there are a lot of yankees, so northern salespeople do well, and I suspect with winter birds in FL you should expect them to be more used to yankee accents, and more comfortable with salespeople from NY. Being from WNY your accent will be moderate compared to MA, NYC, NJ, etc so buyers should be more forgiving. The potential is there, but don't expect much help from fellow salespeople, and be sure the sales volume is acceptable.
  5. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Que? I may know a thing or 2 about the industry
  6. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Indeed. I think your taste in food is atrocious
  7. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Not a wine fan myself, but I can taste a difference. It is simply not my taste. I have drank some shit whiskey that would make me say I hate whiskey, but I love me some good whiskey. Same with beer... There is a point of diminishing returns, but in some cases it isn't worth finding that point.
  8. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I stay away from that if at all possible. It makes me an emotional bitch. Makes me sick as fuck. Can't take that shit... AT ALL!
  9. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    JOY! I stayed late yesterday and helped a co-worker. He said "I'll buy you a beer". He came in today with 3 22s of STB Choklat. It is like sex in an amber bottle.
  10. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Yeah, fuch them, Jordan. Not worth it.
  11. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Not in Racine per se. Pretty close to Milwaukee or Chicago though. My step brother is in Chicago. He's an attorney with the the EPA. I'd rather steer clear of that area.
  12. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Then up the ante from the grass fed crap and fine corn fed beef. WAY better. Grass fed is a tree hugger idiots idea to ruin the taste of beef. Not saying you can't have a good piece of grass fed beef as how you treat the animal is as important as the diet, but if the same animal was fed corn it would be WAY yummier.I do feel sorry for you all South of IA. Steaks get funkier the further away from the Midwest you get. What does the price difference look like? Also do the antibiotics and hormones truly effect the taste and texture much? I only ask because knowing my luck I will find corn fed beef that does not offer that. J All unrelated.Price for corn fed is cheaper, thank the stupid tree huggers for making shitty taste more money. Hormones and antibiotics can be associated with either corn or grass. Normally those are feed lot beasts and they never taste as good. Grass fed feed lots exist as well. I've been on the lookout for a quarter or a half. Any idea what it should cost for a half? Also, how much freezer space do you need? A half of kind is ~$2K, a quarter is ~$1200... Oh wait... sorry, wrong quarters and halfs... Has it gone down or up lately? Been steady from my source for the past few years by the pound. It is from Amsterdam. MK Ultra is the nicest stuff I have every seen, and the winner of the '13 cannibus cup. It comes in big wood crates, big, fluffy, sticky, stinky buds. Just incredible.
  13. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Then up the ante from the grass fed crap and fine corn fed beef. WAY better. Grass fed is a tree hugger idiots idea to ruin the taste of beef. Not saying you can't have a good piece of grass fed beef as how you treat the animal is as important as the diet, but if the same animal was fed corn it would be WAY yummier.I do feel sorry for you all South of IA. Steaks get funkier the further away from the Midwest you get. What does the price difference look like? Also do the antibiotics and hormones truly effect the taste and texture much? I only ask because knowing my luck I will find corn fed beef that does not offer that. J All unrelated.Price for corn fed is cheaper, thank the stupid tree huggers for making shitty taste more money. Hormones and antibiotics can be associated with either corn or grass. Normally those are feed lot beasts and they never taste as good. Grass fed feed lots exist as well. I've been on the lookout for a quarter or a half. Any idea what it should cost for a half? Also, how much freezer space do you need? A half of kind is ~$2K, a quarter is ~$1200... Oh wait... sorry, wrong quarters and halfs...
  14. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I gotta go to Racine WI next month. Any worthwhile places to visit? Only in town for 2 days for training, so it is not a big visit.
  15. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Juices are doing too well. Gonna be spending a few hours in "Dexter's Laboratory" this evening. The "Cold and Ugly" I mixed last night was a huge hit. It is an apple, peach, and strawberry mix I threw together for a goof. I am struggling to find a strawberry mix that doesn't taste like chemicals, but this is fucking killer.. I have 15 bottles ordered for tomorrow. "Jerk-Off" also has 4 bottles sold. It is a peach/honeysuckle mix. "Hush", a rootbeer float mix also has 6 bottles ordered, and I sold 4 today. I have 3 Lateralus (bourbon/cigar) sold as well. I haven't even begun to supply the vape shop yet. I still want 4 more juices ready before I begin stocking them.
  16. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    What a fuckin' douche.
  17. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Bummer, J...
  18. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That's more Neal's gig I do like spiders, just not allowed to have one as a pet. This is Gavin's birthday present. Peacocks are gorgeous, but no way in hell is my kid getting near one. They are aggressive and have a nasty bite.
  19. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I think I just found the Mod I wanted so badly, too. I'm just waiting for a reply...
  20. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  21. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I guess I should review the Mokah Stout by Southern Tier Brewing Co. This is in the Blackwater Series from STB, which includes Warlok, Choklat, Creme Brulee', and of course Mokah. These are all seasonal, with Warlok being a fall brew, Choklat an early winter brew, Creme being a late winter, and Mokah an early spring beer. IMO they need to kick the Creme to either a fall or spring brew, as the Choklat and Mokah are heavy, bitter winter like brews where the Creme is sweet. As many of you know, I tend to like a semi-bitter chocolate stouts. My favorite beer of all time is Southern Tier's Choklat. I am also a big bourbon fan, and have even tried many bourbon barrel stouts. I also enjoy your typical stout, but I tend to like milk, coffee, and chocolate stouts, with a preference to a semi-sweet stout. I also enjoy imperial stouts, but my penchant is for the more bittersweet and creamy stouts over the heavy alcohol flavor of an imperial. I am not a fan of IPAs, but do like Porters, Lagers and can enjoy a good Pilsner or some sweeter wheat ales (generally orange or cherry wheats). The beer is very good. On the pour it is thick, creamy, and it has a heavy dark head. It rides very bitter, with a slight chocolate and heavy coffee flavor. STB states it is a semi-bitter brew, but honestly I would run this high on the bitter scale. The aroma hints at a more bittersweet beer, so it does well in a glass where sweetness on the nose might be a benefit, but on the tongue it is quite bitter. The coffee is prevalent with slight aftertaste hints of a very bitter chocolate. It is very filling, and rather high gravity, pushing 9.5%. I can drink it all day, but for some it may be a bit much on the bitter end of the spectrum. Obviously, at 9.5% it is a serious beer, but the buzz is very mellow and laid back. I am a huge fan of high end liquor, as the buzz is nicer and the hangover is more mild, if not non-existent. 2 thumbs up on the drinkability scale. I had 3 tonight (with some bourbon) and have a killer, mellow buzz. Please, keep in mind, I like full flavored, complex, bitter drinks, so this may not be for you. Choklat is a more rounded drink for everyone with a penchant for stouts, and while I am going to rate this very high, it may not be for everyone. I give this a 9.5 out of 10. I am taking away a 1/2 point because I know that STB can do better. But in all honesty this beer ranks in the top of my favorites. I will place Choklat at #1, while depending on my mood I may prefer Brooklyn's Black Chocolate stout, Dragons Milk or Warlok over this spectacular brew. But this is tough company, and I rate this beer very high because it deserves it.
  22. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Mokah is a brilliant stout. Mixed with my personal vape blend, Lateralus (a bourbon, cigar tobacco, vanilla mix) it is a kick ass flavor combo... plus with the Double Oaked I started out with, I am a happy flavor dude. Maybe I'll try to get some ass tonight, too.
  23. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  24. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  25. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Holy shit that makes me feel old! No shit. You know Opiate is 22 years old, right? I didn't know he was 50! That is crazy. And a motherfucking genius! Surprised I forgot our bdays were so close.If I had a bromance, it would be with him. Indeed. He is (IMO) a God.