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Everything posted by sandt38

  1. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I remember having that issue at one point as well. It seems to me that they wouldn't populate on one of my media players as well... WinAmp or Windows Media. I'll try to look on my computer to see if I can remember how I fixed the issue, but I can't remember what it was exactly... it was last year, and I haven't repopulated the folder in a while... with all the new music I have at this point, I need to. Just wondering, is all the media currently linked to your server/network? I do remember having some media on a device that was not on my network at the time and all it's media did not show up. Seems like there was just an IP conflict I was not aware of. Simple, and likely something you already checked, but easy enough to overlook, is why I mention it.
  2. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Try inside the jeans. And usually you will need to go up a size in jeans to do it, but it 's well worth it.Practice carrying unloaded around the house. Get comfortable with it. Use a webcam to film how it may print and study your movements and body. You may need a smaller piece. J I ordered another holster and I'm buying the Sig as well. Go try a S&W Shield. Fucking love my 9mm shield. I am planning on grabbing one in a .40sw really soon.
  3. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Scouring the Craigslist personals, bro?I mean if she was hot... You've never fucked an older woman, have you? They know how to please...
  4. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Scouring the Craigslist personals, bro?
  5. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    No offense, but I wouldn't live in Minnesota. It wouldn't be in my top 10. I am completely offended Im sure you are.
  6. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I lived in the snow and cold. I have lived in the warmth too. I like a happy medium. No thanks.
  7. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    No offense, but I wouldn't live in Minnesota. It wouldn't be in my top 10.
  8. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Unlike other Sig pistols, I haven't heard many good things about the Mosquito. I have been reading that, but also read that sig has redone this gun to help with the jamming issues in 2012. I am not sure yet as I am going to look a little harder at the 1911-22. Anything in .22 is a bad idea for reliability IMHO. But a 1911 with a .22 conversion makes a lot of sense from many perspectives. It would hold value and could be a decent sidearm. With how hard .22 has been to find, and my experience with at least 1 in 500 rounds always being dead even from the best MFG it's only good for paper and plinking. You said no one is going to carry so then any 22 will do. I would recommend a heavy bull barrel Ruger or similar. If you just want it for accuracy. Meh... were I buying a .22 pistol it would be the PMR30 .22mag. My service manager has one and it is quite impressive... http://www.keltecweapons.com/our-guns/pmr-30/pistol/ I had their sub2000 rifle for a while, pretty shitty if you ask me--perhaps their pistols are built better. I have shot their rifles and not been impressed... the PMR30 is ugly as fuck, but impressive.
  9. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Love it. Not typically a fan of a semi, as I prefer revolvers, but the M&P Shield is a fantastic sidearm.
  10. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Definitely not judging. And jealous that you have so much.I admit my disdain for 22 pistols. But it would probably make me a better marksman. The FIL has the Ruger and it's just one of the best pistols I have ever shot. 2nd most accurate. The most accurate 5 rounds I ever shot was a 44 magnum. Must have been luck but I had 2 through one, one that was half a bullet width to the right and then 2 a 1/3 inch away. .44 Magnum will make a man outta ya. It's funny hearing people complain of too much recoil or muzzle flip in regards to 9mm, .40S&W, or .45ACP. Pussies. The 44magnum was like 30 pounds of revolver I bet. Makes it easy to steady up. I had a 6" Anaconda and a 4" Python. Loved the Anaconda, but it was tiring to shoot. The Python is the best pistol I have ever shot. I wish I hadn't sold them both Especially considering the prices they fetch now. Yeah, I went shopping for a Python last year... and I still don't have one. Great pistol, but not worth $1K in rough condition IMO.
  11. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    The Sienna is really the better choice. Nissan has managed to fuck everything up that was good about them for so many years recently.
  12. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Definitely not judging. And jealous that you have so much.I admit my disdain for 22 pistols. But it would probably make me a better marksman. The FIL has the Ruger and it's just one of the best pistols I have ever shot. 2nd most accurate. The most accurate 5 rounds I ever shot was a 44 magnum. Must have been luck but I had 2 through one, one that was half a bullet width to the right and then 2 a 1/3 inch away. .44 Magnum will make a man outta ya. It's funny hearing people complain of too much recoil or muzzle flip in regards to 9mm, .40S&W, or .45ACP. Pussies. I used to blow off steam with .38SP in my .357. My buddy just bought his first gun, an M&P .40. I let him shoot the revolver and he asked why I had a "pussy gun." I loaded up the mag rounds and he quickly understood. Love my M&P shield 9MM. Planning on grabbing up a .40 soon.
  13. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Definitely not judging. And jealous that you have so much.I admit my disdain for 22 pistols. But it would probably make me a better marksman. The FIL has the Ruger and it's just one of the best pistols I have ever shot. 2nd most accurate. The most accurate 5 rounds I ever shot was a 44 magnum. Must have been luck but I had 2 through one, one that was half a bullet width to the right and then 2 a 1/3 inch away. .44 Magnum will make a man outta ya. It's funny hearing people complain of too much recoil or muzzle flip in regards to 9mm, .40S&W, or .45ACP. Pussies. The 44magnum was like 30 pounds of revolver I bet. Makes it easy to steady up. I had a 6" Anaconda and a 4" Python. Loved the Anaconda, but it was tiring to shoot. The Python is the best pistol I have ever shot. I wish I hadn't sold them both
  14. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Unlike other Sig pistols, I haven't heard many good things about the Mosquito. I have been reading that, but also read that sig has redone this gun to help with the jamming issues in 2012. I am not sure yet as I am going to look a little harder at the 1911-22. Anything in .22 is a bad idea for reliability IMHO. But a 1911 with a .22 conversion makes a lot of sense from many perspectives. It would hold value and could be a decent sidearm. With how hard .22 has been to find, and my experience with at least 1 in 500 rounds always being dead even from the best MFG it's only good for paper and plinking. You said no one is going to carry so then any 22 will do. I would recommend a heavy bull barrel Ruger or similar. If you just want it for accuracy. Meh... were I buying a .22 pistol it would be the PMR30 .22mag. My service manager has one and it is quite impressive... http://www.keltecweapons.com/our-guns/pmr-30/pistol/
  15. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Yeah, I don't really want it, but it's hard to refuse for the price. Dealer quoted me $16,700 on trade and I'm paying a bit less than nine. the numbers dictate buying. Holy shit, my mom looked at one and it was over 40k Yeah, the sticker on this was $33K 3 years ago. Retail now is between 18-23. Who in their right mind is paying that much for an Escape? I don't get it. Jumped into a 2014 Escape Hybrid today for an inspection... The interior was crazy. Ford is definitely going after a more high end feel. It was not really to my taste, as it was way too busy, but I could see the appeal. I was shocked to see the Eco-boost mated up with an IMA type "hybrid" assist CVT trans.
  16. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Arming the wife is never a good idea Maybe that shot will jam and I can run Such an optimist, bro... that's why we all appreciate ya.
  17. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Arming the wife is never a good idea
  18. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    ME... I fucking hated Millennium Edition.
  19. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Yeah, but you will need to have a new bung welded into the exhaust and a real boost pressure sensor to do it. The Boost sensor is simple, tee it in line with any manifold vacuum source... but the exhaust bung will require a welder and a skilled welder to be sure it is properly sealed.
  20. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Torq is a generic OBD2 reader. It will provide limited info, but not oil pressure, trans temp. AFR will always be calculated, as GM uses O2 sensors, not AF sensors. Rest assured, calculated is extremely accurate. Even a Tech 2 will not pull up EGT, so don't sweat it. It is rare on cars, aside from some Asians that use EGT to determine if the EGR valve is open. As far as fuel rail pressure, it is rare that GM has a fuel rail pressure sensor, and highly unlikely that they use them on your truck. Aside from Ford, you rarely see them on any vehicle aside from DFI systems. Be thankful, as Ford rail pressure sensors are a fucking nightmare. Oil temp is rarely displayed on OBD2 (rendering that PID on Torq virtually useless), so don't expect that on many vehicles at all. Vacuum will be listed as MAP, most likely (even though most manufacturers use MAF sensors, GM uses MAP to look at EGR opening, since EGR events lower manifold vacuum), but it will be in an absolute measurement, not direct manifold vacuum. In other words, absolute vacuum is 30inhg, so 10 in of vacuum will read 20in, and 20 in will read 10in (subtract the absolute measurement from 30 inches to get the "actual" reading). Generally you should expect to see, on OBD2, O2 readings, measured load, fuel trims, engine RPM, calculated load, coolant temp, MAF (may be substituted for calculated load), MAP (where applicable in absolute, not actual), IAT and a few other fairly worthless measurements. In all honesty, Torq is one of the better apps for the aftermarket, but it does not compare to a good scanner. Without some form of factory software you will not garner the info you hope to for a screen. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that is all there is to it. Thanks, but my poorly worded question was slightly different.If the sensors are there, Palmer has cracked them for an OBD USB setup for gauges (At least that is what they told me in email, but the dude was such a shit box I don't believe him). I just don't know what is there and can't figure out how to look that up. I believe you answered this with: "Generally you should expect to see, on OBD2, O2 readings, measured load, fuel trims, engine RPM, calculated load, coolant temp, MAF (may be substituted for calculated load), MAP (where applicable in absolute, not actual), IAT and a few other fairly worthless measurements." My concern with calculated AFR is if anything is wrong on the tuning tables the calculation will be wrong won't it? I have no idea how it is calculated though so perhaps that is a shitty assumption. I am open to adding a gauge or two, just don't want a crapton and the more virtual access the better. Calculated AFR is not instantaneous, so for on the fly tuning will not work. Even factory AFR sensors are extremely slow. While a standard O2 sensor reads nearly instantaneously, a factory AFR sensor reads slowly, averaging over a specified period of time. Where I used to be able to diagnose using O2 readings, I now have to rely more on my fuel trim readings. Honestly, learning FTs has been beneficial even with a real O2, but it was not really common knowledge 10 years ago... I hate reading AFR sensors. But you won't really find a DFI style system with OBD2. Odds are you will get it tuned and the tuner will use their own AFR sensor for tuning. Please bear in mind that my tuning is limited to obd1 where we flashed proms or directly programed simple MOTEC DFIs based on AFRs, tailpipe sniffers and dynos. It has been 15-20 years since I did any professional tuning, so my OBD2 tuning is near zero. Howevere, after the vehicle is programmed AFR readings are little more than a cool factor, so calculated AFRs will work for your situation. Keep in mind that your tuner's readings will be extremely accurate, and your Torq program or it's equivalent mean nothing to them. They will use their own input devices and reading devices to establish your tune, so the simple reality is that whatever you choose to do is for your personal enjoyment or for show... no offense intended, of course. Most people like to see the information but rarely know how to use or interpret it. Again, no offense intended, but it takes a shit ton of training and experience to interpret this information. Hacking the data is not very new, in fact most aftermarket scanners do that. They don't buy the software rights, they just backwards engineer it. Even SnapOn, who is in bed with some manufacturers, and even more relevantly, Drew Tech (who makes my Cardaq-M and Cardaq-Plus programmers) actually develop many factory J2534 scanners and programmer for the manufacturers cannot use their data streams without paying royalties, so they reverse engineer it for the aftermarket. In short, I would not be surprised if they can deliver the information accurately enough via a gauge set.
  21. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Dude, even Windows media player and iTunes does that. Why is that so hard? Look into Plex or WinAmp (although they have terminated support for WinAmp IIRC).
  22. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Bingo. Look for carburetor supply shops, particularly dual carb Carter setups like old Z cars (where side drafts are eliminated in favor or top mounted carbs) or tri power Chrysler or Pontiac set ups. The linkages need to be timed, so these should be available there. Just use all thread or threaded rods for your adjustable links.
  23. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Bingo. Look for carburetor supply shops, particularly dual carb Carter setups like old Z cars (where side drafts are eliminated in favor or top mounted carbs) or tri power Chrysler or Pontiac set ups. The linkages need to be timed, so these should be available there. Just use all thread or threaded rods for your adjustable links.
  24. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Torq is a generic OBD2 reader. It will provide limited info, but not oil pressure, trans temp. AFR will always be calculated, as GM uses O2 sensors, not AF sensors. Rest assured, calculated is extremely accurate. Even a Tech 2 will not pull up EGT, so don't sweat it. It is rare on cars, aside from some Asians that use EGT to determine if the EGR valve is open. As far as fuel rail pressure, it is rare that GM has a fuel rail pressure sensor, and highly unlikely that they use them on your truck. Aside from Ford, you rarely see them on any vehicle aside from DFI systems. Be thankful, as Ford rail pressure sensors are a fucking nightmare. Oil temp is rarely displayed on OBD2 (rendering that PID on Torq virtually useless), so don't expect that on many vehicles at all. Vacuum will be listed as MAP, most likely (even though most manufacturers use MAF sensors, GM uses MAP to look at EGR opening, since EGR events lower manifold vacuum), but it will be in an absolute measurement, not direct manifold vacuum. In other words, absolute vacuum is 30inhg, so 10 in of vacuum will read 20in, and 20 in will read 10in (subtract the absolute measurement from 30 inches to get the "actual" reading). Generally you should expect to see, on OBD2, O2 readings, measured load, fuel trims, engine RPM, calculated load, coolant temp, MAF (may be substituted for calculated load), MAP (where applicable in absolute, not actual), IAT and a few other fairly worthless measurements. In all honesty, Torq is one of the better apps for the aftermarket, but it does not compare to a good scanner. Without some form of factory software you will not garner the info you hope to for a screen. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that is all there is to it.
  25. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Torq is a generic OBD2 reader. It will provide limited info, but not oil pressure, trans temp. AFR will always be calculated, as GM uses O2 sensors, not AF sensors. Rest assured, calculated is extremely accurate. Even a Tech 2 will not pull up EGT, so don't sweat it. It is rare on cars, aside from some Asians that use EGT to determine if the EGR valve is open. As far as fuel rail pressure, it is rare that GM has a fuel rail pressure sensor, and highly unlikely that they use them on your truck. Aside from Ford, you rarely see them on any vehicle aside from DFI systems. Be thankful, as Ford rail pressure sensors are a fucking nightmare. Oil temp is rarely displayed on OBD2 (rendering that PID on Torq virtually useless), so don't expect that on many vehicles at all. Vacuum will be listed as MAP, most likely (even though most manufacturers use MAF sensors, GM uses MAP to look at EGR opening, since EGR events lower manifold vacuum), but it will be in an absolute measurement, not direct manifold vacuum. In other words, absolute vacuum is 30inhg, so 10 in of vacuum will read 20in, and 20 in will read 10in (subtract the absolute measurement from 30 inches to get the "actual" reading). Generally you should expect to see, on OBD2, O2 readings, measured load, fuel trims, engine RPM, calculated load, coolant temp, MAF (may be substituted for calculated load), MAP (where applicable in absolute, not actual), IAT and a few other fairly worthless measurements. In all honesty, Torq is one of the better apps for the aftermarket, but it does not compare to a good scanner. Without some form of factory software you will not garner the info you hope to for a screen. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that is all there is to it.