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Everything posted by sandt38

  1. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    It is self leveling epoxy.
  2. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Damn. That sucks Amazing fuckin' dude.
  3. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I blame Harry.
  4. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Perhaps you should start smoking drugs; Literally.
  5. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Most newer phones will. "Newer" being within the past six months or so, it seems. Hence the use of the word; "newer".
  6. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    There is so much shit to see in Europe. They have had millennia, while we are stuck at just a few centuries. The history is fucking amazing.
  7. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    ... and interested in culture, if you can believe that...
  8. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    To Visit Disney? Yes, but I was being a smartass. As hard as it may be to believe, I gotcha... Even though I may be a redneck asshat, I am somewhat educated, mildly intelligent, and nearly well traveled.
  9. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    To Visit Disney?
  10. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Most newer phones will.
  11. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Wow, just might be one of the dumbest things I have ever read on the internet. The world is idiotic, not that idiotic. http://www.aecom.com/deployedfiles/Internet/Capabilities/Economics/_documents/2012%20Theme%20Index%20Combined_1-1_online.pdfDisney has a higher attendance rate than the top world wide museums. What other kind of culture gets 13 million visitors a year?J Paris as a city gets way more, hell the fucking Louvre which is what 0.05% the size of Disney World gets nearly 10 Million. Your statement above was 'visiting culture' in which it is horribly outnumbers. By more than an order of magnitude.By the way, Disney is not culture it is sickening American shit that is akin to McPukes. Lack of culture perhaps, not culture. Considering Disney is in Orlando http://www.ibtimes.com/orlando-surpasses-new-york-most-visited-us-city-1574621Paris does get more but not as much of a gap as may be expected. http://www.thelocal.fr/20140311/paris-still-worlds-top-tourist-destinationAnd for ParisHigh end cultural places. That would be a museum, the ballet, orchestra's or the theatre.Disney is still culture by definition. While it may not stack up to your level of what is good culture, it still is.J Culture - the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=cultureDisney doesn't make that cut, if you think it does that is seriously sad. Very sad.44 million people travel to Paris a year. All of them to experience the culture of the city. Orlando has NONE. May have visitors, but they aren't there for a cultural experience. Human intellectual achievement can mean many things. Do you consider the arts such as music, illustration, dance, and literature pieces of culture? Disney has provided all of those things. Yes Millions of people visit Paris. I do not dispute this fact. But what aspects of culture do you think they are there for? Additionally the meaning of 'culture' changes by environment. The world's fair back 60+ years ago was considered a cultural wonder. Something everyone should experience. Now it has been dwindled down to sluts in skimpy clothing plugging a product they have no fucking clue about. Is that cultural? All depends on where you live. J Hillbilly idiots akin to what you find in Deliverance are culture by your definition.You are making me feel sorry for you J. Honestly, your view of culture, based on your arguments, is exceptionally narrow minded. I will agree with J on these points. The "culture" in Paris sucks dick... and yes, I have been there. Collections of art and culture from artists outside of France does not constitute Paris as a cultural godsend, no matter how impressive the Louvre is. The majority of that art is from Italy anyways. And fuck Parisians, the giggly girls at Disney are far more polite and receptive than anyone I met in that stinky shithole that houses the Eiffel Tower. So a desire of education is narrow minded. That's funny.Paris, Rome, Tokyo - doesn't matter which. Just ain't idiotic Disneyworld crap. Really easy to define and understand, just look at the average person desiring to go there. Sure Paris attracts a ton of dipshits, but nothing compared to things like State Fairs which are akin to Disney. Not my point at all. Disney is, no matter how much you choose not to believe it, a cultural icon. Take 1/2 the paintings in the Louve and ask anyone in the "civilized" world who envisioned and portrayed them. Now, take 1/2 of the characters at Disney and ask the same people who envisioned and portrayed them. Guess which collection wins. No, Disney is not DaVinci, Michelangelo or VanGogh, but it defines a single culture far more than any of these artists do. It is also more recognizable. Culture is not defined as what you think is impressive, rather it is a definitive representation of an age or civilization... and Disney is synonymous with the single greatest nation in the world today. Sure, while I abhor the people, I would rather walk the hallways of the Louvre than the sidewalks of Disney World, but you can't deny the impact that Disney has had on our culture, or the world, unless you are narrow minded or completely self-absorbed. And to further my point... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disneyland_Paris Yet I have never seen Louvre, FL USA.
  12. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Wow, just might be one of the dumbest things I have ever read on the internet. The world is idiotic, not that idiotic. http://www.aecom.com/deployedfiles/Internet/Capabilities/Economics/_documents/2012%20Theme%20Index%20Combined_1-1_online.pdfDisney has a higher attendance rate than the top world wide museums. What other kind of culture gets 13 million visitors a year?J Paris as a city gets way more, hell the fucking Louvre which is what 0.05% the size of Disney World gets nearly 10 Million. Your statement above was 'visiting culture' in which it is horribly outnumbers. By more than an order of magnitude.By the way, Disney is not culture it is sickening American shit that is akin to McPukes. Lack of culture perhaps, not culture. Considering Disney is in Orlando http://www.ibtimes.com/orlando-surpasses-new-york-most-visited-us-city-1574621Paris does get more but not as much of a gap as may be expected. http://www.thelocal.fr/20140311/paris-still-worlds-top-tourist-destinationAnd for ParisHigh end cultural places. That would be a museum, the ballet, orchestra's or the theatre.Disney is still culture by definition. While it may not stack up to your level of what is good culture, it still is.J Culture - the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=cultureDisney doesn't make that cut, if you think it does that is seriously sad. Very sad.44 million people travel to Paris a year. All of them to experience the culture of the city. Orlando has NONE. May have visitors, but they aren't there for a cultural experience. Human intellectual achievement can mean many things. Do you consider the arts such as music, illustration, dance, and literature pieces of culture? Disney has provided all of those things. Yes Millions of people visit Paris. I do not dispute this fact. But what aspects of culture do you think they are there for? Additionally the meaning of 'culture' changes by environment. The world's fair back 60+ years ago was considered a cultural wonder. Something everyone should experience. Now it has been dwindled down to sluts in skimpy clothing plugging a product they have no fucking clue about. Is that cultural? All depends on where you live. J Hillbilly idiots akin to what you find in Deliverance are culture by your definition.You are making me feel sorry for you J. Honestly, your view of culture, based on your arguments, is exceptionally narrow minded. I will agree with J on these points. The "culture" in Paris sucks dick... and yes, I have been there. Collections of art and culture from artists outside of France does not constitute Paris as a cultural godsend, no matter how impressive the Louvre is. The majority of that art is from Italy anyways. And fuck Parisians, the giggly girls at Disney are far more polite and receptive than anyone I met in that stinky shithole that houses the Eiffel Tower.
  13. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Axe the guy over there...
  14. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    For what I have a feeling will only be this year, we got passes to the park. It's just a nice way to forget everything for the day. Yes the crowds suck something fierce, and the lines can be a pain in the ass. The overall experience when we went the first few times was simply relaxing and amazing. Now, I doubt I will be renewing. We never go to Epcot just for the food, but also for some of the concerts, and the experiences. For us it's a lot of fun to see how well they immerse you in architecture to make you feel as if you are in a stereotype of the country that part of the park represents. J I've travelled too much. IMO, it'd be like having a restaurant in the ghetto that only served fried chicken and watermelon Sounds authentic to me.
  15. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sorry, but not true, and a fucked up premise to begin with. Indeed... It should be: Happy wife will find something else to bitch about.
  16. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I wouldn't worry about springs unless your lift requires them. You won't be winding it out much higher than current redline so I don't forsee a lot of float. Pushrods, not really. Cat and exhaust are suggested with the hairdriers. Better flow after the blowers and short tubes before have always proven optimal. Not sue what the feed adapter is. Is the requirement based on a resized pump feed inlet?
  17. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Yes, you will need a clutch puller and installer. You will also need flat feeler gauges to set the clutch gap. I suggest buying a complete compressor. Any reason you recommend a complete compressor instead? I'm assuming when the clutch bearing goes, the rest is also worn out too? Car has 90k on it, and I don't see owning it in another year. If you aren't keeping it than toss the clutch on it.
  18. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    FWIW the compressors are known leakers at the press gap midship of the compressor.
  19. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Yes, you will need a clutch puller and installer. You will also need flat feeler gauges to set the clutch gap. I suggest buying a complete compressor.
  20. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    And fuck Bosch on O2s. Look at NTK or Denso.
  21. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    We used Siemens back in the day. They were reliable as hell.
  22. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Seems like it's a common thing on some Androids. The battery like "recharges" itself at night and the phone doesn't know how to display that. Then once you start using it again it will just sit at a certain % even though you are using it heavily. Then it suddenly start dropping like crazy. Kit Kat SUCKS for power use. Can't wait for an update My M8 goes forever with KitKat.
  23. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Caveman shitting is more for sphincter training.
  24. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  25. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Dude, I feel ya. Prednisone fucks my shit up. I just can't take it. It makes me feel like I am dying.