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Everything posted by sandt38

  1. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Actually running them isobarically requires 1/4 the power and IIRC 1/2 the enclosure size to achieve the same output. Is not the idea being the iso to use the second driver for control to make a smaller enclosure work? I've never seen an instance where efficiency is increased, especially to the point where you need 1/4 the power. You've decreased enclosure size, and added a driver, so if anything, efficiency is increased and more power is needed. With the drivers wired inversely they act upon each other through coupling. One sub pushes the other, reducing the power to reach full excursion. I expected roughly 1/2 the power, but someone somewhere explained how they amplify each other, making the required power 3/8-1/4 the required power. You decrease the enclosure size because you are doubling the motor strength by coupling them isobarically
  2. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Actually running them isobarically requires 1/4 the power and IIRC 1/2 the enclosure size to achieve the same output.
  3. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hello!!! ------------------- I just bought myself a new toy today... well, I ordered it anyways... http://www1.snapon.c...s/VERUSWireless http://www1.snapon.c...sonTraining.htm I really liked this unit. I bought a Bosch about a year ago, and it does a hell of a lot, but this puppy is nasty. The price was a bit high (but it is on sale for $2K off retail), plus I had to buy a passthrough programmer which cost another $1600, but when I crossed the $10K mark I got a $2K cashback rebate, so I got the passthrough and some other accessories for it. We use the Snap-On information system at the shop, so I can access everything I need through this unit, and the scanned codes link to the information system instantly so I don't have to reinput all my vehicle info and hunt it down on another computer. I love the fact that the unit incorporates a 4 channel scope, multimeter, scanner, and information system all in one. I have a big @ss cart I use for my diagnosis stuff, and now I can narrow it down into one complete system. So I am selling my Bosch scanner (a coworker wants it) and my scope. Anyone interested in the scope? I am not giving my pricy leads with it, but I will give the factory set with it.
  4. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm just an old Catholic. The man is the head of the household, and that is it. What I say goes, but if anyone else in the house has something to say, I will listen. However, you have to bend. I try to make sure that what I am deciding is something everyone can enjoy, or needs, or whatever. You can't be selfish. If she asks for something, decide weather or not it will work for both of you. If it is one sided, put your foot down, but you had best have an alternative that will work for both of you.
  5. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Damn nice to see you here! Allow me to respond in kind.Been busy. The new job is really eating a lot of my time, but the pay is killer. Plus they give me a car every night and pay for my gas.
  6. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A hatchet, perhaps?
  7. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just saw that as well... http://obituaries.expressionstributes.com/?of=bef2226047 May God rest his soul.
  8. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So Julian, sorry I was gone for a few days. What did you opt for with regards to the lifting, if anything?
  9. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The boy is getting his red wings.
  10. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Great, in the meantime I've tailored my schedule to give me 3 days (Tuesday, Friday and Sunday) when I can work out. And I'll start with what Seth has instructed. Good deal. The beauty of these few exercises is they hit every muscle group. They will give you the most bang for the buck. I had my schedule posted here in the hop at one point, perhaps you can find it. I also had added some target muscle groups to my schedule, but if you keep within the guidelines of my workout with those compounds you will be doing exactly what you need to lose weight. Do you have any thoughts on pulley rows vs bent over rows ? I'll dig some to find your schedule. No, I suggest 45 degree bent over rows. So many more muscles are targeted, and targeted hard. This gets biceps, triceps, brachials, delts, traps, quads, and glutes. When I get done doing my 5/5s of bent over rows I am totally whipped...
  11. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    FTW!!! Bitch has got nice tits....
  12. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Great, in the meantime I've tailored my schedule to give me 3 days (Tuesday, Friday and Sunday) when I can work out. And I'll start with what Seth has instructed. Good deal. The beauty of these few exercises is they hit every muscle group. They will give you the most bang for the buck. I had my schedule posted here in the hop at one point, perhaps you can find it. I also had added some target muscle groups to my schedule, but if you keep within the guidelines of my workout with those compounds you will be doing exactly what you need to lose weight.
  13. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Depends, really. If you are seriously lifting it doesn't matter if you are eating shit or good food, as long as you get the proper caloric intake. For my needs, with my size, I have to have a rough intake of about 3500 calories a day. If I ate healthy all the time I would have to eat an entire chicken coop to get the calories I need. I eat 1000 calories of crap a day. Now if you are going for show cut, the right food is more important. But most of us are not doing shows, and most of us cannot eat enough good food to reach the ideal caloric intake.
  14. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    5 reps / 5 sets and 5 reps / 3 sets. Do the squats and bent over rows at 5/5 to failure (so very heavy), and the others at 5/3 to failure. Do it 3 days a week (say Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). I suggest the squats and rows every workout and alternate the bench (monday and friday) and the military (wednesday). Every week force yourself to increase the weight by roughly 5-10%. Take long breaks between sets. These work well because these few exercises hit every muscle group in the body in very quick short bursts.
  15. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL Went to a 60 minute cycling course today, I was trashed, although I ride to work daily. So if my main goal so far is to get the fat off I think if I can do this course 3x / week it's great. And further down the road I can add weight lifting. Thoughts ? Small frame, so any extra fat = Adrian is chubby. I cannot express to you how much strength training means for losing body fat. That doesn't mean trying to get huge but doing resistance training will ramp up your metabolism. One of my best buddies is a super cycle guy. Mostly MT and about 60 miles a week on slow weeks. Rides in the winter too. He could never lose the Chubb in the middle. Just adding a little weight training helped him to cut off about 3 inches from the middle in 2 months. Indeed. Muscle naturally burns calories, and the healing of torn fibers adds to it's metabolic effect. Best bet is compounds and large muscle work. Squats, bents over rows, military press, bench press. Real simple, sub 45 minutes workout will build endurance, cause very quick weight loss, and provide a good physique. Do a 5/5 or 5/3, heavy weight.
  16. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm working Friday. New job, lots of hours, but nice money. Holiday pay FTW! Hola Broseph. Hope life is treating you well.
  17. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm working Friday. New job, lots of hours, but nice money.
  18. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We had one on the flight home from Italy in April. Holy shit that was annoying... Morning and happy turkey day everyone! I am up early and anxiously awaiting the point where I can eat our fat ass bird...
  19. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Coconut oil FTMFW! Sesame oil if she's Asian. Gun Oil FTW.
  20. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hell I got a rash of PM's even And how does the wife feel about this?
  21. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You are wasting your time and the fruits/vegies you are juicing unless you get the Jack Lelanne Juicer. We used a couple different juicers and were unhappy with the result, then we were at a friend's house and they have one... Let's just say we also had one the next day.
  22. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What's that all about? LSD does strange things to people.
  23. sandt38

    Welcome to the IHoP

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