Add Carter to those two and you have the 3 worst presidents in history. By FAR! Of course, Bush was a Christian Coalition Democrat. Talk about picking the worst of both sides. Ugh. Add papa bush into the equasion and you have the 4 worst. I was happy enough with Clinton (granted he as a military pussy) and Regan, but damn, we have had a lot of fuck ups over the years. I see us more going the way of Europe, but many of them are facing huge financial problems and are having to cut back on their social programs, which often results in rioting. The problem with going the way of Europe is that we've all been exposed to the American dream. This means we are going to go the way of countries like Greece and not Germany. If work ethic is intrinsic then socialism can work, when it's not it is a major fail. Europe proves this everyday Hey, Communism in it's pure form is perfect. Sadly, greed trumps this. Capitalism and democracy works, as long as we can keep greed reigned in within government. But they too are power and money hungry, and eventually that system fails, even with checks and balances. Dude you are blindfolded. Just within a few miles of my inlaws farm there are at least 1000 "employed" illegal aliens. They claim unemployment (not even sure how that fucking works) all summer long, take their field work check at the end of summer and go back to Mexico for the winter. This is a seriously small subset. My nephew knocked up a girl who is now 22ish and has 4 kids. She is having kids so she doesn't have to work. Why? We have a program that ENCOURAGES that behavior. IMO, that is NOT who we want to encourage to have kids. Then look at the people who are running from their mortgages. Not because they have to, but they can. It is fucking ridiculous. And yes, guess who gets to pay for it. Some people NEED help. Let's give it to them and punish the others. As for the lazy, have you looked at the work force lately? Spoken to a high school kid about being employed? Or just generally looked around at jobs that you personally wouldn't do? It is a telling story. The issue is we help everyone, no matter the circumstance. Laziness breeds laziness. This is passed down from generation to generation, and the numbers multiply tremendously over time. My mother in law said it best... "Helping doesn't help". In most cases this is the truth. Honestly, I feel some people do need and deserve our help. I read some of your posts and feel your pain and inability to comprehend the coldness displayed in these posts. Be aware, and I am sure I am not speaking just for myself, you are not among those for whom we express our discontent. In the majority of cases I feel I, as a taxpayer, is being ripped off by some lazy cocksucker. But I am aware of people who legitimately have issues that prevents them from achieving all that many of us do achieve. My posts that take issue with abusers of the system does not include people in your situation. I honestly understand and believe that some people have no choice but to ask for assistance. I know when I got sick (I had 4th stage cancer and was told I would not live, and was totally unable to work as I was wheelchair bound) I could have used some assistance. I was fortunate enough that my life prior to my cancer provided me with the money and social structure to keep me from being reliant on social programs. But I know I was one of the lucky ones. I know I am speaking for several people here when I say you are trapped in a generalization. We realize that there are people in unique situations such as you find yourself in, and our ire is not focused on you, or people who really cannot get by because of certain situations such as that in which you find yourself. But sadly, millions of people exploit real problems for their own gains. For their own laziness. I give to causes I feel are worthy. Your cause is worthy as well. Prayers are that you will find solace, and the assistance you need.