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UNIT 6639

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Everything posted by UNIT 6639

  1. RE does not sell the 12.1 anymore, I am wondering if they can repair a damaged one. I have a friend who has one that needs minor repairs. Anybody know?
  2. UNIT 6639

    Best SPL Sub

    LOL ^^
  3. UNIT 6639

    Single BL 10" to 2 10" SSD's

    Yea, its a straight swap. I just cant come up with the money for a 2nd BL and money to upgrade my amp and electrical to support the 2 BL's and a 2000 + watt amp. Thanks guys for responding
  4. UNIT 6639

    fi decals

    Or you could order a sub and get one inside the box , I totaly screwed mine up trying to put it on the window
  5. UNIT 6639

    Single BL 10" to 2 10" SSD's

    The BL was/is ported, so to will the SSD's be ported, they are going to go in the box I had built for the 2 BL's.
  6. UNIT 6639


    I have one, I like it alot! I have it listed for sale here but I am leaning towards keeping it. I know alot of peoples hat eD but the 9.1 is a solid amp in my opinion!
  7. UNIT 6639

    My BL comes tommorow!!!

    I think FI doesnt recommend BL's sealed, I think Q's and SSD's are their subs that you would want to go sealed with. Thats not to say a BL wont work sealed though, it would be a waste though IMHO
  8. UNIT 6639

    BL question

    How much do they weight, the weight for the 10" shipped from ups says the package is 32lbs, how much of that is the BL and how much is packaging? I am wondering because I planned on inverting my BL and I am hoping it wont be so heavy that it flips the box over. I am putting it in a 1.2 cuft box, I cant remember hox much it weights but it cant be more than 45 to 50 lbs. I plan on buying another BL, I am having a dual 10" box built for the 2 so I hope the combined weight of the 2 will not be too much for a 2 cuft MDF box to handle inverted.
  9. UNIT 6639

    Scott, Nick or Shawn

    How much are they shipped to 26851? I want one for my old e12k. The old e cone has a little damage to it, running it inverted now. Also, where could I get the glue needed to put it on? Can I buy the glue from FI?
  10. I see alot of post where guys are running there amps at .7 ohms, how is this possible. I have run amps at 1 ohm or even .5, but how do you get .7??
  11. UNIT 6639

    Amps wired to .7

    I understand that part, so what coil config will run an amp at .7? I know 2 D2 subs will net you a .5 ohm impeadence, but what VC config gets .7? What? quad coils or something?
  12. UNIT 6639

    New Build for 07 Nissan Altima

    When you remove your rear deck, please post how you did it, i cant begin to figure out how to get mine off!
  13. UNIT 6639

    Where did you first hear about Fi?

    I heard some rumblings about a new subwoofer company from a topic over on Sound Illusions forum, I clicked on a link that brought me over here to SSA. I joined just to be able to ask questions about FI products, next thing I knew, a BL was sitting on my door step!
  14. UNIT 6639

    What you should know about Fi

    I researched FI as deeply as I could on this forum before ordering a BL. After what I read here and talking to Scott,Nick and Shawn, I decided to send FI my money! Yea, the price of FI subs also influenced my decesion, but if I would have read bad things about FI, Iwouldnt have bought anything from FI. And some people wonder why people are going bonkers about FI right now, CUSTOMER SERVICE is why! You dont only get a GREAT sub at a more than fair price, but you get great customer service as well........ even if you dont buy something. I sweated Nick, Scott, and Shawn with my questions that I could have searched for, all 3 answered and thanked me for my interest! I really cant say enough good things about FI!!!
  15. UNIT 6639

    An interesting question I forgot to ask

    I have a BL 10" with the daily option, to me, it sounds great, it sounds just as good as my AA Avalanche did and my Ava sounded GREAT! I cant wait to get my second BL 10" so I can REALLY wang!
  16. Hey guys, I am having an issue with my amp I am wondering if my RCA's are bad, I had them loose in the trunk while my amp was uninstalled, could they have touched and burnt out or something, I didnt tape them off, only the power wire and ground, I didnt think they needed to be taped off as well. But my amp is sounding unright! the output is very low, I turned the gain up to max and it does not sound like a 1200 watt amp should sound, I dont know if that makes sense. I say that because I switched amps, from a eD 9.1 to a RE 12.1, nothing changed except the amp, all wiring is the same, the 9.1 was thumping, I know both amps are different but they are both supposed to put out 1200 rms so I am hoping its the RCA's. I am going to pull the HU when I get home and make sure both RCA's are in the HU, i may need to buy new ones to rule that out, is there a way to test them without special tools?
  17. UNIT 6639

    Attn Scott

    I have one and have some questions, wondering if you are familiar with them, I cant find much info on them on the net, google has faild me , anyway, if you do could you respond?
  18. UNIT 6639

    Attn Scott

    I know your busy Scott, but PM sent with my question? Arghh, your PM box is full , seems your popular around these parts
  19. UNIT 6639

    Attn Scott

    I know your busy Scott, but PM sent with my question?
  20. UNIT 6639

    Can FI recone an eD e12k dvc 2ohm

    Well that didnt sound too inspiring , anyway, if all I can opt for is a drop in kit, thats fine! My e12k is in fine working order as it is, I just want a recone for it to "renew" it.
  21. UNIT 6639


    Vick, are you going to be able to get the full rms out of the 9.1 with your 18's? I forget what VC configuration you have on your 18's .
  22. UNIT 6639

    Can FI recone an eD e12k dvc 2ohm

    Scott, I forgot to ask, would I be limited to reconing it to only D4? I was hoping to get it reconed to D2 so it could pull the full power from my amp at 1 ohm. If not, D4 it is!
  23. UNIT 6639

    Can FI recone an eD e12k dvc 2ohm

    Thanks Scott, if you do find the items needed to recone my sub, could you pm me a shipped to 26851 quote for the kit? This sub is OLD!!! but still works, I was sitting on my basement couch looking at my BL 10" sitting next to the e12k and the thought hit me that they look similar, so then I thought hey maybe FI could sell me a recone kit for the e12k and I could have a new sub! Scott, guys, help me understand, if this sub or any sub has a certain size coil, for instance, this one has a 2.5, it cant be reconed to a bigger coil? So, I am limited to only reconing it to another 2.5" coil right, ok , if thats so, will I gain anything(sound/performance wise) by reconing it besides the new FI cone. It could use a new cone anyway because the dust cap was pushed in, it was repaired with but the cap has creases in it. Would I gain anything with the spiders Scott mentioned. And if it turns out Scott does not have coils for it, could I just pickup the cone and spiders from FI and just add those to the coils that came with the sub in its original configuration? Thanks Scott and NG for replying. Waiting on your reply Scott so I can send monies to you for the kit
  24. UNIT 6639

    BL 10"

    Low end is what I am looking for, I am not to concerned with tight bass, I have another sub and box that I can use for that if I want to switch up a little. I will try it out the way it is and decide from there, I will be sure to watch the gains, it will be getting 1200 rms from a 12.1, as soon as the amp gets here, supposed to be here on Wednesday
  25. UNIT 6639

    BL 10"

    I am thinking of putting my BL 10" in my 12" fiberglass box. I want to cut a new baffel to drop into the 12" cut out for the BL to mount to. I am wondering if I will damage the sub being the box is bigger then recommended, I think FI recommends 1.2 max, I dont know how much the box will be after displacement. I am going to be powering it off a RE 12.1 1200 watts rms. What would you guys suggest? I am contemplating doing this because my 1.2 cuft box is flipping over when I mount the sub inverted. It wont drop into the cutout because the basket and terminals are just touching, also, the fiberglass box is MUCH lighter than my MDF box. Let me know what you guys think.