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UNIT 6639

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Everything posted by UNIT 6639

  1. UNIT 6639

    ***** SPL 12 Pre-Order *****

    Shipping quote to 26851? with shipping the sub goes up to almost $300??
  2. UNIT 6639

    12" BL and 1500wrms

    My BL has no options, my amp does 1200 rms at 1 ohm 12.5 volts, so I figure its at least getting 1400 watts with the car running, I have got the dust cap warm once, but that was with tones. With music, it takes everything my amp can dish!
  3. UNIT 6639

    Big Hello From France

    Welcome and "WE COME FROM FRAAAANCE" , I just had to say the . Yea, go with that Q !
  4. UNIT 6639

    1500d and what 1 sub @ 1ohm ?

    Well there you go!
  5. UNIT 6639

    SAE-1000D Power Testing

    Yea, I know, just trying to be cheap
  6. UNIT 6639

    1.4 custom machined motor?

    I would talk to Scott about that, I am unsure if they do ship to Canada, hey, you ever heard of Mach5, they are located in CA.
  7. UNIT 6639

    SAE-1000D Power Testing

    How effecient is the 1000D , I am wondering if I could run 2 off a stock electrical. 86% a 4 ohms, what is it at 1 ohm?
  8. UNIT 6639

    1.4 custom machined motor?

    Yea, I am on here asking questions almost daily! I am suprised when Scott, Nick or Shawn DONT reply. I have gotten at least one of them if not 2 out of the 3 in almost every post I have started. This is why Fi will continue to get my money and bidness. I am still trying to figure what I like the most, my Fi sub or the Fi customer service! Anyway, thanks alot Fi for great products and outstanding service!
  9. UNIT 6639

    1.4 custom machined motor?

    Makes sense to me, thanks for responding Scott, I checked the coils on my BL yesterday with my DMM, they both read 1.4 , I also checked my Treo TSX 10.44 , the 4 ohm coils read 2. something . Anyway, my question was answered, I can/could get this thing reconed to D1 or D2. Thanks Scott for replying
  10. UNIT 6639

    1.4 custom machined motor?

    Well thats what I am hoping, but the guy said it was a customed machined BTL motor, thats why I was asking. Thanks for responding
  11. UNIT 6639

    Q 18 recone question

    Thanks for the quick response.
  12. UNIT 6639

    Q 18 recone question

    I may be getting a blown Q 18" in a trade with a gentelman over on ROE, I want to recone it down to a 15" or a 12" , probably a 15". The guy said Scott quoted him $75 for an 18" recone kit, how much is the 15" and the 12" recone kit plus a 15" or 12" basket.
  13. UNIT 6639

    Q 18 recone question

    This might be a stupid question, could a Q motor be reconed into a BL , or could I order a recone kit for a BL and use it with the Q motor, or do the Q and BL lines use completly different motors? I am thinking their motors are different. I am asking because I have a BL 10" already and need a second, so now I am wondering if I could turn 18" Q into a BL 10" to run with my existing BL 10" , I doubt it though.
  14. UNIT 6639

    Q 18 recone question

    Email sent to Nick as well.
  15. UNIT 6639

    BL 10" in 2.15 cuft

    Forgot to say...... Thanks Scott for your quick response, I love Fi customer service!
  16. UNIT 6639

    BL 10" in 2.15 cuft

    I got a baffel cut for my 12" box so I could convert it to accept my BL 10", I have a box uilt to spec for the BL only its for 2 BL's. I have not got around to ordering the 2nd (money) so I had to put it in something else until I get the second. My dual box is common chamber, so I cant run it that way without the other sub. So, I put the BL in the 2.15 cuft box powered by my 9.1, 1200 rms, its very loud and low, only, I know its not good for the sub to be in a box thats too big. I hear it will make the sub super efficient (spelling) , I am thinking to add some MDF to the box to shrink it down or run the sub at 4 ohms (450 rms) until I can get the 2nd one for the dual install. Scott, Nick , Shawn, anybody, what do you guys think?
  17. UNIT 6639

    BL 10" in 2.15 cuft

    It does move a bit in the larger box , I dont know how much it was moving when I had it in a smaller box because it was inverted, it was too big for the box I already had for a single 10", the cut out would not clear the basket and the wire terminals, so I had to remove the gasket and invert it. So I just need watch the excursion, cool, I can do that. Is there any way to notice it over excurting (is that a word) other than visualy? I mean, would I hear anything if it was going beyond its mechanical limits?
  18. UNIT 6639

    Recone kit question

  19. UNIT 6639

    ***** SPL 12 Pre-Order *****

    Damn, 2500 watts , I hope it would do ok with just 1200, thats all I can muster!
  20. UNIT 6639

    ***** SPL 12 Pre-Order *****

    How much do I need to send to secure me one at the preorder price? HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURAY
  21. UNIT 6639

    Can FI recone an eD e12k dvc 2ohm

    Hey Scott, could I get a price quote for the kit
  22. UNIT 6639

    Recone kit question

    What are the shims needed for?
  23. UNIT 6639

    Some pics of the lines...

    Thats what I was going to say!
  24. UNIT 6639

    10's the debate

    I would go with the dual SSD's , but , you won't go wrong with ANY of the above recommended subs. If your budget controls the decesion, go with the ones you can afford. Sometimes, thats the determining factor.... what you can afford.