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UNIT 6639

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About UNIT 6639

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/24/1977

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  1. UNIT 6639

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    I vote to keep the carbon fiber dustcap! Whats the estimated price range for this sub?
  2. UNIT 6639

    2 Atomic APX 10s Install

    4.25 is not too big for 2 10's? I have my 2 10's in 2 cubes before displacement.
  3. UNIT 6639

    BL 15" tuning?

    Thanks Nick for the response. You answered my question for me
  4. UNIT 6639

    BL 15" tuning?

    Would you guys suggest tuning a BL 15" to 28hz? Has anyone tuned their box for one that low?
  5. UNIT 6639

    Another RE Cone thread

    Your recone will be safe as Scott said.
  6. UNIT 6639

    Hey Scott

    I sent you an email with my info, could you let me know if it went through. I didnt get the tracking info emailed to me yet so I just wanted to check if you got my email with the info. Thanks man
  7. UNIT 6639

    Hello Scott or Nick?

    This issue has been resolved, Scott or Nick, please delete.
  8. UNIT 6639

    Hello Scott or Nick?

    Will try again today after work Scott. Around 2pm
  9. UNIT 6639

    Hello Scott or Nick?

    I called but got an answering service, I left my name (Sean) and number.
  10. UNIT 6639

    Hello Scott or Nick?

    10 4 , thanks Scott.
  11. UNIT 6639

    Hello Scott or Nick?

    USPS for the slow.
  12. UNIT 6639

    FI Q 12 Stopping Work Without

    Scott or Nick will be with you shortly.
  13. UNIT 6639

    Hello Scott or Nick?

  14. UNIT 6639

    Hello Scott or Nick?

    USPS is the suck, anything at all Scott?
  15. UNIT 6639

    Hello Scott or Nick?

    Scoot, could you try me at work, I can email you my work #