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Everything posted by reelfish92

  1. reelfish92

    Bass Heads Ent S10 Xtreme Build

    Haven't really changed anything up yet, tuned with the DD-1. Got louder on music I believe. 145.xx db on music sealed on the dash. 147.xx db on music dash outlaw. Put a bike rack I picked up for my mtb bike today. Looks pretty good imo, plus my bik won't get tossed around.
  2. reelfish92

    Fosgate T2-Need quick answers :)

    Not a great deal if you are planning on reselling. The box is really only worth the wood put into it imo. Try to get it for $500.
  3. Made a 1080p hd excursion video with Jerry @ splcompetitions 4 15" AA SMDs in a 6th order on 2 Addictive 500.1s on 18 volts. Enjoy, comment rate subscribe.
  4. It plays a lot lower than his green mazda truck he had with the same subs/amps. The one alternator charges this 18v +. Pretty cool set-up all around.
  5. reelfish92

    Bass Heads Ent S10 Xtreme Build

    Car has fresh paint. Overcast phone camera pic, but you get the idea .
  6. reelfish92

    BC 1100.4 PROBLEM FED UP

    Good stuff ^ glad to hear guys.
  7. reelfish92

    15 Inch SSA GCON Box Build @ Pure Audio Naples FL

    Nice video Lou. Looks loud! I agree, south of Tampa there's a lot of SSA. At all the shows The Punisher and Justin's Blazer always have a crowd around doing hair tricks and putting up big #s.
  8. reelfish92


    Nice, are they playing yet? How do they sound.
  9. reelfish92

    Hello all, South Alabama here

    Welcome, check out Gulf Coast Soundoff group on facebook. http://www.facebook.com/groups/387321871326771/
  10. reelfish92


    Hope I can here your S10 soon at the next PPA show.
  11. A demo from a guy with a GMC Safari, with 32 12"Audiopipe woofers. I believe its on 8 Massive N4 amplifiers. Cranks out the lows. Before twenty people ask, yes there is a db drive sub up near the front, he had one of the $30 audiopipe woofers blow. Enjoy.
  12. reelfish92

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    This guy makes some good music, checks for clipping, no added bass or bassboost, and tells you the frequency on every song title. Sub him on youtube if you want to download his mp3 files. I was amazed at the quality. http://www.youtube.c...I?feature=watch
  13. Build is finally finished, 2 12" PSi Platform 1s on a Crescendo Audio BC2000D @ 1 ohm. I could not be happier with the enclosure that Robin and Chris built me. They did a great job, these are some loud 12s! Windshield flex and excursion is nice, not even broken in yet . Thanks to Sweendog for the 1080p HD video. Comment Rate and Subscribe! Thanks for watching. www.bassheadsent.net www.crescendoaudio.com
  14. reelfish92

    Bass Heads Ent S10 windshield flex & woofer porn

    Thank you to all of you on SSA that have looked at my build and watched my video. Coming up on 1,000 view and have gotten a few more subscribers. I hope to see 1,000 by Tuesday. I will post an update once my paint is all done. Thanks again for all the feedback!
  15. reelfish92

    Newbie wants to buy a Fi sub!

    The Fi Q subs sound awesome, by the way Fi Audio OEMs for SSA. I have dealt with both companies, awesome customer service!
  16. reelfish92

    What is this about?

    "We've had a few issues with PSI recones, softparts sagging within weeks, just blowing within seconds, etc." How many recones have you used or were the recones improperly done. Just wondering, I along with many friends have had good luck.
  17. reelfish92

    What is this about?

    Love how people just jump to a conclusion when one person states something. Hearsay and rumors ftl.