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Everything posted by SMpaintball78

  1. SMpaintball78

    ZCON 15

    damn and it looks sick as hell haha. yeah i really want this
  2. SMpaintball78

    18" nightshade and cash for my alt??

    yeah it WAS lol back when the v1 was the only one out haha. what do they go for with a new recone and in good condition?? i lloked on caco but no luck
  3. SMpaintball78

    ZCON 15

    how much do u think total this would be? shipping and all to 45013? also id like to know the cf and tuning of it. Thanks
  4. SMpaintball78

    18" nightshade and cash for my alt??

    anyone? i only have $200 in my alternator
  5. SMpaintball78

    HID sugguestions

    i gpt my HIDs off of ebay. they were like $50 and i have had no problem what so ever. and they are SUPER bright.
  6. SMpaintball78

    ZCON 15

    Box for sale
  7. SMpaintball78

    18" nightshade and cash for my alt??

    Is it worth Re coneing? I have no idea what they go for
  8. SMpaintball78

    18" nightshade and cash for my alt??

    how much is a recone? remember its v1
  9. yeah, so today i stopped by my local audio pawn shop today to see what they would give me for the rims on my truck. and of course, as soon as the owner of the shop walked up to my truck, he seen the big ass magnet of the zcon between the seats and wanted a demo.as usual, i got the " ssa audio?? iv never heard of them" so i cranked her up for him and he was very surprised to hear all that bass form 1 15. he then said he was going to look into ssa for his own personal set-up haha. i just wanted to share another one of my "ssa audio??" stories with you guys
  10. SMpaintball78

    So i was at the local audio pawn shop today.....

    Yeah. I think the fact that they are made in USA impresses a lot of people. I want to save for a second zcon butttt I need to invest every penny I get into my mustang. Its a hobby where it will never lose its value
  11. SMpaintball78

    Sundown Z vs SSA Xcon vs Zcon

    ZCON ZCON ZCON!!! i gave up 2 kicker solo x's for 1 zcon 15 and could not be happier. its a VERY musical driver and gets REALLY loud and LOWW if i ever change my set up, it will be to add a second zcon 15. i wish i had found ssa about 2 years ago...:/
  12. SMpaintball78

    600w FCON Prototype

    f is for fuck yourself....... it was just a thought. just imagine a ssa sub with a neo magnet... BAD ASS
  13. SMpaintball78

    600w FCON Prototype

    maybe do a NCON in the future.... N is for neo magnet ;)
  14. SMpaintball78

    can someone sketch me up a plan for a box??

    Thanx, but this is probably where the disclaimer should come in. I'm in no way any kind of professional nor claim to be one, it's strictly a hobby for me. I'm also not a competitor, have never built a competition build or had the opportunity to personally design and build for very large, very high powered systems, nor do I intend to anytime soon I'll leave that for the professionals. That being said, I'm sure there's people who will find problems with the design and that's fine as I'm not perfect and I'm sure it could be done better. For a zcon i would recommend double mdf. 3/4 x 2. ^^ my local audio shop owner said the same thing when i first brought the zcon in to show him. he had never heard of ssa before. the first thing he said when i set it on his counter was, " your going to need double mdf for this monster" haha
  15. hey guys, im going to attempt to build the box for this zcon but i cant draw if my life depended on it. so if i get the max dimensions up on here, can someone sketch me one up right quick? 4.5cubes tuned@ 34 would be nice. let me know if anyone can help me out! Thanks
  16. SMpaintball78

    can someone sketch me up a plan for a box??

    Thanx, but this is probably where the disclaimer should come in. I'm in no way any kind of professional nor claim to be one, it's strictly a hobby for me. I'm also not a competitor, have never built a competition build or had the opportunity to personally design and build for very large, very high powered systems, nor do I intend to anytime soon I'll leave that for the professionals. That being said, I'm sure there's people who will find problems with the design and that's fine as I'm not perfect and I'm sure it could be done better. that was exactally what i was looking for here. thanks Alton. i really appreciate you work. helped me out a lot in this build!
  17. SMpaintball78

    can someone sketch me up a plan for a box??

    Hit the nail on the head sir lol yes that is correct
  18. SMpaintball78

    can someone sketch me up a plan for a box??

    max dimensions are 34Wx23Tx17D id like to do sub and port up. tuned around 34Hz with just 1 slot port. the height can be takin down to achieve 4.5 cubes. i put all the dimensions into a box calculator and got 6.2cubes that is before displacement of course.
  19. SMpaintball78

    can someone sketch me up a plan for a box??

    yes for free haha. i do not have a pay pal account. i dont want anythjing fancy. just a rectangle box with a port. no flush mounting amps or weird angles
  20. SMpaintball78

    AQ hdc3 15 for $100

    Helllllll nooo I wouldn't swap it haha. I'm holding o. To the zcon. For awhile yet. The hdc would be for my mustang
  21. SMpaintball78

    AQ hdc3 15 for $100

    hey guys, i came across a AQ hdc3 15 in a sealed box on my local CL for $100. i was wanting a sub for my old mustang so it this worth $100? there $275 new from AQ.....
  22. here is a short clip of the last party we had. its a bit hard to see but you get the point. we should be having another on here soon so ill be sure to get better lighting.
  23. SMpaintball78

    showing how we "get down" around here haha

    oh you could see just fine. my camera wouldnt pick up the blacklights, only the things glowing from them. and you couldnt really see many people either. it got so crowded at one point, that you couldnt walk haha
  24. SMpaintball78

    showing how we "get down" around here haha

    yeah its my buddies house. his parents are SUPER rich. and the crowd here are all around my age. 19 or so. ill be sure to take better videos of the next one. PS- geezus haha
  25. SMpaintball78

    showing how we "get down" around here haha

    actually its a big heated barn lol. 2 pong tables, a beer bong, hukas, dance floor, dj booth, strobes..... its prett ymuch bad ass... IMO lol