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Everything posted by SMpaintball78

  1. SMpaintball78

    everyone post ur slamology pics and vids here!!!

    i seen them packing there shit up and moving lol. i now know why
  2. Ok so the first day of slamology was today and boy it was crazyyyyy. Seen a bunch of cool crazy things lol. I finally got my new box for the hccas in and also my 2 new batteries came in the mail so I had last night to completely redo my whole build. I started at 630pm friday night and went till 330am and still was not done lol. But here are a few pics of the epic rebuild of the whole system which I did completely by myself on very little time lol .... Now I have a few pics a videos from day 1 of slamology 2012. First up is this van. I seen a few people talking about it on the forums (mainly the amps). I spotted it across the parking lot so I ran over and got a video (some of the pics below are videos so check them all! ) And the rest... 168.2db! 6 incriminator audio warden 18's 10 psi 18's gettin down
  3. SMpaintball78

    everyone post ur slamology pics and vids here!!!

    i must say, i thought slamology was going to be... BIGGER. like the car audio part. dont get me wrong, it was kick ass and a lot of cars were there. but i always pictured like 3-400 cars doing work lol.
  4. SMpaintball78

    everyone post ur slamology pics and vids here!!!

    haha steve micks van is sickkk lol. sounds AMAZING on "in for the kill" i want to see the vid. of your van! haha
  5. SMpaintball78

    truck MAJOR update and vids&pics from slamology

    ya my zcon 15 coil was dark when i bought it new, but the 12's were... BLACK lol
  6. SMpaintball78

    everyone post ur slamology pics and vids here!!!

    whats his van look like? may have seen it. and i dont know what any of u look like or what vehicles you have lol. i would have loved to meet up and talk audio haha.
  7. SMpaintball78

    everyone post ur slamology pics and vids here!!!

    i agree. for 10 18's, it was no where near as loud as i expected. dont get me wrong, it was LOUD. but not for 10 18's.....
  8. SMpaintball78

    truck MAJOR update and vids&pics from slamology

    yes, but i do believe there may have been some clipping involved. when i got the zocns off my buddy, he got them off a guy who had them on a sundown [email protected] so they were already on the darker side. i did some test today... i drove to work and back (a totaly of around ahour and a half)and let the batteries charge good. i went to my buddies and hooked up a multi meter and went ham with the hccas. lol i NEVER dropped below 13.1V at 1800rpms and full tilt i also re did everything today lol. i had to drive aLL the way to indianapolis with my drivers seat at a 90degree angle and eating the steeringwheel haha. so here is a before pic of the system with my seat mass forward, and how it looks now.. with PLENTYY of extra room up front. looks a little messy but i plan on cleaning it up sometime this week after work. i also feel i gained some db's but as allen said, only the meter can tell for sure haha. i know for a fact, its louder to the ear. let me know what yall think!!!!! Before:as u can see, the box is sitting on the flat part of the floor and there is around 5 inches or so of space waisted behind the box After:set the box on the hump against the back wall. MASS ROOM up front now lol
  9. SMpaintball78

    everyone post ur slamology pics and vids here!!!

    oh ya... CAN SOMEONE PM ME OR SOMETHING ON WHY EVERYONE HATES JON PRICE? when i talked to him, he seemed pretty like a pretty cool guy
  10. SMpaintball78

    everyone post ur slamology pics and vids here!!!

    looks like i should have stayed for the second day.. o well.. im going HAM for next year
  11. SMpaintball78

    everyone post ur slamology pics and vids here!!!

    his OS van with the w6's is probably the cleanest most crispest (not really a word haha) system iv ever heard. hats off to him for the van i love it!
  12. SMpaintball78

    truck MAJOR update and vids&pics from slamology

    i love the wire lol. i have 2 runs of it going to the back 2 batteries on my aq3500.1 at .5 ohm and i dont drop below 13.1v
  13. SMpaintball78

    truck MAJOR update and vids&pics from slamology

    lol. well the zcon 12's coils were getting STANKYY and i always wanted hcca 15's... but dont worry....... another MAJOR ssa set-up is in the near future..........
  14. ight whats up guys. so im gearing up for slamology this weekend and want my aq3500 and hccas to be at the top of there game lol. so i did some trading around with some stuff i had and i picked up 2 new C&D ups12-270fr (75ah a piece) deep cycle batteris. now i also got a nice spool of xs 0 gauge flex and am doing a second run of 0 gauge to the back. so my quesion's are ... 1. when i have two runs of 0 gauge to the back and hook up the batteries, do i put both runs of 0 gauge to one batteru and them connect that battery to the other, or should i put one run of wire to each battery? 2. i have 1 fuse from my alt. to my battery, and one fuse on each run of 0 gauge to the rear batteries (2 total).... so do i need to get two more fuses? ( one for each positive between rear batteries and amp) i know i need some more amp hours in my rear bank but i think ill be good for just this weekend. for those who dont know, my electric is now a 250amp alt, big 3, optima redtop under the hood,two runs of xs flex 0 gauge wire to the back and 2 c&d ups12-270fr 75ah batts in the back. im looking at a solid 200ah....... im running 1 [email protected] on 2 orion hcca 15's. im installing this all tomorrow after work SO PLEASE COMMENT BACK ASAP! lol Thanks guys!
  15. Alrighty thanks guys! Another successful Q&A lol Just checked the fedex tracking number and they were delivered 10mins after I left for work this morning lol. Ill make a short video once I her them in
  16. I wish I could lol. Also when doing a jumper from one bat to the other, I do positive to positive and negative to negative correct? Or just positive to positive and each battery have its own ground ..?
  17. thanks for the answer! i would have texted u but as u can see, its too much to text lol. and damn looks like im gonna be dropping some $$ on fuseblocks tomorrow haha.
  18. SMpaintball78

    Slamology 2012, June 16/17

    im pumped!! ill have my new box for the hcca 15's in and 2 new batteries in the back lol. hoping to throw up some good numbers
  19. SMpaintball78

    2 12inch ssa zcons

    but u have 4 of them MONSTERS!! lol
  20. SMpaintball78

    2 12inch ssa zcons

    ^^ this. lol i wasnt going for numbers (i did do 143db at 26hz which is REALLY impressive for 2 12's lol) i wanted to pick up lows that 95% of spl guys couldnt even think about haha. and that i achieved haha. but ya if u tune 33-35hz, u will throw up good numbers
  21. SMpaintball78

    2 12inch ssa zcons

    i made my own custom ported box for the 2 12" zcons i had. get them ATLEAST 4-4.25 cubes NET after port and sub displacment. as for tuning, its whatever u prefer. i had mine tuned at 26Hz (which is REALLY low) and they loved it and so did i lol. they flexed EVERYTHING and moved a shit ton of air haha. if ur going for spl numbers, id suggest 34-38hz.
  22. alright, so iv been looking into a new whip to purchase in the next few months and would like some input.... i currently have a 2002 f150 lariat 5.4 v8 which mass mods and what not but i want some more speed lol. now the other weekend, my cousin let me drive his 2010 king ranch f250 6.4 twin turbo diesel and its STUPID fast and its still a truck which i like.but he has a good 60k+ in it and i dont want to spend that much haha. of course im going to finance whatever i get so if its new, im stopping at 30k...but then i got to looking into some nice used cars.. the 2004 mustang cobra cought my eye.. they are really fast and SUPER sexyy lol. 4.6Lv8 with a 2.6 whipple supercharger. i picked the 2004 because its probably my favorite newer body style. i really wanted something with a turbo or supercharger. i know u dont need a turbo or SC to get good power but im still young and its what i want lol. here are a few picks of my cousing truck (not trying to show it off, but damn its so sexyy...
  23. SMpaintball78

    looking into a new whip and need some help on a choice...

    I was like this right out of HS, but union electrician. Buy something cheap and bank the money. You may think it's okay now, but when that job goes bye bye or you get laid off and that money is gone, you'll be kicking yourself. I thought just like you and I've spent the past 12 years digging out of my hole. im in the local 392 union and they said if i get laid off or anything, they will have me another job in no more than 3 days.. but i do see what u mean. but i can pick up a 2004 svt mustang for 17-18G... hell i can get a good 6-7G out of my truck right now. i can make fat monthly payments on 12G and have it paid off in no time... idk lol thats how im looking at it really
  24. SMpaintball78

    looking into a new whip and need some help on a choice...

    idk if i told yall, but i finally got my pipefitter/welding job in the union. iv been working at tgi fridays making $9/hr and now im making.... a lot more lol ill just leave it at that. i have NO problem making a 3-$400 car pament each month. i figured i might as well get a bad ass car now while im young before i have a house payment and whatnot while i still can.
  25. SMpaintball78

    looking into a new whip and need some help on a choice...

    well i got my 65' mustang with a 302 and i could just throw a turbo or supercharger on it but i want my daily driver to be the crazy fast one lol. im not looking for a house anytime soon lol. ya im 19 and as long as i dont have any major screw ups, i can stay at home. now im not going to live at home my whole life lol but untill im like 23 or so, i dont plan on leaving. just staying home, and making $$.. lol