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Everything posted by SMpaintball78

  1. alrighty so i swung by caseys house today to show hiim the new zcon 18 build and got another demo of his car. his zcon 15 is fully broken in and MAN it sounds good and low lol. here is a video of it. enjoysss
  2. SMpaintball78

    caseys zcon 15 broken in.. what more could want out of a single sub se

    i most certainly did lol
  3. SMpaintball78

    caseys zcon 15 broken in.. what more could want out of a single sub se

    haha it is good. glad i dont have to spend $$ on a nice camera.
  4. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    first 18 iv ever owned iv never even heard a single 18 set up so its quite a adventure for me haha
  5. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    cant wait to hear this monster!!!
  6. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    me too haha. im glad it wasnt something serious. i just talked to the guy i traded to get the amp and he is paying half of the cost to get it fixed
  7. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    alright, so the amp is fixed and back on track. turns out half the outputs were loose on the board. vids are going to be up tomorrow night.
  8. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    my buddies tech guy is opening her up now. nothing smells burnt or anything but that dont mean nothing is. and a guy iv know for awhile. idk if i can really pin it on him. he let me hear it in his car for a solid 5 mins straight and no problems...
  9. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    i took the amp out and bench tested it at my buddies local shop... we believe the terminals went out.. fuck me right?
  10. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    well yall know.how i am so last night, i hooked it all up... BUT something ainy right. i hooked up the amp and it was fine for maybe 30 sec. then i lost oitput oit of nowhere. amp still turns on and off perfectally and everything. i tried changing the sub posative and negative leads on the amp and still nothong.... idk im stumped.
  11. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    haha thanks! cant wait to hear it should be loud lol the box makes the sub look super small. it is an 18
  12. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    box is done and sub is installed hooking it all up tomorrow!! yess that is a fork lift thats when u know its getting serious hahahaha
  13. SMpaintball78

    Zcon box

    lol frogcase text me like wtf are they talking about? 7 cubes for 1 15? lol i have my zcon 18 in 7.5
  14. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    lol thanks yall
  15. SMpaintball78

    Bassing in Hurricane Isaac(8k custom 18's)

    well it is a solid what 1000 miles away from when it made landfall? lol its POURING outside right now.
  16. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    gotch ya back man
  17. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    woh woh come on now lol. iv always seemed to have good luck with audio ever since i started into it 4 years ago. but my othet hobbies like my truck and quading, i have shit lUck lol
  18. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    well the zcon i got from my buddy. he knew he was giving me a hella deal but i have givin him MANY deals in the past so he was kinda paying me back lol the amp was a bit of a steal lol. shoupd be up and bumpong tomorrow more vids and pics to come !!
  19. SMpaintball78

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    thanks man! should be clean and loud when im done haha thats the plan anyways.
  20. SMpaintball78

    lets play a game lol

    ok so im pretty much bored on this friday night and got a new build going. once again, i have came across a KILLER deal on a BRAND NEW sub and amp.. i figured ill make it intresting and let yall guess what it is haha... amp: sub: notmuch to go off of but if i post anymore pics, itll be givin away lol. have fun!
  21. SMpaintball78

    lets play a game lol

  22. SMpaintball78

    Bassing in Hurricane Isaac(8k custom 18's)

    what left of hurrican Isaac passing through cincinnati ohio...
  23. SMpaintball78

    lets play a game lol

    SSA and Fi both use yellow spiders. I've owned multiple Fi subs as well as this xcon now and none of them had a yellow spider We moved to all Nomex. I personally prefer them. Seem to hold up very well. when did u all switch? my buddys (caseys) zcon 15 had messed up. coil was still good but the spiders had let go... i was surprised. anyways the sub is a brand new ssa zcon 18 on the american bass vfl150.1 in 7.5 cubes tuned to 31hz. should get loud in my truck.
  24. SMpaintball78

    lets play a game lol

    ahh vfl150.1 is correct! zcon 15 is not :/
  25. SMpaintball78

    lets play a game lol

    american bass is correct. but which one???? lol gotta keep it going since u already guessed the amp brand so soon haha