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Everything posted by RAM_Designs

  1. RAM_Designs

    2 Havoc 18s - Ford Explorer Sport

    No bracing? Other than that it looks great.
  2. RAM_Designs

    '69 Chevelle, DD + Sundown Box Design

    I love the car...wish mine turned out that nice.
  3. RAM_Designs

    Tribute build with Obsidian 15's

    This is a tribute build for HelloMyNameIs at the SMD forum. His brother passed away, and since four was his favorite number, why not cram four of the new Obsidian Audio 15" subs in the back of his Jeep...right? The box will be 12.75ft^3 tuned to 34hz via four 6" aeroports. The bracing was a little tricky as I had to avoid the aeros and brace the top as well. Needless to say it took a little planning to make sure everything would work out ok.
  4. RAM_Designs

    '69 Chevelle, DD + Sundown Box Design

    Here's a pic of the vehicle in question.
  5. RAM_Designs

    '69 Chevelle, DD + Sundown Box Design

    Thanks man.
  6. RAM_Designs

    Corssfire XS V2 Bandpass

    Here's a fun little bandpass box that I did for Christian Gutierrez on the DSBP forums. This is for a 15" Crossfire XS V2 going in the trunk of a Pontiac G6 GT. The box is 1.65ft^3 sealed and 4ft^3 tuned to 45hz. The sub will be inverted with the motor in the ported chamber...obviously geared towards high output.
  7. RAM_Designs

    Corssfire XS V2 Bandpass

    Ah, spell fail in the thread title.
  8. RAM_Designs

    Triple 18" Atomic Wall

    This thing is going to be heavy as fack.
  9. RAM_Designs

    Triple 18" Atomic Wall

    I know I just uploaded a vid today and yesterday, but I can't pass up this one. This is a triple 18" box for Stretch at the carstereoclassifieds.com forum. He will be using re-coned Atomic 856 motors and will be throwing them in the cargo area of a 2000 Explorer Sport. The box is 18ft^3 with a 32hz tuning via a pair of 14" tall x 9" wide ports. Power will be a pair of Crescendo 3500's. This will make good use of the term "Exploder." I apologize for Youtube's "audioswap" feature for not working lately...no audio ftl.
  10. RAM_Designs

    Triple 18" Atomic Wall

    I have thought about that, but it's really more effort than I feel like putting into it. Not to mention sometimes it's months between a design and a build.
  11. RAM_Designs

    Triple 18" Atomic Wall

    I'm honestly not sure which model the 856's came off of, as the numbers get confusing after a while. But yes, it is a very stout box. Double layered on the top/bottom/sides/port, three layers on the back, and four layers on the front. The dark things in the design are threaded rod.
  12. RAM_Designs

    Dual 12" center console box

    This one is for Greg Lucas on the SMD forums. Subs angled forward and port firing up in his 4-door Dodge truck. The box will go from his instrument cluster to the front of the rear seats, replacing the center console area...at least until he decides to to a blow-through box. Final specs are 4.2ft^3 with a 33hz tuning.
  13. RAM_Designs

    Bandpass through arm-rest

    This design is for Josh Baksh, and will be going in the trunk of his 1992 Acura Legend coupe. The box will be sitting at the trunk opening with the mainly external port firing into the cabin via the arm-rest hole. The subs being used are RE Audio SX, 10" models. The box is 1.15ft^3 sealed with a 2.8ft^3 ported chamber tuned to 44hz. For some reason the audio is not being added, even after waiting a full day.
  14. RAM_Designs

    (2) SA 12s (1) SAZ1500d and a big smile on my face!

    Lookin good! I use that same Bassotronics song all the time to do demos and vids.
  15. RAM_Designs

    (3) 15" Dcon Box: VOTE

    Oh yeah, rear seats have been gone for a few years now.
  16. RAM_Designs

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

    That box could have been done so much easier and without being an eye-sore. But if you're happy with it, then good.
  17. RAM_Designs

    Saz 1500D v1 Power output

    Fuses can handle about 150% of their rated amperage for a few seconds before they blow. And in your case, you probably aren't even needing to use all of that amp to get your W7 moving fine. If you actually put the amp in a situation where it could be pushed to the max, it can easily put out over 1500 watts. I clamped mine at a little over 2kw when I was burping it. Unknown distortion level though.
  18. RAM_Designs

    Level 4 12's with flush-mount

    Indeed, man has epic hair.
  19. RAM_Designs

    Level 4 12's with flush-mount

    This is a dual 12" box design for Joe Hanna. This will be going in the cargo area of a Chevy Trailblazer. The final box specs are 2ft^3 in each chamber with a 32hz tuning. Overall dimensions are 46" wide x 15" tall x 19" deep with a 12.75"x4.5" port.
  20. RAM_Designs

    Level 4 12's with flush-mount

    Side note: customer is not related to Jack Hanna, the animal guy.
  21. RAM_Designs

    Dual DC Level 4 18" Wall in an Explorer

    Here's a box for memphisBred at the *****.com forums. Dual DC Sounds Level 4 18's in 12.3ft^3 with a 35hz tuning. He requested to only double up the front as he will be adding MDF to the outside of the rest of the box on his own. Oh, and this will be going in a Ford Explorer Sport.
  22. RAM_Designs

    Casey Anthony Not Guilty

    Do you think OJ was completely innocent as well?
  23. RAM_Designs

    Dual Custom XXX 15's Design

    Artist: Playgyrl Slim Song: A1 Time: 04:56 Genre: Hip Hop & Rap
  24. RAM_Designs

    Dual Custom XXX 15's Design

    This box here is for ThaWaxShop, who is on several of the car audio forums. This is for two custom 15" subs using the Soundstream XXX motor as the foundation. 3.3ft^3 each with a 32hz tuning.
  25. RAM_Designs

    box design fron ryan at ram designs

    I'll be running three of the 15's in my truck.