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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Few pictures of one I pulled out for myself from production : * Notice the plastic spacer -- like the SA12s -- this prevents the triple joint re-enforcement ring from hitting the top plate at super high x-max. * Vent holes were slightly enlarged as well
  2. sundownz

    E8 v.2 Prototype

    I have my big system pulled out of the Jeep pending the next setup... have this little guy in a small vented enclosure and it sounds GREAT. Bridged on the rear channels of a 100.4 for power. I am really very pleased with it... I am happy with the output of just this one driver on more SQ oriented music. Honestly, I'd be pretty happy even on heavy material with a pair most of the time... VERY happy with it considering the power applied / enclosure size / cost.
  3. sundownz

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Well they came in today -- ahead of schedule. Showed up just a little bit before FedEx pickup... a few lucky guys got their subs shipped today. These things are as stiff as a Nightshade out of the box *laughs* They loosen up alot on my test bench run We'll ship as many as possible before leaving for SBN... please DO NOT email or PM me asking if your specific driver has shipped. Answering more messages like that will only slow me down in getting them out. They will all be shipped out as fast as we possibly can.
  4. sundownz

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    I think your pre-order actually was the 1st one.
  5. sundownz

    amp trouble with my sae 1200 :-(

    Email received - will check it out ASAP.
  6. sundownz

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Not sure how many I can ship before I leave... we have alot of preparation work to do for SBN as well.
  7. sundownz

    nightshade recone??

    Yes, a full re-cone is needed.
  8. sundownz

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    They are close... could get them by tomorrow. I will be out of town on Friday so I definitely won't get them all shipped this week.
  9. sundownz

    Lots of 18s

    Crazy awesome Press the loud button next time! *laughs*
  10. sundownz

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    I talked to my shipping company today and they said the container didn't make it Friday but was supposed to today -- they will let me know for sure once they check on it.
  11. sundownz

    sa-12 availability?

    Dual-2 are in stock -- Dual-4 are sold out temporarily.
  12. sundownz

    2 SA 12's

    They are very robust... you would pretty much have to try to break them to do so... example :
  13. sundownz

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    I'll post something when I know something as always.
  14. sundownz

    SAZ-2500D Prototype Is Here !

    I did a little testing yesterday... got rated power at 11.3v / 0.95 actual load. I blew up two of my bench supplies last week so only had one running + my 4 year old Wal-Mart deep cycles so it doesn't hold voltage the greatest right now Need to get it in a car.
  15. sundownz

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    My PMS are disabled -- email please.
  16. sundownz

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    If you are in an apartment it is always signature required. I don't recall your situation off hand, though.
  17. sundownz

    SAZ-2500D Prototype Is Here !

    Yes, this is the replacement for the 2000D.
  18. sundownz

    SAZ-2500D Prototype Is Here !

    Glad you guys like it ! I hope to get some power testing done today if I have time. We have been super busy... my e-mails are going crazy too (way behind on them).
  19. sundownz

    Custom re-building 15" T3 TSS

    You can email me - just no PMs. 250 +SH Would be $52 to ship one to you.
  20. sundownz

    Custom re-building 15" T3 TSS

    Was hoping I could use the stock frame and I was able to do so! Just had to adapt it a bit... one of our spider bolt down rings worked perfectly for the job. This woofer has 3 Hard Nightshade spiders, a Z v.2 prototype D2 coil (tight gap so NS coil would not fit), and a light weight cone similar to the Z v.1 but with a wide roll surround. Once the dust cap glue dries I'll measure specs on it to see what we got * Steel spider ring glued into place (glue under, around, and below the ring) * Overview of the ring -- also changed original basket screws to a higher grade metal with allen heads. * Gluing bottom triple joint * Lining it up and getting ready to solder the leads -- 6 sheets of paper on the inside gap * Finished product ! I've played it on the test bench a bit with no dust cap... but that is it so far.
  21. Playing in the shop One 4500D @ 1.33 ohm on one battery vehicle off. We stuck the mic in the port -- the score you see is 35 Hz. The SA-12s with the screws on them are NOT hooked up at all... the big box is moving them with pressure. It will have alot more power on it in vehicle... we expect good results !
  22. sundownz

    Brandon's New Box - 6th order wall with 3x 18s

    Putting the box in the truck with a fork lift. If you don't put your box in with a fork lift then it's not heavy enough =)
  23. sundownz

    Brandon's New Box - 6th order wall with 3x 18s

    Another video outside of the vehicle blowing my pants legs around a bit. Also I decide to get in the box and have a little fun!
  24. sundownz

    Brandon's New Box - 6th order wall with 3x 18s

    Test rig wiring : Test rig amp : The box!