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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    4x SA-8s + The CRX = More Fun

    Did a quick power clamp. 4240 clamped watts = 152.8 dB 1300 clamped watts = 148.7 dB
  2. sundownz

    4x SA-8s + The CRX = More Fun

    Brought it out in Macon, GA to a 3x dB Drag / 2x IASCA event over the weekend. Heat threw me off a bit but still did pretty well : 152.1 dB Drag SSNW 153.3 IASCA Pro Stock 1
  3. sundownz

    Word on the Street

    I plan to be there
  4. sundownz

    4x SA-8s + The CRX = More Fun

    YES! Hit my goal Went up one more click on sub control on the HU... this is probably all they have excursion wise. Have plans to try different boxes at some point as well.
  5. sundownz

    4x SA-8s + The CRX = More Fun

    Setup with four 1500s (very messy... 10 lbs of stuff in a 5 lb bag, LoL) -- two amps under rack and two on top. If the four amps end up staying I will order some matching wire and get it looking a bit nicer... wired it up with scrap wire to see if it would work well or not.
  6. sundownz

    From: Sundown Z v.2 T/S Specs

    They have been out for a while now.
  7. sundownz

    nightshade screws

    Yep... they are M6 bolts.
  8. sundownz

    4x SA-8s + The CRX = More Fun

    "Outlaw" in the kick with door open -- still at 57 Hz same frequency as dash :
  9. sundownz

    12" Warden T/S Specs

    Update... tested one of the 15s I re-coned recently and the BL came out more in line with Nick's expectations -- BL^2/RE was a full 355 (BL itself was 26.84). The 12" model may have had an issue when tested. Great job IA... that is a SICK amount of motor force
  10. sundownz

    12x 15s Build -- Teaser Pictures

    Those are Stereo Integrity BM MKIIIs
  11. sundownz

    12x 15s Build -- Teaser Pictures

    First pallet almost ready to roll
  12. sundownz

    12x 15s Build -- Teaser Pictures

    Woofers are done - ready to go on a pallet. They have custom dust caps for the customer (no, we don't normally do this):
  13. sundownz

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    Put the two SA-8 box in the CRX modified with an 8" aero-port... finally got tuning settled in to 57 Hz as the loudest. Powered by two SAZ-1500Ds... with one Stinger SPP1500D and one Stinger SPV-70. On Powermaster charger for testing. Interior of car is currently gutted to prepare for sound dampening. Here are the results : Score is dB Drag style on the dash legal and sealed up. Little FYI... bought the ports here : 8x20" Flared Ports NEW big raduis
  14. sundownz

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    Or tell me your email address and I'll search it and see what it says.
  15. I did 1 layer throughout my vehicle and was up ~1.2 dB with Damplifier Pro. I did not have previous material to compare to, though.
  16. sundownz

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    My PMs are disabled on here -- and I am a little backed up on emails if you sent an email.
  17. sundownz

    Some new Warden #'s

  18. sundownz

    12" Warden T/S Specs

    Yes, WT2 was used. Strongest motor on a sub I've tested with a 3" 8-layer flat coil - hands down... 50-100% stronger in terms of BL^2/RE than most big boy 9" diameter slug SPL motors. Very impressive driver. I dropped the 12 into a very basic enclosure and did 151.4 dB at around 25% maximum throw on the driver... this was with almost no tuning time. I could see these doing big numbers easy -- of course they already have
  19. sundownz

    12" Warden T/S Specs

    Absolutely agreed on that one. This type of woofer will not look right in a box model program but works great in suggested box from IA.
  20. sundownz

    Smoked my Fi Q12

    Clipping can sound like a bit of high pitched chirping along with the bass -- I can hear it when I am bench testing a woofer on our bench 1500D when it happens. May have to make a video one day. As for the DMM question... 1) The DMM doesn't see what the wave looks like - just measures voltage - as mentioned before. 2) When you load the amp with a woofer after setting the gains everything changes.
  21. sundownz

    All BTL's like this?

    As for the LPF -- most customers set it about half way up. Works well in many cases. If the LPF is too low then you will only hear the "low bass"
  22. sundownz

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    The Jeep was also easier to work with... WAY more room for everything... amps, batteries, enclosure, etc. I can't adjust my amps without taking everything out in the CRX *laughs*
  23. sundownz

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    Not wanting to get stranded I got a backup car And one of the easiest cars to get LOUD! Honestly... I was doing practically the same scores in my Jeep. The CRX is *slightly* more efficient... This box did a 150.0 in the Jeep... Magic box took 1500 watts to do a 150 -- 1300 in the CRX. Not a giant different, IMO.
  24. sundownz

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    Probably never will be pretty *laughs* I've had 4-5 different boxes in here in 3 days... so I like to keep it like a "work bench" area that things can move around in.
  25. sundownz

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    I buy them from a person on the caraudio.com forum.