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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    Sundown Audio Facebook Page

    I have had many customers already on my personal page -- and most will be taken off. No offense to anyone as I appreciate all of my customers but the new Sundown page is the new place to go as a customer Only people I actually know will be on my personal page. Thanks for the understanding!
  2. sundownz

    Sundown Mini-Neo

    Yep, 3" coil The big one is a 4" coil
  3. sundownz

    Sundown Mini-Neo

    If this motor works well we may start working on our big Neo motor again.
  4. sundownz

    Sundown Mini-Neo

    It will cost a bit more than the NS v.2 when complete... around 100-120 bucks more as the motor costs about that much more to make due to the large and custom tooled Neo slugs. Motor force should be very high on it... plus the compact size will be great for Street SPL applications. More information to come when it's available.
  5. sundownz

    Some open discussion on product development.

    Honestly I have no current plans to enter the ultra-slim market. Most Sundown customers expect incredible durability and super high power handling from us and I just don't feel like an ultra-slim can do that justice. The E10 will fit under most truck seats though -- we sold 90% of the SD-1 and SD-1 v.2 for that.
  6. sundownz

    Some open discussion on product development.

    I don't have an ETA at all on the E10s and E12s -- I've only drawn up the design and haven't started prototyping yet.
  7. sundownz

    Project I'm Working On

    Two of my sample motors arrived -- now I am going to work on the coils and then try them out :
  8. sundownz

    4x SA-10s = 154.9 dB

    Because that is how I roll Being that the SA with a 2.5" coil takes this level of abuse and performs this well... think about the what the "X Series" which is a 3" coil version of the SA motor with more motor force and even a shorting ring will do ! Any chance of an 8 in the x line? Not really... the motor is too big. We have the E8 v.2 and SA-8 now... the only other I've planned currently is the Neo-8.
  9. sundownz

    4x SA-10s = 154.9 dB

    Originally posted by TeamSSC Ron on my SMD Forum : From original post : "Recently I purchased (4)SA10"s from Jacob and the said subs are intended for a daily music and bassrace set-up. Out of curiosity I build a spl box for it first before even moving on to my original plans for this subs. And here are some of the details I wanted to share to everyone . . . . (4) SA10"s - D2 (1) Batcap (1) SD8kD amp BUILDS : (4) SA10"s (D2) RESULTS 1 : Car off and batcap get charged in between burps RESULTS 2 : Car off and batcap is on a charger at burp "
  10. sundownz

    4x SA-10s = 154.9 dB

    Because that is how I roll Being that the SA with a 2.5" coil takes this level of abuse and performs this well... think about the what the "X Series" which is a 3" coil version of the SA motor with more motor force and even a shorting ring will do !
  11. sundownz

    4x SA-10s = 154.9 dB

    I've had some folks ask me about Ron's box specs -- I am not sure. More than willing to share mine from the Jeep, though : 6 cubes tuned to 42 hz on paper -- with it's actual orientation in the Jeep tuning was in fact in the 30s and my box peaked at 47 Hz (actual Jeep peak is 53 hz but the low tuning drug it down to 47 Hz). 3x 6" Aero-Ports
  12. sundownz

    4x SA-10s = 154.9 dB

    Port faces back.
  13. sundownz

    4x SA-10s = 154.9 dB

    Since I've already had the "just because it's a CRX" comment on another forum here are some pictures and results of 4x SA-12s in my Jeep : We caught a slightly lower 154.3 score on video at a different show : And the score with two 1500Ds :
  14. sundownz

    No Love for Sundown!!!!

    Honestly... we have some pretty affordable stuff out. SAX-1200D : 375 MAP 2x SA-12s : 378 MAP --- $753.00 A local retailer can get a pretty competitive system in for a customer for $1000 installed with a pre-fab box (which SA series sound great in most of them). I am working towards a smaller amp and the E line woofers... we'll have a package closer to the 500 mark for two subs that are still very good and a very legit 800-watt Class-D amp. Sure, we aren't for EVERY shop out there - I can agree. I also don't WANT to be in every shop out there.
  15. sundownz

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    If we have a comparable amp in stock we can still replace under warranty. Being that the 2000 is no longer made -- the warranty will be by repair @ dB-R once they are gone.
  16. sundownz

    No Love for Sundown!!!!

    Shops can pretty easily sell product the customer hasn't heard of if they are willing to explain and demonstrate the benefits. Shops that we have that do just a little extra work make plenty of sales this way. It's not difficult... set up a demo area with product A and product B and let them see and hear it. I'm not just saying this... shops that do it move alot of our products. It's proven time and again to work. The "issue" I suppose is if a shop wants people to walk in and ask for something and make a sale without any leg-work. In that case a larger brand is easier to move... provided the customer hasn't been online and seen it for the dealers cost or less, of course.
  17. sundownz

    No Love for Sundown!!!!

    IMO - being that we have been around now for 4 years and simply continue to grow the "small company" excuse is just that. Most likely they simply haven't heard of us at all and wanted to sell you something they have in stock.
  18. sundownz

    Nightshade v.2 Thermal Test

    It passed our brutal 5 minute 60 Hz thermal test at ~2000-watts clamped power (it floats around this number... as we have to adjust the rig as coil heats to try and keep power as close to 2kw as possible). We even put the coils on a DMM at the end of the video. So... without a doubt the NS v.2 will take MUCH more than it's rated power on music thermally having passed this 60 hz torture test where limited coil movement severely limits coil cooling.
  19. sundownz

    Anyone Running 3-4 SA-8's on 1200-1500 rms?

    Four SA-8s in my Jeep on a 2500D was doing 145s on music at 35 Hz in a rigged up box -- so there is good potential !
  20. sundownz

    No Love for Sundown!!!!

    We allow our dealers to replace amplifiers over the counter at their discretion and we will in turn replace it for the dealer. We end up replacing alot of things that are purely user error for local dealers so they can "help out" their customers. Obviously for subs its a bit different as a completely black coil is really no question *laughs*
  21. sundownz

    No Love for Sundown!!!!

    The funny thing is we are one of the most dealer friendly companies out there... I get alot of crap on the net about being "overpriced" since we actually defend profits for our dealers. You can buy most brands on e-bay for dealer cost... guess what ? All Sundown sold online is at MAP pricing -- a level that dealers can make money at. If they choose to carry products that cut the throats of the shops selling them so be it. Dealers that do carry our line are quite pleased.
  22. sundownz

    Nightshade v.2 Thermal Test

    The sound in the video is REALLY annoying as it was distorting the camera mic pretty badly being so close - I'd suggest turning the sound down and just looking at the meters if you decide to watch the whole thing.
  23. sundownz

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    It's over whenever these are sold out.
  24. sundownz

    Recone Help.

    At this time I am not really doing other brand work -- I refer most work to Fix My Speaker : Fix My Speaker - Custom Subwoofer Rebuilds, Repairs, and Supplies!
  25. sundownz

    Hey Jacob you going to High Point Sunday

    I'll be out of town this weekend.