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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    NS-1 and SAE-500D Prototype Pictures

    Also -- the SAE-500D should run right around $200 from an authorized dealer.
  2. sundownz

    NS-1 and SAE-500D Prototype Pictures

    SAE-500D Results are in... thing is a little beast of an amp! I am using my Extech Power clamp meter as usual : 380976 - Single Phase/Three Phase 1000A AC Power Clamp Meter The results as follows -- simply a wide open test so therefore there is going to be clipping present. I am just getting an idea for what it can handle as far as abuse and what the maximum level of power that it can make without regards to THD. 1 ohm nominal - 60 Hz (two NS v.1 in ported box) 740 watts 40 v 18.5 A 2.16 ohms 0.5 nominal - 50 Hz (free air on Monster prototype v.1) 860 watts 36.5 v 23.56 A 1.54 ohms Current Draw : 80 Amps on the dot Voltage Drop : 14.6v to 14.0 v Efficiency @ 14v : 76.7% I made within a few % of 860 watts anywhere from 50-60 Hz on the test woofer. I was pretty impressed by it... ran quite a bit of testing on it wide open like this without ever hitting protect mode on the amp or over-heating it. So I am confident that 500-watts is a good, conservative rating for it at a reasonable THD.
  3. sundownz

    NS-1 and SAE-500D Prototype Pictures

    Yes it will look as similar as possible to the SAX/SAZ lines.
  4. SAX-1200D : Sold out - more due in 3-4 weeks. SAZ-1500D v.2 : Sold out - ETA pending. SAZ-4500D : Sold out and discontinued. We have opted to cease production on the 4500D now that stock is depleted. ANNOUNCEMENT : The 4500D is stepping down as our flag-ship amplifier to be replaced by a new, more powerful unit... the "NS-1" -- more details to follow.
  5. sundownz

    Amplifier Stock News (Announcement Inside)

    http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sundown-Audio/114478905274256 Two NS-1 prototypes arrived along with a small surprise prototype... see the Facebook for some initial photos. I'll bring this info over to the forums next week but have to head out for the day now!
  6. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Need to get the coils in first.
  7. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    I'm planning to offer only the 12-layer coil -- yes, the motor is super strong with it but it seems commonplace these days for folks to like that sound (eg: Wardens daily, DD Z daily, DD 9500H supercharged, etc).
  8. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    The original prototype was pretty rugged... we made a few videos of it : * Yes, I am fully aware of this method not being 100% accurate in reading power... but try that with another 3" coil sub seeing the same current. Very few will make it much less come out in mint condition. * TWO wall sockets on it... as the comments state we already did a test just like the above on it and had it hot enough the dust cap felt like jell-o from the air exchange. THEN we put ~60 amps into it long enough to have done a bass race run. I also had the 15" model in my Jeep for a 2+ minute run on music in my SPL box doing around 150 dB the entire time on a 4500D @ 0.5 ohm -- my bank of six batteries was down to the high 10s and the sub walked away fine. In fact... I still have it in the back room with the same soft parts and coil in it as that show.
  9. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Spider size limits.
  10. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    3" coil (75mm) -- the OD of the windings is actually about 3.5" (89mm) as it's a 12-layer.
  11. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Forgot to bring the pics over here from the Facebook : Attached to 15" frame. If we do make it the shorting rings (three of them) will be aluminum.
  12. sundownz

    SA-8 Pre-Order Thread for June 2011

    The new frame / slightly taller spacer gives you a few more millimeters before the ring hits the top plate. You'll also experience a bit less mechanical noise at higher throw as the higher clearance from surround landing to spider landing allows a taller cone with a higher angle that will rub the spider less.
  13. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    The original was very strong on the lows but dropped off up high due to inductance -- the shorting rings should address that weakness
  14. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Waiting on the revised coils to come in then testing will follow. The old Monster coil is too short for this version.
  15. sundownz

    Any plans for a beefy 6.5?

    So... how about a beefy 6.5" with about 12mm one-way excursion and flat response to around 5000 Hz ? Would you guys like that ?
  16. sundownz

    Sundown X-8 Work in Progress

    I am waiting on a status update on the X-8 frame tooling -- once the frame is done we'll be much closer to a final prototype as the motor won't take long at all to machine up. The soft parts hit a set-back that I was notified on 4/4/11 -- I was told about ~8 weeks which should be any time now I think; as long as the recovery effort of the manufacturer in Japan was a success. I am also considering a less extreme new frame tooling for the SA-8 v.2 model -- which would leave only the E8 v.2 with a "stock" frame
  17. sundownz

    Sundown X-8 Work in Progress

    OEM work is commonplace in the industry -- but you usually don't know who is doing the work. For example... TC Sounds made woofers for countless companies; RE used to be an OEM provider; Fi/AA currently do OEM work, etc. The markets for our products in the end are quite different as are the designs of the Skar woofers compared to our own so I am not concerned for my wallet so to speak
  18. sundownz

    Sundown X-8 Work in Progress

    The driver is significantly different from both the E8 v.2 and SA-8 -- there is plenty of room in the market for drivers with various applications.
  19. sundownz

    Sundown X-8 Work in Progress

    ... and ?
  20. sundownz

    Garlic Capital of the World has Sundown!!!

  21. sundownz


    The test thread I posted is probably as close of an answer as you'll get -- once wired to a sub-woofer power will vary dramatically based on frequency and enclosure.
  22. sundownz

    warranty coverage

    If the excess glue peels off the inside roll but doesn't come off it can buzz a bit as the sides rub together -- we can check it out for you if you like.
  23. sundownz

    warranty coverage

    Is the sub no longer performing well ? Occasionally there may be excess glue that pulls off of the inner-most spider roll that is not actually a tear of any kind.
  24. sundownz

    sundown saz-2500d power testing

    12v testing Not sure that I ended up posting or doing 16v testing or not... sure some customers have, though.
  25. sundownz

    SA-8 Pre-Order Thread for June 2011

    Expected to complete at our factory on June 20th -- so ETA will be July 20th to 31st. I'll run pre-ordering until July 5th.