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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    SI MAG v.3 12"

    The v.3 was a solid "SQL" type driver -- eg: high linear excursion / good parameter set for a nice response + also very tolerant to abuse. The v.4 Mag was an SQ driver XBL^2 enabled and fairly shallow. The BM MK3 was an ultra shallow driver also with XBL^2
  2. sundownz

    Re-Cone Tips / Tricks

    Starting a thread on this based on some questions we've had... any further inquiries post them up and we'll see about getting some photos up. So... any re-cone questions post them up. ----- 1) New large wire terminal installation : It is critical to have this facing the correct direction -- otherwise the cone and spider can batter the tab and break it off. You can also experience mechanical noise if they are not aligned in this manner. * These new terminals fit much larger wire. * The black terminal is incorrect -- the red terminal is correct and set out to the side. * To install the leads first split the terminal with a small cutting pliers * Then spread the opening to slide the lead in * Dual flat Z v.3 type leads in this example; stick them in the crimp the split back together * Now solder and trim the excess below the tab to prevent shorting to the frame ----- 2) Making shims for your re-cone I suggest white paper -- you can adjust the number of sheets to fully fill the ID gap to make SURE the coil is aligned. I don't like card stock as it's not as flexible with the thickness and is often too loose or too tight. * For an SA-8 or anything with less than a 3" coil you'll need to trim the paper down a bit so it doesn't wrap back around itself * For a 3" coil standard 8.5" width is fine -- we usually trim it down a bit shorter to make working with it easier * As you can see we can adjust the thickness readily by adding or removing sheets ----- 3) Lazy Susan for easy re-coning We made ours from two woofer cut-outs and a bearing set from Lowes available near the cabinet rails and cabinet hardware. * We covered the top in leather to not scratch the motor * Back has no covering * Bearings -- these are durable... we build our biggest subs on them
  3. sundownz

    Re-Cone Tips / Tricks

    The coil cannot move around in any way with our described shim method
  4. sundownz

    Re-Cone Tips / Tricks

    Okay, we will do a dust cap one soon.
  5. sundownz

    Re-Cone Tips / Tricks

    If you purchase a basket we will send terminals with it. The new big terminals work best with the new frames as well due to the size of the hole for terminal mounting.
  6. Some of you have called and had a "new" guy answer in the last week -- Nick is now answering phones for part of the day here at Sundown. You can talk to him about most of your questions -- if he doesn't have the answer you can leave a message and Brandon or I can e-mail you back from the message but please at least leave a brief message for us. I am often not here @ the shop all the time now due to other projects so we are getting a bit more help around here!
  7. sundownz

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    My account cannot receive payments with no fee -- I will be charged a fee even if you click gift. Simply send it normally.
  8. sundownz

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    We ONLY have black shirts -- any other shirts can be purchased from Derrick Haddock : Derrick824 on the forums.
  9. sundownz

    Re-Cone Prices

    EDIT 8/30/11 : WE CANNOT WARRANTY DIY RE-CONE ASSEMBLY ISSUES. Read and understand this -- if you are not 110% sure about re-coning the driver ask us or send it in. We can only stand behind labor that we perform. Manufacturing defects in the kit itself are of course our responsibility but installation is 100% the customer responsibility. Thanks for the understanding.
  10. Seems it was a pretty hot topic so more information on it now. The market I am targeting is retail dealers -- the products this amp will compete with are primarily items from Memphis, Alpine, JL, Rockford, etc. SAE-500D prototype size not counting power terminals and RCA connectors is only 9.5" wide x 1 7/8" tall x 9" long -- this will vary a bit when we tool our actual case but will be quite similar. Cost will be $200.00 from an authorized dealer. Comparison to products in direct competition from authorized online sources : Memphis (1 ohm / 60-amp fusing) : $339.99 7.83 x 1.85 x 11.45 Memphis 16-PR1X500 JL (Class A/B / 2 ohms / 60-amp fusing): $299.99 14" x 2-1/8" x 7-11/16" JL JLx500/1 Alpine (2 ohm amp / 60-amp fusing): $199.99 10-5/8" x 2-3/8" x 9-9/16" Alpine MRP-M500 Rockford (1 ohm / 80-amp fusing): $359.99 7-5/8" x 2-1/4" x 10-1/4" Rockford P500-1BD ---------- This thing is a little beast of an amp! I am using my Extech Power clamp meter as usual : 380976 - Single Phase/Three Phase 1000A AC Power Clamp Meter The results as follows -- simply a wide open test so therefore there is going to be clipping present. I am just getting an idea for what it can handle as far as abuse and what the maximum level of power that it can make without regards to THD. 1 ohm nominal - 60 Hz (two NS v.1 in ported box) 740 watts 40 v 18.5 A 2.16 ohms 0.5 nominal - 50 Hz (free air on Monster prototype v.1) 860 watts 36.5 v 23.56 A 1.54 ohms Current Draw : 80 Amps on the dot Voltage Drop : 14.6v to 14.0 v Efficiency @ 14v : 76.7% I made within a few % of 860 watts anywhere from 50-60 Hz on the test woofer. I was pretty impressed by it... ran quite a bit of testing on it wide open like this without ever hitting protect mode on the amp or over-heating it. So I am confident that 500-watts is a good, conservative rating for it at a reasonable THD. ---------- You don't see strapping often in this class of amp
  11. sundownz

    Sundown X-8 Work in Progress

    The X-8 is separate from the new frame I put on Facebook; the Facebook frame is for the SA-8 v.2
  12. WoofersEtc.com - SAX-200.4D - Sundown Audio 800W 4-Channel Amplifier MAP was $815 on these - they are being sold at over 25% off that price now from WoofersEtc.com exclusively. Get em while they last
  13. 100-watts RMS 8s / $99 each from authorized dealer 200-watts RMS 10s / $115 each from authorized dealer Frequency range is ~80-5000 Hz on these -- the bottom end crossover point depends largely on how much power is ran to them. 8 ohm coils for large setups where you would be connecting 4 per channel to an SAX-125.2 or SAX-100.4 or 8 per channel on an SAX-200.4 These drivers are extremely light and relatively shallow so will fit in many locations easily and also will not weigh down doors with large quantities of drivers as bad as ferrite drivers. Standard Madisound grilles should fit them -- we will test it shortly.
  14. sundownz

    SAX-200.4 Close-Out - $599.99 !!!

    Further discounted to $579.99 !!!
  15. sundownz

    Ferrari 430

  16. Threads for the NS-1 so far : NS-1 and SAE-500D Prototype Pictures - Car Audio Classifieds Amplifier Stock News (Announcement Inside) - Car Audio Classifieds ----- * 6x SA-12 for testing * NS-1 dropped in for testing with various meters * Derrick has 3x XS D3100s and 2x Mechman 300-amp alts * DC Current Clamp Derrick measured 7100-watts on MY Extech Clamp meter and captured 82v with his RMS volt-meter -- so we calculated that to be 0.95 ohms actual with rise from 0.33 nominal. Voltage dropped to 12.3 volts with 646 amps of measured draw on my DC clamp meter. We let everything cool off for a while and hit it again and saw 7200-watts as well but didn't grab all of the other information that round. If we turned it up any more it would simply draw more current with no increase in measured power output on my meter. We are quite happy with the performance as is Derrick
  17. sundownz

    SAE-1200 popped fuses, loose wires, etc

    Indeed... 16-18 awg should do it.
  18. sundownz

    SAE-1200 popped fuses, loose wires, etc

    There may be more issues with it; you could quickly try to re-attach the wire if you like to make sure, though.
  19. sundownz

    SA-8 Pre-Order Updates

    The SA-8 shipment is due Wednesday roughly. Disclaimer... PLEASE DO NOT e-mail me or post asking about your specific order ship-date. We will e-mail tracking to you or your dealer through the automated system; all orders will go out in the order they were received and as quickly as we possibly can. I expect that it will take into next week to get them all out.
  20. Our new FedEx rep was a good sport and got a short demo. 12x Obsidian Audio 12s 2x SAZ-4500Ds on 16v @ 1.33 ohms We forgot to have the low-tuned loading wall in -- so hair movement not as good as it could be but our rep enjoyed it !
  21. sundownz

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

    If you want a quote on 8 units hit me up by e-mail -- [email protected]
  22. sundownz

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

    no, Sir. I have the entire back seat and hatch of a Scion TC to work with (there will be 8 of whichever I choose) With no depth restriction you can do the OA-12s -- they are a bit beefier.
  23. sundownz

    Paco's Truck : New FedEx Rep Demo !

    No plans... OA is planning an 18" though.
  24. sundownz

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

    The SD-2 is a MUCH shallower driver; do you need a shallower driver or not ?