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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    End of 0.5 ohm coverage

    They can, people do it all the time. When installed properly and backed with a good electrical system. I am simply not going to officially support or warranty that load any longer since SO many people get them and do not install them properly and I end up getting all sorts of calls.
  2. Fully tested down to 1/2 ohm each. Both were mounted and used and show a few signs of use on the mounting feet and near the speaker connections. Both come with remotes but no manuals, you can download the manual here: http://www.sundownaudio.com/products/SAX-1...manual_0607.pdf The white dot in the picture is from the flash and is not a mark on the amp. $475 shipped each or $900 shipped for both. They come with the full warranty from date of purchase.
  3. sundownz

    Rides section on SundownAudio.com

    I'll get it linked back on the main page later tonight.
  4. sundownz

    FS: Two used SAZ-1500D Amplifiers

    Pics work for me on 3 different computers on 3 different ISPs Might have been temporarily busy. Used amps usually go fast!
  5. sundownz

    1st test run for the new setup

    Damn kids Let us know if you can still make it.
  6. sundownz

    1st test run for the new setup

  7. sundownz

    1st test run for the new setup

  8. sundownz

    New Prototypes! Pics.

    It calls for a 300 amp external fuse and has no internal fusing.
  9. sundownz

    New Prototypes! Pics.

    No, only the proto has gold terminals. I doubt I'll have a trade-in program, it would be a big hassle for me with alot of used amps to move.
  10. sundownz

    From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

    I would do 8 gauge in that case for sure, thats pretty far.
  11. sundownz

    From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

    Two runs of 8 gauge is optimal but you should be okay with two runs of 10 gauge if it's a short distance.
  12. sundownz

    Sundown SAZ-1000 ?

    The 1000-watt amp is in the "E" series (entry level), it's actually the SAE-1000D since it's not a "competition grade" unit. It is designed for 1 ohm operation at the lowest and not higher than regular car voltage. They put out almost exactly 1000 watts at ~13 volts or so. I'll post the pre-order when I get a solid date for arrival. Things always get delayed and I don't want to promise them at "X" date and have them 4 weeks late.
  13. sundownz

    New Prototypes! Pics.

    Unless you want to wait quite a while I wouldn't suggest holding out
  14. sundownz

    End of 0.5 ohm coverage

    I don't think you'll have any issues PS: I just picked up a 2400 myself... and will probably get another. So the Civic looks like it'll be getting 2x 2400s and a DEKA Intimidator along with dual 135 amp alts.
  15. sundownz

    Possible Changes to Warranty Policy

    Who the hell fried one beyond recoginition!! *laughs* Oh, I don't know
  16. sundownz

    Introducing the first SSA subwoofer

    Proto is looking good
  17. sundownz

    Possible Changes to Warranty Policy

    Alright... I'm making it official. All amps sold after March 31st will not carry 0.5 ohm warranty. This will make sure that word can get out so people don't buy an amp expecting to be covered.
  18. sundownz

    Custom Finishes

    Anodizing, and only anodizing will not alter the convection. Agreed.
  19. sundownz

    New Prototypes! Pics.

    We'll find out when testing is done... off hand I'd say two SAZ-1500Ds since they are less efficient strapped. The difference will probably turn out to be fairly small.
  20. sundownz

    New Prototypes! Pics.

    MSRP is almost exactly double ($599 to $1199) as my build cost is almost exactly double compared to the SAZ-1500D.
  21. sundownz

    Possible Changes to Warranty Policy

    Jybfan04, In case you missed it, I would cover all the SAZ-1500Ds sold before the cut-off date so anyone who purchased it while the 1/2 ohm warranty was in place would be covered The original invoice must be included with warranty returns so I would get the date from that. So everyone in that group would be taken care of as they expected. I already have a certain spec to receive the warranty, it's posted in a sticky post... seems that most folks ignore it hence the support calls.
  22. sundownz

    New Prototypes! Pics.

    No real ETA at this time. But, I am aiming for less than 6 months from now. You will need a 300 amp external fuse for this amplifier. Not sure why you would need (or want) to strap these at 1 ohm for anything but a dedicated SPL rig... but you could do it if you really wanted to. They are built as tough as the SAZ-1500D.
  23. sundownz

    New Prototypes! Pics.

    I feel the same way, I really like the look I do want to add more dissipation area somehow, though... perhaps I'll just get larger side fins much like the Tru amps that Lukas posted up.
  24. sundownz

    New Prototypes! Pics.

    MSRP is $1199 on the SAZ-3000D and, as always, dealers will be selling for under MSRP if contacted for a quote and I will offer a short pre-sale on them (pre-sale pricing won't be announced until the time comes).