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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    sundowns 1500 vs kicker 1500

    I don't know that anyone has compared them to a Z1a at this time, but I do know that some have swapped out the older Z1s for a pair of 1500Ds: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=9187 If you would like to get pricing contact Steve @ Smart Auto Sound Solutions, he is the exclusive Canadian dealer and distributor for Sundown Audio: http://www.smartass.bz/catalog/index.php
  2. sundownz

    8 Sundowns + 4 BTL = ?

    Chuck, What is your final load on each amp now? If it is 1 ohm or higher like I think you were doing then your gains are set WAY low right now and you will really bring that score up tuning them.
  3. sundownz

    3 SD-1 10" / 1-SAZ 1500

    The SD-1 is a sweet little woofer, I am very impressed so far and so is everyone that has installed them so far. They are fantastic for tight installs, the 10" model is only 5" deep! These also need very little power to sound great, I think that most people have totally lost sight of efficiency in recent years due to the availability of cheap and big amps
  4. sundownz

    sundowns 1500 vs kicker 1500

    Are you from Canada? Just asking since alot of guys up there really enjoy hating on Sundown and anything else new without even trying it. Not sure why... but that has been my experience on the Canadian Car Audio forum. As far as ~3400 @ 1/2 ohm, that is a pair strapped at 1/2 ohm each to a 1 ohm final load. Loyd's testing produced 3740 at 12.8 volts in this configuration from a pair. At higher voltage, Sean's testing produced 5677 watts at 17.9 volts rest dropping to 15.5 volts from a pair. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7116 - Loyd's Test http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7117 - Sean's Test
  5. sundownz

    BL + SAZ1500D?

    Lots of guys run the 1500D on the BL Get to know your sub and it's limits and you will be perfectly fine with a properly adjusted gain.
  6. sundownz

    Z1 VS strapped 1500's

    Uh oh... hope your friend has better luck getting it repaired than most folks do.
  7. sundownz

    12 vs 17.9 volt's :wtf:

    Excellent showing none-the-less, keep up the good work
  8. sundownz


    I can't give you a direct comparison but I can say this... Sean, that helped me test the 3000D and did high voltage 1500D testing, swapped out 2x Memphis 4kw for 4x SAZ-1500Ds and gained power. The SAZ-3000D does darn near exactly twice what the 1500D does. Chances are you will gain a bit or be about the same as the Memphis amps. Whether it is beneficial or not is up to you. Are the Memphis amps authorized and warrantied? That might be a concern. Is space an issue? The 3000D is shorter in length than the 4kw is. Do you think you may drop them to 1/2 ohm for competition? The 3000D is okay with that.
  9. Just send me an e-mail about it and I'll get one out for you.
  10. sundownz

    My E-Mail is Down

    I'm not seeing any new e-mail in my box since 7:30 PM last night... just a heads up in case anyone e-mailed me since then. I'm not sure if I'm going to get them later or if they are lost, my server is not responding at the moment.
  11. sundownz

    12 vs 17.9 volt's :wtf:

    Steve, No idea why you aren't gaining, the power output increase by going to high voltage is tremendous. It *has* to be something else with your setup for sure. Have you used a DMM on all of your coils to make sure one isn't open?
  12. sundownz

    My E-Mail is Down

    Okay... well it is back up now!
  13. sundownz

    another update

    Haha! Nice!
  14. sundownz

    Misinformation needing correction

    I posted my two cents about it. That is all that can and should be said, IMHO.
  15. sundownz

    Misinformation needing correction

    I could care less what they think being that they haven't used the amp... fact is the amps sound great. Just as good as any more expensive amplifier I have ever owned. Independant reviews indicate the same as well.
  16. sundownz

    crx people I have a question

    Did the box shift at all? My brothers truck drops around 1 dB if the box is 3-4" to one side of the loudest spot!
  17. sundownz

    dub show

    For the record I am the owner of Sundown and out of the posters so far only SilverBane is directly associated with Sundown, and neither of us has said anything about the car. Also, Sundown does not fully sponsor *any* cars -- we have a Team Sundown program where some guys get discounted pricing due to their experience and participation in SPL competition. At this time nobody has applied for the Team with a "show car" -- although, depending on your step-dad's plans for the car it may be possible for him to join the Team. I generally don't handle things like this on the forum -- as SilverBane suggested, people generally e-mail me.
  18. sundownz

    ok a 151.2 with a well used battery

    Can you? I wouldn't suggest it I did it since I was at the controls and took responsibility for it, I won't make any guarantees.
  19. sundownz

    little better score

    Ray knows his SPL Very cool guy, I would take his advice
  20. sundownz

    ok a 151.2 with a well used battery

    In my brother's truck the amps were protection happy when the system was cold. This was due to the fact that all of the internal resistances in the amp were at their minimum thereby increasing current flow and tripping protection... same for the sub voice coils, we had the amps at 1/4 ohm so when they were cold the load was just too hard for them. We found that one or two burps below full bore to get things "warm" allowed us to hit it full force without protection.
  21. sundownz

    Sundown Audio SD-1 Woofers

    Rony has his first shipment of amps now, I am hoping that things do well in Israel for him I will have more woofers following soon... I am still working on the "E Series" mentioned before as one step up from these. I have other ideas in the pipeline as well, should be very interesting!
  22. sundownz

    Sundown Audio SD-1 Woofers

    New woofers from Sundown Audio... the first run, which is available now, is a test run to see how these woofers stand with customers. I really like them myself and am proud to offer them. These woofers are 100% made in the USA of as many USA sourced parts as possible in a top quality factory. Sundown Audio will be offering the same warranty on our speakers as our amps -- 2 years limited / 5 year discounted replacement and the same applies to these even if they do *not* stay on board as a permanent product. If these are well received more will be built and they will stay on board as a permanent addition. These will be one notch below the "E Series" woofers previously discussed. The first run has no logos at all... if I keep these on as a permanent addition they will have a logo from the next run on. PARAMETERS AND ENCLOSURE SPECS: SD-1 10" / SD-1 12" RMS: 200 watts / 200 watts Max: 350 watts / 400 watts Z: 8 ohms / 8 ohms Re: 6.93 ohms / 7.03 ohms Fs: 25 Hz / 26 Hz Qms: 8.8 / 10.83 Qes: 0.36 / 0.53 Qts: 0.34 / 0.51 VAS: 67 L / 100 L BL: 17.5 NA / 17.0 NA MSRP: $110 / $125 Enclosure recommendation is: 0.5 - 0.75 ft^3 sealed on the 10" 0.75 - 1.0 ft^3 sealed on the 12" 1.00 - 1.25 ft^3 @ 30 - 35 Hz Ported on the 10" 1.75 - 2.25 ft^3 @ 30 - 35 Hz Ported on the 12" These are both 8 ohm coils designed to work as a pair with the SAX-100.2 amplifier. They are very efficient and will do exceptionally well with that amount of power. PICTURES: * 10" SD-1 Cone * 10" SD-1 Back Profile *10" SD-1 Side Profile * 12" SD-1 Cone * 12" SD-1 Back Profile * 12" SD-1 Side Profile
  23. sundownz

    1500d makes subs make popping noise

    Try a different RCA cable to see if that helps. Also make sure that the speaker wire connection in the box is still connected tightly. Where is the amp mounted?
  24. sundownz

    Sundown Audio SD-1 Woofers

    Let me know if you will be needing some
  25. sundownz

    Sundown Audio SD-1 Woofers

    They are made to be a no-nonsense woofer for a good price I have been playing with them for a while but kept them quiet as a suprise announcement! I really want to try a pair of the 12" models IB in a rear deck. The "E Series" is still coming... but I needed these sooner due to the extremely shallow depth. I was seeing a LARGE demand for a good shallow mount 10" woofer and decided to do a 12" version as well.