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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    100.4 outta stock

    They just came back in stock today... just finished unloading the truck a few hours ago I updated the crossover ranges a bit on them... more information on that soon.
  2. sundownz

    18 XXX

    It certainly won't make the box any smaller than a sealed box You can try it if you like... those will have to be some hefty 18" PRs.
  3. sundownz

    18 XXX

    You could do passives... but you would need some HUGE passives to work with the XXX. Don't worry about low end sealed... it will be there
  4. sundownz

    Sundown SD-1 Subwoofer Blowout Sale

    Lon, You could tear up 24 of them on three 3000Ds if you weren't careful If you set up the gain properly on the amps to keep the subs from seeing the full brunt of the power they would do fine, though. They are a 200-watt design, and will handle that much for several hours without issue. You would be pushing it with 8 per 3000D as that could deliver 375 watts to each of unclipped power, which would be pushing the limits thermally for even a few minutes.
  5. sundownz

    2x 1500 Sundown Audio on the way

    That'll work
  6. sundownz

    2x 1500 Sundown Audio on the way

    Daily you would be fine with stock + one or two extra in the back no problem. If you can fit two, great, if not... one big one should work fine -- like a Powermaster D3100.
  7. sundownz

    2x 1500 Sundown Audio on the way

    Depends on how you define comfortably Full blast output for like 30 - 45 minutes at a time? For a song or two?
  8. Nick is just lazy We all know that
  9. sundownz

    2x 1500 Sundown Audio on the way

    Looking forward to some results
  10. Sold lots of stuff... a few things still available. Buy the Nightshade!
  11. sundownz

    Wow I am impressed!

    Glad to hear your feedback! I should be @ the meet to hear it... LMK the address and all that good stuff.
  12. sundownz

    Banging my own drum :)

    Your scores are always amazing on the lows... keep up the good work!
  13. sundownz

    Ups Came Today

    I would try them Isobaric in the box you have
  14. sundownz

    Ups Came Today

    It's on the way back from David @ RE... Corey has dibs if he wants it, he called it already
  15. sundownz

    Ups Came Today

    Let me know how it does, I have no idea how this thing will perform with 18" parts on it *laughs* It might like large enclosures... so if you decide to get the other one too an Isobaric clamshell might work very well for you!
  16. sundownz

    SAZ-1500D/Magnum 15 numbers

    For the win!
  17. DD Carbon Fiber Dust-Cap added to the Nightshade w/ pic! Now it looks pretty
  18. sundownz

    Sundown Showing Off Again

    Very nice placement! Congrats
  19. sundownz

    Sundown Showing Off Again

    Sounds like fun stuff
  20. sundownz

    Ups Came Today

    I would say 1000 - 1500 continuous and quite a bit on burps... stiff spider and a flatwind coil very similar to the MT.
  21. sundownz

    Ups Came Today

    No idea at all *laughs* Nice flat-wind coil... probably 20 - 22 mm of linear x-max or so. Stiff suspension so mechanical power handling is good too. Other than that, I got nothing on them! If I had to guess I'd say moderate to high-ish Qts with low 30s Fs or so...
  22. sundownz

    SAZ - 1500D

    Two Qs on a 1500D will sound good.
  23. sundownz

    Ups Came Today

    It is the motor from the first revision X10 re-coned into an 18" woofer by David @ RE. Has a nice flat-wind coil and all that good stuff. It's not made by SJA so doesn't have any relation to RD or Atomic. It does have gap venting, so I could see why you might say that
  24. sundownz

    8 inch woofer?

    Could be thousands of different shapes... but lets just say you could do 9 x 9 x 4 " That is, if the sub will fit in 4" depth *laughs* Final depth is pending final basket selection. Chances are if you are running just one, sealed, you will have to make a slightly larger box just to get the woofer in it Pretty small box. Indeed, it will essentially go in any box you can fit it in. So it'll be great for tight areas.
  25. sundownz

    problem with 100.2 help

    You can try whatever you want But yah, I'd say send it in to me as soon as you can.