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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    Sundown Audio Nightshade Numbers

    Teaser pic of revised Nightshade... that is all
  2. sundownz

    SD-1 v.2 Proto Pics

    Thats going to be close. I'd like to see a full inch if possible... but you are planning on running only low power so it's not as much of an issue.
  3. sundownz

    SD-1 v.2 Proto Pics

    The SD-1 v.2 protos are in... they take everything the SD-1 was good at and take it up a notch. 1) They are even shallower at only 4.5" mounting depth (10" model). 2) They have more linear x-max. 3) They have a 2.5" voice coil so they will handle twice as much power thermally. 4) They maintain the efficiency of the original SD-1. 5) They maintain the small box requirements of the original SD-1. 6) They maintain the low-end performance of the original SD-1. 7) They are now DVC 4 ohm for more wiring options. 8) They now have a rubber mounting gasket. These subs will throw down in very small enclosures and will now handle much more power. Ideal for shallow truck enclosures! They utilize a single 6" diameter magnet slug to achieve the necessary flux. Behind the cone you will find a progressive roll spider and a special treatment applied to the back of surround and upper lip of the cone to get more stability from the surround and to bring the Mms to where it needed to be. The leads are offset out to the sides and slightly raised to eliminate the possibility for slapping and the motor itself has quite a bit of clearance for the coil due to a deeply bumped back plate. My apology for the low quality photos... I recently broke my digital camera and have not yet replaced it: MSRP will be around $229 - 249 (pending finalized build costs) for this USA built subwoofer. When they are available contact your favorite dealer for best pricing!
  4. Sure, it will cost extra but I can ship there.
  5. sundownz

    8 inch woofer?

    Could... but probably will not anytime soon due to the tiny market for such a thing. --- I tested the 8" sub ported in my car -- very happy with the output, even sitting behind my other box in a trunk. It goes very low and handles good power -- had it cranked on my 100.2 bridged for several songs. I am power testing it now over time... ~225 watts for an hour or two (200-watt rating). I will measure broken-in T/S after that as well. The specs have been altered quite a bit from inception due to real world parts implementation, but the response and enclosure sizes will still remain very similar to the original goals
  6. sundownz

    8 inch woofer?

    I re-assembled the driver with a much thicker and stronger surround and added 20 grams of mass (using extra glue). The specs came out nicely and actually added more low-end extension. The Qts was 0.48 totally fresh with zero break-in -- this means it will fall down to 0.40 - 0.45 after break-in and still be just as versatile for sealed or ported applications! The new surround is FAR stronger than the original... I fell in love with it
  7. SAZ-3000D sold. Other items put back up for sale (buyer decided to get 3000D instead).
  8. sundownz

    Mounting upside down

    I would add a fan as a precaution.
  9. The 100.4 has been sold.
  10. sundownz

    Switch Amp around?

    On the next run of them... probably within 3-4 months or so. It is a very close match -- the face is exactly the same. The side has a few more fins... the big difference is that it is 10mm taller and has a BUNCH of fins under the face. ok cool. so if they were flush mounted you really wouldnt see any difference then i take it Nope, not as long as you compensated for the 10mm height difference
  11. sundownz

    Sundown in the Philippines

    I'm looking forward to seeing more Sundown in the Philippines. Hopefully my upcoming distributor there will help with that.
  12. sundownz

    what sundown amp should i use! please help

    im not sure how how i mesure after the box rise. when the subs are in the box thay are .70 ohms at the amp, i have a 200 amp alt, and 3 yellow top batts IMHO 3000D all the way. They are not prone to breaking for no reason and Jake has about the best customer service in the industry... Indeed, the 3000D has proven VERY reliable in the field. I also pride myself on customer service.
  13. sundownz

    4 SAZ3000Ds on my LMS Ultras 18s

    Looking forward to more updates
  14. sundownz

    I know many are wondering, What the 250.2 update?

    Indeed It will be a good option for many people looking for a large, beefy Class A/B amp.
  15. sundownz

    8 inch woofer?

    Got some new parts in... played around a bit. Realized it is a huge PITA to assemble an 8" driver from raw parts by hand (they are so little). I'm quite pleased with it overall -- only a few tweaks are needed. I am testing an alternative cone / surround. This will bring the Fs and Qts up a hair, but will make the driver much more durable. The surround for the specs posted is way too thin for comfort to me... it would be easy to puncture or otherwise damage.
  16. He's going to be using four 1500Ds -- they work better with the subs he is using as far as matching impedance (32 of the original SD-1s).
  17. sundownz

    Switch Amp around?

    On the next run of them... probably within 3-4 months or so. It is a very close match -- the face is exactly the same. The side has a few more fins... the big difference is that it is 10mm taller and has a BUNCH of fins under the face.
  18. I didn't take any pics of it -- no need. Look at the pic on the site and imagine that you mounted it, scuffs on the mounting feet, but otherwise new looking. It's 9.5 / 10 condition easy.
  19. sundownz

    A little more info on the new Mags

    I want new BMs as midbass -- is that so wrong ?
  20. Only a few more weeks left to pre-order!
  21. sundownz

    I know many are wondering, What the 250.2 update?

    250 x 2 @ 4 ohms 500 x 2 @ 2 ohms 1000 x 1 @ 4 ohms 12.8 volts.
  22. sundownz

    New Computer!

    They had computers worth tweaking when you were in high school? Damn, I feel old. When I left for college a 486DX was where it was at. I learned CAD on an 8088 machine that would take 30+ min for a redraw on a basic wireframe model (the whole file would fit on a 3.5" floppy). My first PC was a 386 enhanced with 8MB of RAM (8 x 1MB SIMs) and a 20MB hard drive. CD-ROMs were just coming out. I didn't have one for quite some time after that. I built my first computer 3 years later. 100MHz Pentium with 32 MB of RAM. The memory cost more than the entire rest of the system ($200 IIRC). 2D only vid card (the 3D cards were still a year away). SB AWE16 sound card. I built my last semi-up-to-date computer 5 years ago just before I left Japan. It lasted 6mos before a power supply failure cooked both HDs, the CD RW, MB, CPU, RAM, vid card, sound card and basically everything but the NIC. I rebuilt it in early '03 and haven't messed with it since. My very first system was alot like yours -- I had a 386 SX 16 Mhz w/ 25 Mhz "turbo button" and 8 MB RAM. I did have a 100 MB hard drive, though, and we had a 1x CD drive with a "caddy" rather than a drawer style holder. Of course, I was around 8 years old at the time. I still messed with it alot I've got an 8088 in my shed That thing is a beast and was made a year before I was born *laughs*
  23. sundownz

    A little more info on the new Mags

    It's going to be cool