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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    Nightshade Pre-Sale?

    I wonder why everyone asks that... around 50 pounds.
  2. sundownz

    Random instruction manual question

    They were my first two models and were released together, it was simply easier at the time It costs a few hundred dollars to "tool" a new manual and I figured that is money well spent elsewhere (new products) for the time being.
  3. sundownz

    From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

    I have Esoteric Audio RCAs in the pictures, they are very nice... my favorite thing about them is that they are separated so you can strap the amps with a nice looking "mono" RCA You can buy them here: http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/showdetl.cf...tnumber=186-004
  4. sundownz

    Jacob is the MAN

    Thanks guys
  5. sundownz

    what electrical to use w 1500d?

    Alt to battery wire Battery to chassis ground Battery to engine block ground Big three wire upgrades.
  6. sundownz

    what electrical to use w 1500d?

    A battery like a Powermaster D3100 is a significant step up from the DEKA, that would help as a start... perhaps even just add one in addition to the DEKA. If you want two 1500Ds I would go for the 240 amp alternator.
  7. sundownz

    SD-1 v.2 10" Pre-Order OPEN

    They should be in stock about the same day the pre-order ends!
  8. sundownz

    SAE 1000D

    1) Fusing is 90 amps -- thats plenty for it It's quite efficiency. Actual draw at 1 ohm / full output is a bit over 100 amps, the fuses can stand that for 20+ minutes (well within tolerance). 2) Steve is correct. 3) Thanks, I'm sure you will be pleased!
  9. sundownz

    I'm still buying CD's

    I'm VERY sensitive on highs... so you may like them
  10. sundownz

    SD-1 v.2 10" Pre-Order OPEN

    Pre-Sale is almost over! Ends Friday... so if you want them now speak up
  11. sundownz

    Knu Wire OMG!

    Thats the copper clad aluminum wire right? I don't get the controversy, its not like Al is that much more resistive than Cu. Indeed, works fine for me People get all worked up about it for some reason, though.
  12. sundownz

    Minimum electrical system for a 1500 and a 100.4

    Running the 1500D at 1 ohm? Yep, thats fine.
  13. sundownz

    I'm still buying CD's

    Sure do I don't have an iPod, actually. I do rip all my CDs to my hard drive in 320k MP3 to keep backups and keep copies in the car, in case they get stolen. I'm certainly not going to pay for my music twice! I have a few pics up of it here: http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/02_Civic/ It still need a bit of work... I did neaten the wires a bit since then, although, they are all totally hidden so it's not a huge deal. Still need to finish deadening one of my doors... and I need to get rid of those Kicker SS comps, they are too harsh.
  14. sundownz

    Nightshade Pre-Sale?

    Eventually. 12s and 15s will be first.
  15. sundownz

    I'm still buying CD's

    I buy all my CDs, BMG Music saves me a fortune
  16. sundownz

    Quick Ohm/Electrical Question

    I'm reluctant to tell you "yes" since I don't warranty that... but it will likely work fine. What really hurts the amp is voltage drop resulting from the significantly increase current draw at 1/2 ohm vs. 1 ohm -- the amp is also more sensitive to this sort of thing when wired under 1 ohm. So just watch that voltage, keep it over 12.
  17. sundownz

    Knu Wire OMG!

    I even use the "controversial" KLM wire and have no issues with it... certainly isn't flexible like their other wire, but it is quite inexpensive.
  18. sundownz


    JBL A6000GTI I believe is the part number.
  19. sundownz

    Budget / Temp Pounder Install

    Dang Corey! That should sound good
  20. sundownz

    Nightshade Pre-Sale?

    Likely second half of 2008.
  21. sundownz

    Nightshade Pre-Sale?

    I'll have that before too much longer. Waiting on the final production cone to re-build the proto then it'll receive a full 2 hour break-in with at least 1000 watts on tap
  22. sundownz

    Sundown/Critical Mass Stereo System

    Cool stuff, Toby is a good guy.
  23. sundownz

    About Sundown Audio?

    The Nightshade is a daily friendly SPL sub. It's fine to run day to day. There will be an SAZ-2000D sometime next year.