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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    Website down?

    9 1/8 "
  2. sundownz

    SAZ-1500 going into protect!!

    Sounds like an RCA related issue. What head unit do you have? RCA cable type? Pictures of them? The RCA cable could also be pinched somewhere and shorting together, try another cable.
  3. sundownz

    SAZ-1500 going into protect!!

    Unhook the RCAs and the speaker wires and see if it goes into protection. If so, then check the remote lead. Why do you suspect the remote lead touched metal?
  4. sundownz

    SAZ-1500 going into protect!!

    Hmmm. Is it still in protection or does it come out?
  5. sundownz

    CES Information

    On my computer, I'm sure others have theirs up already
  6. sundownz

    I know many are wondering, What the 250.2 update?

    250 x 2 @ 4 ohms 500 x 2 @ 2 ohms 1000 x 1 @ 4 ohms 12.8 volts. jacob, i think i need 2 of those for my front mids and hi. let me know if it's already available I will let you know when they are available. It will be later this year most likely.
  7. sundownz

    Dual .7 subs (2)Saz-1500 or 3000

    I would use at least one Powermaster D3100.
  8. sundownz

    I know many are wondering, What the 250.2 update?

    The 100.4 and 1500D are actually *slightly* different in length, and the 250.2 is longer than either of them by a small amount.
  9. Who knows. Just watch this thread, I post stuff whenever it's for sale
  10. sundownz

    I know many are wondering, What the 250.2 update?

    They won't, I like the look too much to change it drastically. The sides will have a couple more fins (very minor change), still the same size. The amps will be 10mm taller to make room for a bunch of fins UNDER the face of the amp. The face will look the same except the part number is mirrored in the opposite corner so when you flip the aluminum bar it still look the same as before.
  11. The items listed are still for sale.
  12. sundownz

    I know many are wondering, What the 250.2 update?

    When there is more info it will be posted -- quite a few things are coming out, can't do them all at once The release date of the 250.2 depends on how strong sales are, I'd like to get them out by 2Q to 3Q this year.
  13. sundownz

    CES Information

    Well, by nature of not having a pole vent it is quite a bit different. But, the dimensions of the top plate, back plate, and magnet stack, appear to be the same. They will perform quite different, though, as this sub also appeared to have a much stiffer spider.
  14. sundownz

    CES Information

    Zapco had some big ol' amps. If it was upstairs I didn't see the crossfire SPL sub... but they did have one on display that looked exactly like an SI Mag with no pole vent in their regular booth.
  15. sundownz

    CES Information

    Yah, I took one.
  16. sundownz

    CES Information

    It was fun I took quite a few pics which I won't have time to post for a few days, but I'll get em' up when I can.
  17. sundownz

    100.4 channel 2 broken?

    Sounds like a loose wire to me too.
  18. sundownz

    CES Information

    Alright, I'm home... so back to work tomorrow.
  19. sundownz

    Dual .7 subs (2)Saz-1500 or 3000

    One 3000D wired to 0.7 ohms will be what you want for the pair.
  20. sundownz

    sd-1 (v-1) mounting depths?

    There is an error on the page for the 12s, they are 5.5" deep.
  21. sundownz

    Sundown amps

    An Audison dealer did an SQ review of the SAX-100.4 on ROE: http://forum.realmofexcursion.com/showthre...sundown+audison
  22. Built myself a new computer finally... had my old one since 2002 and it was overdue to be replaced. The old one is still stable as can be but is showing it's age speed-wise on newer programs. Anyhow... on to the specifics: Intel e4300 1.8 Ghz Dual-Core over-clocked to 3 Ghz (1.325 volts, stock voltage) Massive Heat-Pipe based heat-sink with 120mm fan (forgot brand... copper base and aluminum fins) ABIT AW9D-MAX Motherboard 2048 MB OCZ Reaper 1066 DDR-II RAM (2.1 volts) 2x Seagate Barracuda Perpendicular technology 250 GB SATA Drives 2x Sony DVD-RAM Drives (SATA interfaces) EVGA Geforce 7800GT Video Card (all stock speeds, I don't really play games) Viewsonic 19" LCD Screen OCZ Gamestream 600-watt power supply Coolermaster Mid-Tower Case Very happy with it... I stress tested the over-clock running both Folding@Home and Prime95 with 1024 MB of RAM utilization for 24 hours. CPU sat around 57 degrees under the 100% load, it sits 42 - 45 degrees running only Folding@Home as I normally do (50% load 24/7). The system runs VERY quiet as well... my old one had 6x 80mm fans in it and was loud by my standards. I forgot about the joys of over-clocking as a nerd My previous system was an Athlon XP 2100+ on the original core that made it to that speed. It was completely non-over-clockable and required an after-market Alpha heat-sink to maintain stability 24/7 at 100% CPU load at stock speeds. I was unable to tweak my computer for 6 years and I'm having fun doing it again! PS: I should win some kind of nerd award for modding my APC UPS backup device with a fan. The previous set of batteries got hot enough to bulge out drastically on all sides -- never seen anything like it. Added a fan and it runs MUCH cooler now (I have it in a bad spot for cooling by passive means alone).
  23. sundownz

    Sundown vs RF testing

    Those guys are getting a bit carried away over on SMD... what can one take away from the test? Well... the 1500D is more efficient -- that seems pretty simple. Upgrade the charging system to get the most of the RF amp? Well, now your cost to get the same power has increased even more. So what is the right conclusions? SAZ-1500D is more power for the money. Thats pretty simple. RF makes a quality amp, but not necessarily the most for you dollar in all applications.
  24. sundownz

    CES Information

    I do have my laptop and mobile internet so I'll be posting and answering as many e-mails as I can while I'm here