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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    Sundown Audio NS-1 drop-in test on 12v

    Yes on the 18s.
  2. sundownz

    Sundown Audio NS-1 drop-in test on 12v

    The protection is ~8.5v but I'm not going to recommend it that low for very much play time
  3. sundownz

    Sundown Audio NS-1 drop-in test on 12v

    I wouldn't really suggest running them down so low continuously and I'm not sure about that rumors origin ? We did make them to run UP TO 19v (as much as 19.5v depending on the circuit tolerance) rather than the more standard 17.9v
  4. sundownz

    !!! Sundown SA-8 v.2 PRE-ORDER !!!

    Don't miss your chance to pre-order these!
  5. sundownz

    !!! Sundown SA-8 v.2 PRE-ORDER !!!

    0.5 to 0.75 each depending on your power -- tuned low... 30-35 thanks, im going to be running a crescendo 3500 for power. what port area would you recommend? For daily about 12 in^2 each
  6. sundownz

    Sundown E-10/12/15 PRE-ORDER

    These are due on Friday -- preorder is over.
  7. sundownz

    Sundown E-10/12/15 PRE-ORDER

    Original Discussion Thread I expect to have this in by first of February if not sooner (working on better ETA). Production on the steel parts started first of last month but I am being conservative with the ETA due to the continually increasing delays we have experienced this year on production. Due to popular demand I'll go ahead and open pre-ordering on these models. E-10 D2 / D4 - $89 EACH ($105 regular) E-12 D2 / D4 - $94 EACH ($110 regular) E-15 D2 / D4 - $110 EACH ($130 regular) Shipped in the continental 48 states. Hawaii and AK e-mail for quotes. !!! USA ONLY !!! You can PAYPAL us at [email protected] OR order from your favorite local or online retailer during this pre-order sale. I do expect the first production run to sell very quickly so if your heart is set on these go ahead and get them now. !!! FRAMES WILL BE BLACK ON PRODUCTION !!! ---------- Weights : 10 - 16.4 lbs 12 - 16.9 lbs 15 - 17.8 lbs Mounting Depths : 10 - 5.5" 12 - 6.25" 15 - 7.0" Add 5/16" for production due to the spacer I'm adding. All subs have 12mm one-way linear x-max by 70% BL method. ---------- Thermal test completed @ 60 Hz sine wave : TIME // CLAMPED WATTS At ~400 the heat wasn't building up any faster than it could be dealt with as demonstrated by the minimal drop in power over time once it hit operating temp. So I feel the 400 RMS rating is well deserved -- it could literally handle that "all day" so to speak. Then we hit it with more power after the typical 5 minute test as we normally do... it took over 2 minutes at 500-700 after that to kill it. Conclusion... thermal capacity is a non-issue on this design @ 400 RMS. Little inside view after we cut it up : ---------- Testing 400-watt E-15 prototype in free air. As per my comments in the video we'll have 8mm more rearward clearance on production (16mm p-p) so the driver will support even more throw before any mechanical tapping. ---------- E-10 : D2 Specs D4 Specs ---------- E-12 : D2 Specs D4 Specs ---------- E-15 : D2 Specs D4 Specs
  8. sundownz

    Jacob's CES Schedule - January 2012

    Made it back in one piece! Now to catch up.
  9. I will be out of town from January 7th to 17th this year for CES and another business trip on the west coast. I will be back to work on January 18th. I will answer as many e-mails as possible but do not be surprised if you don't get a response for a while -- while I am gone the shop will be staffed but some things that I am still working on training others to do will have to wait until I get back or at the least take much longer to get done. You can still reach Brandon or Debbie by e-mail for sales and tech questions : [email protected] -- Tech Questions, Misc Questions. [email protected] -- Ordering Questions Oddball orders for strange parts or stuff from the back room sales and whatnot will likely have to wait until I get back. Most "regular" orders will still be going out. Don't be surprised if there are longer ship times that normal, though. Some pre-order items will arrive while I'm gone -- most will likely still go out without any issue.
  10. sundownz

    Sundown E-10/12/15 PRE-ORDER

    You could use them IB -- of course with the typical mechanical handling trade-off of IB. The E line is very rugged mechanically, though, so it will still take alot to hurt them mechanically in IB
  11. sundownz

    Jacob's CES Schedule - January 2012

    On my plan from Vegas to Minneapolis right now on some in-flight internet... as long as we don't miss our connection in MN I'll be at work tomorrow.
  12. Kind of a funny video of Paco playing his truck yesterday. It's getting louder and louder. I think it has even more in it... 153 @ 25 Hz 154 @ 33 Hz 155 @ 45 Hz Very flat too... we haven't metered higher yet, though. 12x Obsidian 12s 3x SAZ-3500Ds 7x XS Power D1000s charging 18.8v
  13. The new NS v.3 15" woofer powered by 2500 @ 1 ohm pushed all the way into audible clipping. No sweat for this bad boy :thumbsup: ORIGINAL THREAD : Car Audio Classifieds ----------
  14. Some may recall the 2008 prototype "Monster" woofer that inspired features later found in several other drivers we make today. It's been shelved for some time... but a second revision of the prototype has been started on and we'll have some testing coming up. * Compounded smooth machining on the top plate with the NS v.2 style cross drilling. I am testing more with a top shorting ring on this design -- that is not necessarily something that will see production. * Again you see numerous smooth transitions on the back plate so we don't have excess steel where it's not needed (weight concerns). Also makes it look very interesting and unique. The goal is to replicate what I liked about the "Monster" prototype and to address some things I thought could be better. It will not actually be called Monster for legal reasons... but we call it that as a nick-name. This is a triple stack 250mm (10 inch) slug design like the Monster v.1 prototype... so it's very heavy and has a bunch of motor force behind it.
  15. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Correct. The Z v.3 performance has been so good I decided to simply step the Nightshade up to this level to really distinguish it.
  16. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    The 12-layer coils compared to an NS v.2 coil -- they are shorter but much wider and they use a VERY thick winding. These coils offer the most motor force in this motor and incredible thermal capacity. We'll also do testing with 8-layer round coils as another option -- details will come out on those as we do the testing of course
  17. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    I am uploading a video now... should be about 45 minutes or so. I played it free air with everything an SAZ-2500D @ 1 ohm has in it... even pushed into audible clipping. The cone hit my knuckle and scraped some skin off during the video too *laughs* It moves with a ton of authority. You can actually feel the difference while holding it compared to our other big subs.
  18. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Few other points... 1) The stock spider will be the Z v.3 style spiders with an extra layer added -- just like the prototype I built up. 2) In addition to the extra layer I am looking at triple lead wires standard. 3) The power rating will naturally be more than 2000... I was thinking 2500 or so as our rating on it. 4) In addition to the 12-layer flats I will probably stock an 8-layer round coil as well.
  19. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    *drum roll* Everyone meet the NS v.3 motor. Minus the top shorting ring and a few minor internal changes that we worked out on the Z v.3 design ... and we'll have them in the 1st half of this year. Due to the size of the motor in 15s and 18s only.
  20. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Funny story... I grabbed the original Monster v.1 prototype the other day for the first time in a while so I could power test some amps (as it's damn near impossible to blow the thing) and thought "MAN this thing is heavy!" as it's about 90 lbs... then I grabbed the v.2 and realized it's not nearly as heavy. Well thinking back I never weighed the v.2 prototype and it is alot lighter than I assumed it was. Amazing how being so busy you forget to do simple things. All the shaping I did on the steel cut off WAY more weight than I thought. Which means, what ? I can use standard frames without them snapping off. So what can that mean ?!
  21. sundownz

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Is everyone ready for some news about this prototype ?
  22. sundownz

    Sundown NeoPro 6.5" Pre-Order

    No problem I expect these to be hot sellers once people hear them for sure.
  23. sundownz

    Sundown E-10/12/15 PRE-ORDER

    This pre-order will be over as soon as I get back from CES. I get back the 17th and back to work on the 18th... so you have until the 18th to get orders in @ this price.
  24. sundownz

    X-12 prototype box built and installed

    Excellent, that sub should get quite loud without a ton of juice
  25. sundownz

    Some NS-1 News

    The amps are in California at the moment from our current update (just now) -- they should arrive at our shop shortly after CES. I know some people have been anxiously awaiting this ! Here are a few pics of a complete product from the factory :