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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    !!! Sundown SA-8 v.2 PRE-ORDER !!!

    The SA-8 v.2 is a LARGE order of magnitude superior to the original SA-8 in terms of mechanical clearance, stability, and noise. Any output gains would be 35 Hz on down -- if that is what you want the v.2 is definitely for you. If your 8s move alot the v.2 will be a better driver overall.
  2. What is commonly denied online... but is a fact... is that we did some tweaking on that board, including the protect circuit, to make it suitable for what we wanted. Note also that your board has 80v filter caps and all but the 1st run of 1500Ds has 100v... few other minor things too. I will not release the information, though, as we do similar tweaks to all of our Class-D amps.
  3. sundownz

    NS-1s Are Here !

    No problem. Our guys in Russia have done a large amount of testing on them -- you can feel free to ask Skillz about them as he is our Russian distributor and very knowledgeable on the amps.
  4. sundownz

    NS-1s Are Here !

    Again... these are all sold and accounted for. Watch out for next pre-order soon. Should be much faster this time as our rectifiers are in stock now. We'll be testing them and shipping next week.
  5. sundownz

    NS-1s Are Here !

    We rate it 6500 RMS per my above post I simply compared length to a 5k amp -- as it's only about 2" longer than most amps rated for 5k -- making it about 3-4" shorter than most amps in it's actual clamped power class.
  6. sundownz

    NS-1s Are Here !

    Jacob can you email us the info, i'll get this up on the shop Thank you. I'll have it up on the dealer cart next week.
  7. sundownz

    NS-1s Are Here !

    It is actually quite short for the power... around 2" bigger than most 5k amps. We rate it 6500 RMS... it has clamped out close to this at ~10 volts. Check out the clamps posted by "Skillz" The length is 29" long x 12 1/8" wide.
  8. sundownz

    NS-1s Are Here !

    The 2nd run pre-order has started... the official thread will be up next week but we've already sold about 1/3rd of then run before even making the thread... so they'll go fast. USA pre-sale is $1500 for end customers; e-mail me for ordering -- dealers / Team members can email me as well. For those than can't make the 2nd run there shouldn't be as big of a gap from 2nd to 3rd run as there is from 1st to 2nd. ETA is May-June on them... as always with pre-orders it is subject to unforeseen delays.
  9. sundownz

    !!! Sundown SA-8 v.2 PRE-ORDER !!!

    As is typical with our pre-sales... it runs until shortly before they arrive or until they are sold out.
  10. sundownz

    E12 cutout diameter?

    It's slightly over the standard cut-out by around 1/8" or so.
  11. sundownz

    Amplifier Stock Announcement

    New 2012 Model Amps will start to roll out in May this year. We will be out of stock of almost all amplifiers until that time. We apologize for the period of no stock on the amplifiers but this is necessary to further increase the quality and performance of our products. We expected amplifier stock to hold out until May but record sales have made that impossible so we do appreciate all of our dealers and customers and their continued support. Stay tuned for information coming soon on the new 2012 models! Specifics : * SAX-125.2 still in stock * Final shipment of 2500s / 3500s due in about 30 days * Stocking dealers like WoofersEtc.com will still have some amps for a while if you need one!
  12. sundownz

    New Sundown Project Vehicle

    Big thanks to SHOK for our wiring ! Great look product here ! Brandon and I have been talking about the construction on and off waiting for some free time to get started. Getting the wire in is a good first step
  13. sundownz

    4x SA-8s + CRX -- Part II

    We've been SO busy that I still don't have my SPL 8s in here... but today I made some time... took the 16v stuff out, put a big 12v in back, and dropped an NS-1 in there. No testing today... just a picture of the NS-1 : Once the v.2 subs arrives I will drop in four of the "SPL" versions with CCAW coils and then later I will also build four customized with an extra spider to compare as well to see what does best for this car. So... stay tuned for that. I will get some NS-1 testing on the stock subs sometime soon, though.
  14. sundownz

    4x SA-8s + CRX -- Part II

    Car Audio Classifieds -- Part I of this project from April 2010. Continued from last year... since we proved the prior box worked so well even made from super low grade plywood we finally got around to making one from genuine Russian 13-ply birch plywood. Derrick was up for some testing yesterday and was able to stay up here to work on this box for me today -- on to the pictures : * Back wall cut -- have some weight on the port to hold the glue down for a bit as it will be permanently attached from the inside. * High strength 3M Epoxy glue to hold it in. * Derrick working on cutting out the rest of the pieces. * Front baffle completed with holes cut. * Rounded over internal braces (wave guide technology... LoL) * Cut-Outs rounded over on the inside * Glue is dried -- port is flushed into the inside wall of the box. * Epoxy bead around the outside of the port as well. Derrick had the idea to fill the whole area in with resin which I think I will do later on. * Box is coming together ! * High tech glue bottle ! * Box is really taking shape. * Braces inserted between the woofer holes. * Old box laying around still for reference. * Cheap pine wood -- 5 ply. * Nice birch wood -- 13 ply. * Port is locked in there for good by the side walls. * All outside edges rounded over. * Compared to old box front. * Compared to old box rear -- old box just had the port screwed to the back. ---------- Should have some results later today or tomorrow !
  15. sundownz

    Sundown : New 2012 Stuff

    Some info will appear shortly in the next week or two on the first two models that will be made for the new 2012 series!
  16. sundownz

    !!! Sundown SA-8 v.2 PRE-ORDER !!!

    Shouldn't be full. You can also contact Debbie : [email protected]
  17. sundownz

    Sundown E-15 Review by Skip01

    Originally posted on CACO : http://www.caraudioclassifieds.org/forum/sundown-audio/112578-sundown-400w-e-series-15-*vid*-*review*.html ---------- Quoted from Skip01's post below. ---------- Im horrible at writing reviews, but ill try too convey what im thinking too words. Well I guess ill start off by saying.....:thumbsup: Thumbs up Jacob on another HomeRUN id say. Just when we was all too believe SA was arguably the best bang for the buck sub out there....you come out with something that trumps it in price, and in my eyes....doesnt lose hardly any of the great qualities that we all loved about the SA. So when you pull it out of its packaging youre thinking, Hmmm...not much ass too it:icon_smile:..... My expectations was for it too be like most other subs in that lower rms range....like no matter what it should sound weak on low end, and mostly hollow when trying too put in a decent size ported box. Boy was i wrong. The first thing i noticed was the lowend.....JEBUS.....i mean it slaps you in the face when youre not expecting it.......its so unexpected from a sub in its range and cost point. It really sounds like a big boy woofer, lol, whatever that means, sounds so full and deep in all ranges. I had it in my daily challenge box(4.5cu@32hz) which some might think on the big side but it just works....and this sub thrived in it when i had low power on it.....prolly coulda been a lil smaller for peak SPL...but for daily i liked it I couldnt find a weak spot on it.....everything i played it just did it well.....BME CLick, Bass Ballin, Billie Jean, Beamer Benz(too name the Bs, lol)...Billie Jean was prolly my fav performance of the sub....just plays that bass line so smooth, every tone in its place where it should be....ear sex Even after numerous full tilt burps(3500 @ 1ohm) it still showed no signs of fatigue....just smiled and said....Welll? Im rambling here....so ill just say.....for the price, i find this damn near unbeatable for a daily driver.....price, performance, quality, just all exceeds expectations. Thanks again Jacob for this sub :hello::thumbsup:
  18. sundownz

    Sundown E-15 Review by Skip01

    Alright, I think I know what I want to do.... Although I tend to change my mind many time about things like this. haha. One E-15 D4 @ 2 Ohms on 500w in 4 ft^3 @ 30Hz with one 6" aero (17" long) which is 7.1 in^2 port area per cube. That should do very nicely.
  19. sundownz

    Sundown E-15 Review by Skip01

    Team Sundown decals are for our SPL team -- regular Sundown Audio decals can be purchased by anyone.
  20. sundownz

    Sundown E-15 Review by Skip01

    You can absolutely tune to 28-30 Hz, no problem ! Honestly 12.5 per cubic foot is too much for these daily. As they are a smaller motor driver they won't pressurize the port like a bigger motor driver... you would be more on par with 4-8 in^2 per cube. Which is anywhere from a single 4" aero-port to a single 6" aero-port. The smaller port will have a broader bandwidth as well. Thanks for the reply! And sounds good. It'll be some time before I get it. Every paycheck I get is gone soon as I get it haha. Saving for a car. But, I already have the amp... Its a Fosgate R500.1. Sorry I'm rambling, lol, I'm just excited, it will def be an upgrade over my sealed Rockford P2 12". I wanna do a slot port (just personal preference), I should still follow the 4-8 in^2 right? I was thinking a port 14.5" tall x 2" wide x 23" long, its just a hair over @ 8.25 in^2 and a 28Hz tune. Does this sound about right to you? Yes, still go with the suggested range -- 28-29 in^2 is MORE than enough port for the E-15.
  21. sundownz

    Sundown E-15 Review by Skip01

    You can absolutely tune to 28-30 Hz, no problem ! Honestly 12.5 per cubic foot is too much for these daily. As they are a smaller motor driver they won't pressurize the port like a bigger motor driver... you would be more on par with 4-8 in^2 per cube. Which is anywhere from a single 4" aero-port to a single 6" aero-port. The smaller port will have a broader bandwidth as well.
  22. sundownz

    NS-1s Are Here !

    First two getting installed today @ the shop :
  23. sundownz

    Obsidian audio?

    Just sharing my testing... Another one to try in the box programs... model the SA-8 v.1 and the SA-8 v.2 and tell me what, if any, difference you would expect at 30 Hz assuming they are both in 0.6 tuned to 35 Hz. The programs are not even close. There are too many dynamic parameters in speakers for the charts to be as accurate as we would hope in comparing drivers with significantly different design aspects from one another. I find them very useful to calculate port tuning, though!
  24. sundownz

    Obsidian audio?

    It really doesn't even do that... the real responses aren't like the graphs at all when we measured them. These days I don't use a box program for anything more than calculating port tuning as they are so often separated by a big margin from what really happens. How are you measuring them? SPL meter in the vehicle under power (~600 watts) at 5 Hz intervals. The giant peak on the ISD graph shown for the Skar woofer simply doesn't happen for instance... the shape of the response is very much like the Obsidian despite a VERY different model. ---- We use box programs to calculate port size and anechoic F3 -- then use knowledge of how things typically react in a car to suggest box spec to customers. Over-studying the graphs in box model programs is something I was VERY guilt of early in my audio years... but I've learned better Well of course the graphs don't match the program, you're measuring in-vehicle I think Duran's point was even though the box programs don't show in-vehicle response, you can compare the relative differences between two different subs. When placed in the same installation, while the response will change, that change will be common to both subs. So you can get an idea of relative differences even though actual response won't be exactly that of the program generated graph. With a little guesstimation you can get a general idea of how the in-vehicle response will look. I understand that... it's not my first day messing with speakers. All of the subs were compared in the same vehicle in the same boxes on the same day so the same transfer function applied to all of them... The large peak the program shows on the VVX does not happen AT ALL. Despite any transfer function added the peak would carry through if it existed. The program is showing large differences that simply aren't there -- eg: It is not accurate. If someone were to study these charts as a way to see "relative differences" between the subs they would gather information that is simply wrong and assume a massive difference in the response curves of the drivers that isn't real. Best case the programs are "better than nothing" -- worst case they give the wrong impression of what is going to happen as is the case of the graphs in this thread used as examples to compare the three woofers in question.
  25. sundownz

    NS-1s Are Here !

    The amp is raised up slightly at the base. Enough to get air in there.