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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    Two with cut mounting feet are now on e-bay : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=330328203523 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=330328203850 Other two still available as listed.
  2. sundownz

    New Box for the Jeep

    Doh.. that chit aint good. let me know if you need a hand with anything. Thanks for the offer I am almost done - just waiting on the filler neck hoses then I can put it all back in. Going back in will be easy as I'm using all new (non rusty) clamps!
  3. sundownz

    Sundown e8s

    Again... I could make one with a really high sensitivity - but it is not going to perform AT ALL sealed. Try sealing that Focal sub - it won't like it. Compare the E8 vs. a driver with a 6-8 dB higher sensitivity sealed and see which one has more output at 30 Hz in a sealed box
  4. sundownz

    new sundown amprack

    Wow - that looks GREAT !
  5. sundownz

    I have some used Nightshade Motors

    Only selling these built up.
  6. sundownz

    which amp?

    A 1500D will do nicely.
  7. sundownz

    SOME SAZ-3000D Availble

    100s of people are running these at 1/2 ohm.
  8. sundownz

    Sundown e8s

    IB has been done with them. Review posted on DIYMA.
  9. sundownz

    SAZ-1000D...... Question

    Either would work - you wouldn't blow the 80 running the amp at 1 ohm.
  10. sundownz

    SOME SAZ-3000D Availble

    E-Mail me about 2 or more together.
  11. sundownz

    SAZ-1000D...... Question

    Thought I just answered this... maybe it was another thread... 3x 30 amps.
  12. sundownz

    SOME SAZ-3000D Availble

    Yah - DJ has it now. It is getting re-built with a bunch of new stuff so the amps got traded in.
  13. sundownz

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    Pics of used 100.4s : Two of them have the mounting feet cut as pictured.
  14. sundownz

    Sundown Z15 Special Sale

    If you are looking to do a big build with these talk to me about 4+ !!!
  15. sundownz

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    About the same as the 3000D was regular price.
  16. sundownz

    SOME SAZ-3000D Availble

  17. sundownz

    Sundown e8s

    I think the next step up 8" will be close enough to the E8 in cost that we won't need the E8. It'll probably cost about 33% more and handle double the power thermally + have a cast frame.
  18. sundownz

    New Box for the Jeep

    It was barely leaking when you were here compared to this! I had a huge puddle under it... lost 1/8th of a tank in a few hours.
  19. sundownz

    Sundown SA-12 D4 Pre-Order

    Anybody have any questions about these ?
  20. sundownz

    Sundown e8s

    Notice that it is ported Super low Qts. Many people want to seal the E8 as well.
  21. sundownz

    Sundown e8s

    Let me break the laws of physics real quick, BRB I could do that but we would have a REALLY soft suspension and a very low Qts... not nearly the same low-end out of the driver and it would completely suck sealed.
  22. sundownz

    Sundown e8s

    I like em too - but I have to give people what they want, more power!
  23. sundownz

    Sundown e8s

    They are being discontinued. Every e-mail I get about E8s is "How much power can they take?!?!" or "Can I put 600 watts on it?!?!" so I am working on a higher powered 8" to replace it. More re-built units will be available from Mike Bruno around the time the SA-12s come in as I have more re-cones parts coming in with those.