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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    New Sundown owner!!!

    Just keeps getting louder
  2. sundownz

    I'm done with Sundown..

    I am going to close this thread - Chris @ dB-R has given the OP his number and e-mail so they can resolve any matters that way.
  3. sundownz

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order v.2

  4. sundownz

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order v.2

    Cart check-out added : http://www.sundownaudio.com/presale/
  5. sundownz

    I'm done with Sundown..

    Did you e-mail me ? I don't recall seeing one from you.
  6. sundownz

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    I just got some 4xl and 5xl in!
  7. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    If they do not sell out right away like the 3500s you can probably get them in October
  8. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    Rated Power / 12.8 volts : 4500 x 1 @ 1 ohm 2000 x 1 @ 2 ohms 900 x 1 @ 4 ohms Had a few questions about that.
  9. sundownz

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    Or simply Paypal me directly at [email protected]
  10. sundownz

    amp choice help

    An SAZ-1500D set up accordingly @ 0.75 would work great.
  11. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    Alot Fuse rating will be 250 amps per connector.
  12. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    My price? send to me via email that maybe I want 10 pieces We don't make them yet But when we do I'm sure some will go to Italy!
  13. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    Right - no trade-ins on this pre-order. It won't be that low But it will be less than $1200 for the first 30-days.
  14. sundownz

    amp for highs

    You can HPF up to 5000 on the 50.4 and 100.4
  15. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    Would be looking at an initial 30-day period with extra incentives (lower price) during the month of July... and then the pre-order would go on at the regular listed price of $1200 until mid October or so. This depends on if I feel like there is enough demand to do these at this time.
  16. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    I got 6900 @ 1.3 actual on 17.9v rest. Did not measure voltage drop. You can get close to 8k out of it with a rise closer to 1 ohm. With a rise to 2.12 I still got 5290 out of it
  17. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    Never happened. And no - it was $1200 http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=16799 This amp is actually more powerful than the 5k discussed before.
  18. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    Yes. The 3500D is a permanent product. The only reason the 3500D replaced the 3000D is that the cost was so close there was no reason to keep the 3000D around... we specifically designed the 3500D to replace it.
  19. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    Nuff' said (or pictured for that matter)
  20. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    There would be no trade-ins on this pre-order.
  21. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    FYI... ETA would be October if we did the money in by end of July deal.
  22. sundownz

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order v.2

    Oh yah
  23. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    Nothing will start until the 2000D pre-sale is over... so lets say if you had to have money by the end of July - would you buy one ?
  24. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    I think 8x 1500s is still a great plan for your setup Yah, these have dual inputs - the 3500D is the largest single input we will be making.
  25. sundownz

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    I was planning to do it at the end of the year or early next year... but if we have enough interest to get the first run pretty much sold I may move it up.