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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. Right. The "theory" of impedance rise assumes music is just like playing one sine wave after another and it is not.
  2. sundownz

    strapping ? and electrical ?

    Two 3500s on pre-order is only a little over that at 1700 total. You could strap at 2 ohms and get 1 ohm per amp. I'd get 3 or 4 XS Power D3100s.
  3. sundownz

    strapping ? and electrical ?

    Or perhaps use an SAZ-2000D per woofer at 1 ohm each ? I suggest a starting battery + XS Power D3100 per 2-3kw of power... and more than that if you run them at 1/2 ohm.
  4. sundownz

    strapping ? and electrical ?

    The new product pages are not entirely up to date on the 3500D and 2000D... working on that... should say 7000 strapped. For a real DAILY system the increased strain of 1/2 ohm is much more than most internet "experts" will lead you to believe... people still do it and may or may not break their amps, but it is a MUCH higher strain than 1 ohm.
  5. QUESTION FROM "atsaubrey": Since Sundowz brings up the issue, I would love to hear his take on low impedence loads period and how it effects things. Like, effciency, longevity, SQ, heat and electrical systems. I see it everyday on this forum, people asking can this or that amp run at .67 or .5 ohms although it is only rated at say 1ohm. Since the manufactuer stated the thread maybe people will listen. So Jake will you answer those questions? Jake at what impedence do you run your own personal gear at on a daily basis? --- MY ANSWER: If you look at a data sheet you can see that as a transistor gets hot it has a lower current rating... running an amp at a lower impedance increases the current passing through the transistors, heating them up, and progressively lowering their ability to handle the current until something fails. Dropping an amp to 1/2 ohm doubles the output current (up until the amp just can't put out more at least) and makes everything less efficient so the power supply in turn draws more current, often times inducing more voltage drop which calls for MORE current to maintain the same output level - again, turning into a cycle if it continues until something fails. Many amps are robust enough to handle this pretty well - but the more you push the amp and the more clipping that goes on you get closer to realizing the impedance chart I posted above for a square wave which can drop down VERY low. That sort of thing can destroy even a very robust amplifier design when you are already running at 1/2 or less of the rated impedance load. It all started with SPL competition... where you play ONE sine wave at a known impedance so you can get away with a really low nominal load. That is all well and good, but music is not a single sine wave - you do not know what the impedance curve can do and it CAN drop below the nominal load, unlike "common knowledge" on the forums may tell you.
  6. sundownz

    head units

    Not sure who told you they don't like over 3v... but the limit is 6v. There are issues with fancy RCA cable connectors, though, many times they don't make good contact. Cheaper cables don't have this problem. do u consider the knukonceptz krystal cables fancy? ... i just bought them and i am buying some sundown amps I have seen those work for people... anything with high tech looking ends on the cable has the potential to be an issue, but not always.
  7. sundownz

    strapping ? and electrical ?

    All of this talk about "with rise" for a daily system is BS... by the way. Half ohm nominal is half ohm nominal. Little more information about that : http://www.audiograph.se/subpages/technical/whatmakesagoodamplifier.htm "This proves to be very important, since a loudspeaker with a nominal impedance of 4 ohms will sometimes have an actual impedance of 1 ohm or less." It can be LESS than nominal on music.
  8. sundownz

    smoking subs

    The answer is you most likely won't tear up the amp but it is not impossible.
  9. sundownz


    One SAZ-1500D @ 1 ohm works quite well.
  10. sundownz

    Avalanche Rebuild

  11. sundownz

    head units

    Not sure who told you they don't like over 3v... but the limit is 6v. There are issues with fancy RCA cable connectors, though, many times they don't make good contact. Cheaper cables don't have this problem.
  12. sundownz

    saz 3500 or 4500 for one 18 Btl

    For ONE BTL you don't need any more than a 3500D.
  13. sundownz

    (2) saz 3500D's or (1) saz 4500D

    I'd go with one 4500D. While the BTL may handle the 3500 each if you are careful, IMO, you don't need that much on them to work well.
  14. sundownz

    SA-10 and SA-15 Factory Pictures

    You should get some Kurt
  15. sundownz

    New Shirts - IA Downfall Series

    Nice shirt guys!
  16. sundownz

    dB-R Refurbished Specials !

    Special is still going !
  17. sundownz

    SAE 1200D Wiring

    KLM is fine for your 1200D.
  18. They perform just like a 1500D with more power.
  19. DO NOT DO IT, PERIOD. The Brazil amps are all very high voltage designs... no reason to run them under 1 ohm anyway. Try to re-wire higher... such as 1.33
  20. sundownz


    There are a few 100 out there -- good luck finding them
  21. sundownz

    SAE 1200D Wiring

    I highly suggest 1/0
  22. sundownz

    Uniform Amp Clamp Test

    Mmmmm... I can't really get it wired right in the Jeep to the subs without completely re-doing all the wiring.
  23. sundownz

    SA-10 and SA-15 Factory Pictures

    Indeed, this is our 600-watt line. They do look just like a little Monster, though They have the same cooling.
  24. sundownz

    bass boost : how to use it ?

    They are all remote gain knobs.