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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    18" Nightshade Box Build

    Sounds like you could fit two woofers... back chamber is a LITTLE small for two 18s but sounds perfect for two 15s.
  2. sundownz

    Sundown Amplifiers

    Which 100.4 version ?
  3. sundownz

    18" Nightshade Box Build

    How many subs ?
  4. sundownz

    Jacob's Wall Build Log

    Probably not -- will likely have the Jeep.
  5. sundownz

    Jacob's Wall Build Log

    Got a little work done : I decided to use 2x8" lumber rather than 2x4" lumber... LOT less cutting.
  6. sundownz

    What amp to take for a 15' Xcon @ 2Ohms?

    Indeed -- I accidentally sent USPS last time as I had a big batch of stuff going USPS.
  7. sundownz

    look what i did!!!

    Nice - I would have bought it at that
  8. sundownz

    Driver Displacement

    ~0.15 cubes
  9. sundownz

    ?s regarding 12" nightshade

    really? i thought that played a large role. like i thought if it was 90db sensitive and u had 2 it would be 93 and then you double the wattage each time and that increases the db by 3 ... then if u have a hatch it adds around 16db Not at all on subwoofers -- lower sensitivity drivers tend to have MORE low-end output.
  10. sundownz

    4x Used SAZ-3000D Available

    Looks like I have one left.
  11. sundownz

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    That is fine -- please tell SSA to include the shirt w/ the order so they can add it to your PO.
  12. sundownz

    Little Behind on E-Mails

    Hey guys, not avoiding anyone but I am behind on e-mails by a day or two due to the holiday. Will work to get through them as soon as I can.
  13. sundownz

    Stetsom Amps.

    The SAZ-4500D is capable of 5 kw + on a 12v system and 7 kw + on an 18v system.
  14. sundownz

    What amp to take for a 15' Xcon @ 2Ohms?

    Refurbished from dB-R are as good as new. I would actually suggest to strap two SAZ-1000D @ 2 ohms for the Xcon.
  15. sundownz

    Re-Coned SI BM 10s Blowout - $60 + Shipping Each

    I have a bunch of e-mails that I still am trying to get to !
  16. sundownz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    SAX-50.4 is plenty... those are rated 60 RMS and the 50.4 can do over 60 per channel.
  17. sundownz

    Just ordered my 3kd

    From dB-R ? Excellent pricing on those for sure!
  18. sundownz

    4x Used SAZ-3000D Available

    I believe that kit is pretty complete with everything you need.
  19. sundownz

    4x Used SAZ-3000D Available

    Any specific questions feel free to ask. Basically hook up battery + and - and remote... then RCA cables... then speaker wires. Done!
  20. sundownz

    B-Stock / Used Motor Nightshades - BLOW OUT

    900 would be okay -- just specify for 2 spiders instead of 3.
  21. sundownz

    4x Used SAZ-3000D Available

    Wiring is easy -- the manual has instructions
  22. sundownz

    Different versions of the 18" Nightshade??

    We have the pole plug (which is now standard) and a longer coil (which all 18s have had and is now standard) and can also add more spiders if necessary.
  23. sundownz

    4x Used SAZ-3000D Available

    These are used. dB-R are refurbished and a great deal.
  24. sundownz

    4x Used SAZ-3000D Available

    They are just used.
  25. sundownz

    Strapped SAZ-3000D's engine noise

    Your RCA connector may be loose or cracked - that is a thought.