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Everything posted by sundownz

  1. sundownz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    If you plan to use the internal crossover scratch the 50.4 off, you can't band-pass bridged... the 100.2 crossover is also not flexible enough to band-pass... so that leaves 125.2
  2. sundownz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    Efficiency is the same among all three amps. Yes, I am 3 way active with a 50.4 and a 125.2
  3. sundownz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    And some people are... ? I run them active in my own car... so does Brandon... and so do 100s of other people around the world. The Seas drivers are quite efficient, IMO, 8 ohms should be just fine on a 100.4
  4. sundownz


    Did you get my e-mail about the parts Gary ?
  5. sundownz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    ALL of our amps have a remote GAIN. On the four channels it only controls CH 3+4 when the LPF is on.
  6. sundownz

    12" SA S quailty sound

    We have one SQ review as well : http://www.sundownaudio.com/index.php/reviews/sa-12-reviews.html
  7. sundownz

    Lots of 18s

    It is SICK
  8. sundownz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    They are awesome, honestly... but people think "50 watts" is not enough. If anyone heard Brandon's absolutely deafening front speakers with two 50.4s powering EIGHT sets of Rockford Power components they would immediately change their mind.
  9. sundownz

    15" nightshade specs.

    50mm is P-P So 25mm each way relatively linear. Leaving the linear realm they will "throw" up until the frame runs out of room.
  10. sundownz

    POS SAZ 1000D

    I should make PA speakers Seems like everyone outside of the continental USA is using lots of them.
  11. sundownz

    SD1v2's again :)

    1.5 cubes each
  12. sundownz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    Substantially more features -- read the specs pages for the amps it tells you what you need to know.
  13. sundownz

    16 Sundown sa-12s Build

    The price doesn't hurt
  14. sundownz

    Sundown SAE-1200D v.2 Pre-Sale OPEN

    We are working on the multi-channels.
  15. sundownz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    SAX model efficiency is all the same. Heat-sinks are now the same. The 100.4 has THE best crossovers.
  16. Hey guys, I have about 50 e-mails I am behind on -- I am working as fast as I can on them =) Most are about the BM 10s -- I am trying to get caught up on the ones already sold before responding, so don't worry, I got your message ! Been house shopping for the past week and have had some big projects like DJ's truck with the 32 speakers go on... so sorry again for the delays.
  17. sundownz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    Each PAIR of channels is mono... bridge both sets and you still have two channels (stereo).
  18. sundownz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

  19. sundownz

    POS SAZ 1000D

    Congrats on the first place !
  20. sundownz

    MIDWEST SPL Finals 2009

    Still love that box... looks so cool ! Congrats !
  21. sundownz

    prepped ready for install

    Neat - where did those bad boys come from ?
  22. sundownz

    16 Sundown sa-12s Build

    That is sick in the Excursion