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Everything posted by Bluewonder

  1. Bluewonder

    Rodek 2300i 450li 650i

    Thnx a lot.. Think he might have the most stuff bout this amps.. or knows where to get it from Hopefully he reads his emails more often than he is online on here
  2. Bluewonder

    Rodek 2300i 450li 650i

    Hi Folks. I am from germany and searching for documentary and parts like connection terminals and so on for the one and only RODEK Amp series. Hope u guys can help me out as these amp
  3. Bluewonder

    Rodek 2300i 450li 650i

    nothing new? It would be nice if mr.Mantz takes a look at his forum ;-)
  4. Bluewonder

    Rodek 2300i 450li 650i

    I need everything u got ;-) I am trying to get as much information and parts as possible.
  5. Bluewonder

    Rodek 2300i 450li 650i

    wow.. very nice Amp.... did u polish it? or was it thrown in a chrombath? ;-) I think about making mine as "shiny" as your one. Thank u very very much for the brochure!!! i downloaded all pics :-) Do you have any connections to get Parts for these Amps?
  6. Bluewonder

    Rodek 2300i 450li 650i

    I am sure u don
  7. Bluewonder

    Rodek 2300i 450li 650i

    The amp on the picture is an 4501i 5channel amp. Would be great if you could scan the manual. I have nothing about these Amps just an Data sheet of the whole Series. Yeah it
  8. Bluewonder

    Rodek 2300i 450li 650i

    No more responses? I cant believe that there is no one out there who hasn
  9. Bluewonder

    Rodek 2300i 450li 650i

    sure. That would be fantastic. I am sure that someone here will have the wiring diagramm too B) U can mail it to: [email protected]