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Everything posted by mariobjones

  1. mariobjones

    2 SSA ICON 15s in 2002 Grand Prix

    Lol actually I broke this one on accident, drilling down in reverse lol. It was tragic!! Got a sweet steal on the birch 2 sheets for $20 lol
  2. mariobjones

    2 SSA ICON 15s in 2002 Grand Prix

    Uploading pics now of build!! Will do a demo video tomorrow!!! SAW DUSt ON ICON UPLOADING REST OF PICS TOMORROW AND VIDEO OF THE FLEX. You guys let me know if it's the loudest car trunk with real trunk!!!
  3. mariobjones

    2 SSA ICON 15s in 2002 Grand Prix

    Massive audio amp gave me problems.. Heated knu koncept fire. So I have that amp under my bed collecting dust. I have now temporarily a MA 4500 amp. On one Ssa 15 icon, and I can say that it is really pushing that sub!! Getting a nice flex with just one. Building other sub box tomorrow. Oh and peal n seal is freaking awesome. I just have one layout on trunck lid, and theirs zero vibration!! Will be doing another layer in wheel well, and double trunk lid when I install the other Ssa icon. My setup should be complete just in time for Mardi GRAS weekend!!! Hell YEaHH!!!
  4. Finished one box you guys!! Working on other box probably omorrow

    1. bcst86


      any pics? how do you like the icons

    2. mariobjones


      I'm going to try and do a video today of how they preform!

  5. mariobjones

    3000wattsrms...what is needed/

    Its good to allow for 100A of current for every 1,000W of power you plan to run. Keep in mind the most cars will need about 50A to power the vehicle's electronics, so for anything over 1,500W-2,000W, we would recommend a 250A alternator. In many occasions more than one alternator may be required to continuously power a stereo at 14V at full volume. Very good info!! But in my case, not to topic jack or anything. I have an grand prix, running 2 SSA Icon 15 drivers off an Massive Audio 3k rms. I don't have enough room for multiple alts. I currently have factory alt. Looking to get an custom built alt for about 250-300 amps!! Also I have just 1 kinetik, upgrading to a couple XS Batteries.
  6. mariobjones

    looking for a tl in houston

    What about around the airport on telephone rd. Their has been a couple of shows at the car audio shop
  7. mariobjones

    2 SSA ICON 15s in 2002 Grand Prix

    Thanks bro lol
  8. mariobjones

    2 SSA ICON 15s in 2002 Grand Prix

    Will take pic in the AM of how one looks in trunk. And pics of build
  9. mariobjones

    2 SSA ICON 15s in 2002 Grand Prix

    Ok you guys, finished one box!! Looking pretty good!! And looks like it's gonna be an tight fit!
  10. mariobjones

    looking for a tl in houston

    I'm also down for a few demo's. In process of building box. Finished with one box, gotta do one more for the other 15 Ssa icon. Looking forward to a meet you guys!! Pm me with time and date you guys wanna meet up!!
  11. mariobjones

    2 SSA ICON 15s in 2002 Grand Prix

    Working on build now!! Got my dimensions. 30.75Wx16Hx12.0. 2.3cuft. Each box. Official car space 36in. Across, 41in long, and 17in tall. (under-rated measurements) need to pick up wood glue now, and terminals!! Will update pics in a few hours.
  12. Working on box today for my two icon 15s

  13. mariobjones

    got some questions for crx set up

    Yeah bro, looking for pics
  14. mariobjones

    ordering xcons today...HELP!!!

    I agree get the 3500.
  15. mariobjones

    monte carlo ss wall build

    Looks like a very interesting build!! Nice list of equipment!! Thousands of dollars well spent!!
  16. Yeah bro everything sounds good, make sure to pick up extra battery for rear
  17. mariobjones

    Just got the best deal EVER!!

    I saw it in the announcement section. Nice sig!!
  18. I just purchased some SSA ICON 15s (2) for $90!! Their not the 2010 version, but still, that's a steal!! Right?
  19. mariobjones

    Head unit for SSA setup

    Good point. Might have to YouTube them both to see how fast they react compared to each other.
  20. Which one would you guys go with? The pioneer flip out or kenwood flipout? I've used the kenwood, and may buy today. Need opinions on how fast compared they are. Features don't matter, only backup cam and variation of eq setting.
  21. Depending on budget that is, like everyone said, if you can afford a good ho alt, then that's the way to go, but battery should hold you up until to decide to upgrade alt.
  22. Looks like a big battery would be your fix for dimming lights, also will help amp. Just do big 3 upgrade, and alt can wait.
  23. mariobjones

    Head unit for SSA setup

    I currently have an regular hd cd receiver, but wanted to go with the touchscreen 7". I've used pioneer for 3+ years they their awesome!!
  24. Check RCAs on amp, shake em to see if it changes. Also, I would with an different amp!! Might be an problem inside amp also, experienced that myself. And if you believe it's the RCAs behind head unit, you may wanna ground them. Can I ask what type of RCAs your running, and highs amp?
  25. mariobjones

    Help with choosing subs.

    I know bro, icons, and xcons, should be on that list!!! SPL is awesome, and they get very loud!!