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Everything posted by ChevyBoy95

  1. ChevyBoy95

    little vid of the level 5 18

    well the box has 90 angled steel with about 15 screws through a platform under it that has 4x4s for legs and it is held down with the seat bolts in the back, i slammed on the brakes today cause of some jackass and it didnt budge. the weight itself keeps it back there too. all the weight is low, amps are about 8in off the floor, magnet is about 10in off the floor, battery is on the platform 4in from the floor, etc. Is the platform made out of 2x4s? half a sheet of .75in MDF. 4 4x4 feet on each side and a 2x4 across the middle so it touches the arch that goes down the center line of my console. I have stood on it multiple times, and i weight 275lbs and it doesnt flex.
  2. ChevyBoy95

    little vid of the level 5 18

    well the box has 90 angled steel with about 15 screws through a platform under it that has 4x4s for legs and it is held down with the seat bolts in the back, i slammed on the brakes today cause of some jackass and it didnt budge. the weight itself keeps it back there too. all the weight is low, amps are about 8in off the floor, magnet is about 10in off the floor, battery is on the platform 4in from the floor, etc.
  3. ChevyBoy95

    MECHMAN T-SHirts!!!

    ordering right now, any chance of more colors?
  4. ChevyBoy95


    there was a quake?
  5. or the video of that avatar??? lol i had a vid of it, but forgot i recorded it in 30fps which made it look like i had a 12 on camera. I need to take some new shots with the 60fps.
  6. ChevyBoy95

    Is a Db a Db?

    wouldnt feel or sound the same, with the multiple 15s you would have more air movement drastically changing the environment your in to a message chair rather than something that makes your nose itch. Ive gone from 1 15 to 2 15s (and went from 1k to 2krms) and it went from loud to loud where your ears would hurt also instead of shaking a few things a little, my dash was shaking, along with the steering wheel and about everything in the truck. as far as burp to burp like 1 12 doing a 140 and 2 12s doing a 140, i have no clue. all i know is more power with more cone area makes a big difference.
  7. well, i have a ton of flexing issues to deal with now. bish gets looooooow
  8. ChevyBoy95

    new here

    ive been a member of the forum since January but was never really active. My name is Travis and im from Houston and currently I have 2 aq1200ds and will be getting my lvl 5 18 in shortly. Kicker/soundstream Mids/highs. I drive a 95 chevy truck. oldset up newest setup (still waiting on sub)
  9. just a thought, the scendo super tweets have a freq response of 3khz - 22khz, 6w4ps freq response is 80hz - 9khz. Where whould this "gap" come from?
  10. ChevyBoy95

    Look familiar?

    a few forums have matching skins.
  11. ChevyBoy95

    Just Joined a Gym and need Some Advice.

    i am kinda in the same situation, but im 6'4" and 275. Was 290 a month and a half ago. If you just limit your eating and dont eat junk, no fast food... (once every two weeks to treat yourself), no soda at all, nothing with sugar as far as drinks. I ate 3 smaller portioned meals than normal each day with a snack or two ranging from a nature valley bar to an apple. With basically no change in physical activity i started loosing weight. Drink lots of water with meals, and ride a bike or something, but then again, you have gym membership.
  12. if he doesnt have problems, there really isnt a reason to mess with something that works...
  13. yup, it might have been causing clipping aka another source for heat.
  14. i got you. yea looks like its bridged. You said they were wired to 2 ohms, so 2 ohms bridged is to low of an ohm load. That amp only allows 4 ohms bridged. That low ohm load could cause a lot of heat depending on how hard you are pushing them. edit: for the time being, i would re wire the subs to 4 ohms each (each sub in series) and then wire 1 sub to each channel. its all you really can do to make it proper and most likely not overheat.
  15. then the culprit is most likely heat causing it to protect, is your amp bridged? and you might want to try going easy on the amp and see how long it stays on on a small load rather than trying to get it really loud. and monitor the temp of the amp.
  16. if everything is done right and you have the enough power, there will be some boom. and when you get the multimeter, put it in your glove box and leave it there, its what i do and say if your car wont start, you can check the battery, see if the alt is charging, etc. Its good for car audio but much more too. thats just it tho, i dont think i have enough power. i need someone to look at my car, there are so many things that a trained eye would look at and say thats your problem but i dont kno enough about it to kno take some pictures, upload them to photobucket, and post them here. i mean no offense or anything but what can you see? forget that, what specifically do you want pictures of? ground location, how the wires connect to the amp, etc. just random stuff that maybe doesnt look right to us that could possibly help us diagnose why the amp shuts off. personally i think it is heat from the too low of ohm load or just pure stress from pushing the amp to its limits.
  17. if everything is done right and you have the enough power, there will be some boom. and when you get the multimeter, put it in your glove box and leave it there, its what i do and say if your car wont start, you can check the battery, see if the alt is charging, etc. Its good for car audio but much more too. thats just it tho, i dont think i have enough power. i need someone to look at my car, there are so many things that a trained eye would look at and say thats your problem but i dont kno enough about it to kno take some pictures, upload them to photobucket, and post them here.
  18. What was your first need for help?? Boom is no good if it shuts off after a few minutes. when i crank the volume the amp shuts off, i dont think i have enough power, but at the same time the guy i got it from was fine so??? there are a lot of factors that play a part in if something works. there are many variables that could change from his vehicle to yours.
  19. if everything is done right and you have the enough power, there will be some boom. and when you get the multimeter, put it in your glove box and leave it there, its what i do and say if your car wont start, you can check the battery, see if the alt is charging, etc. Its good for car audio but much more too.
  20. ChevyBoy95


    This makes me proud to say I live in SC. /Sarcasism. :Shakeshead: i love the first part, "i have a 15" sundown audio SA-12"
  21. ChevyBoy95


    here is a quote a guy posted on a different forum.
  22. click this, its the multimeter we are talking about, only 5 bucks edit: just use the store locator and find a harbor freight in your area.
  23. yea the harbor fright one is cool, i have one, and they are a few bucks i think. the only thing, yes youtube is great for learning but there is also a lot of people on youtube who dont know much and make videos about stuff that's way over their head.
  24. are there only two wires from the box going to the amp? if so your probably wired to 2 ohms bridged when the minimum for bridged is 4 ohms.
  25. i wouldnt do it, and first if the two subs are in separate boxes, they need to be the same exact specifications or the subs wont act the same even if on the same amp/power. second, the first pic looks like where the sub is located with the port could cause loading issues. Third, do like what was said above, dont buy the amp, save up and get an amp that matches the coil config and puts out 1000-1500 watts rms. what are the coil configs on the subs? (dual 2 or dual 4)